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Whitehill (Dalhousie) and Goetox Coal
AND Brick Depots, St Leonard's and Leith
â– walk stations ; "William Fisher, agent
Whitelaw, James, Granton cottages
TThitelaw, James, traveller, 3 Hugh Miller pi.
Wtitela'^, James, clock and watch maker, 30
West Register st. ; house, 30 St James' sq.
"WTiitelaw, M., 4 Comely bank
Whitelaw, Mrs M. , 28 Minto street
Whitelaw, Miss, 22 Brougham street
Whitson, John, tailor, 121 Rose street
"Whitson, Thomas, commission agent, 13 Ran-
keillor street .
Whitson, Thomas, 30a Minto street
Whitson, William, printer, 138 Nicolson st.
Whitson. Mrs George, 3 Young street
Whitson, Mrs J., 3 Duncan street
Whitson, Mrs, 7-1 Queen street
Whitson, Miss L, Echo bank
Whittaker, Alfred, refreshment rooms, 17
High street
WTiitten, J. C, sheriif-clerk depute, 3 Duncan
Whitten, R. H., auctioneer and appraiser, 4
North Bank street ; house, above
Whittet, James, 2 East Broughton place
Whittet, John, 39 George square
Whittet, William, 10 Buccleuch street
Whittey. J., broker, 51 St Andrew st., Leith
Whyte & Lindsay, builders, 6 Heriot terrace
Whyte, Andrew, & Son, wholesale stationers,
2 North St David street
Whyte, R., & Son, hardware merchants, 213
High street
Whyte, Alexander (.4. W. S,- Son), 1 Howe st.
Whyte, Alexander, 1 South Charlotte street
Whyte, Andrew, engineer, new land, Albany
street, Leith
WHYTE, CLEMENT, North British marble
works, Canonmills ; house, 1 Henderson
row. 'ii See Adv. p. 56
Whyte, David, K.B., 38 Findhorn place
Whyte, David, grain merchant, 3 Park street
Whyte, David, 46 Earl Grey street
Whyte, George, 2 Crichton street
Whyte, George Scott, baker, 106 Rose street
Whyte, Heniy, 4 George place
Whyte, James {Carfrae S,- W.), 2 Hay's court
White, James, grocer and spirit dealer, 30
Dean street ; house, 3 1
Wkyte, John, builder, 6 Heriot terrace
Whyte, John, commercial traveller, Verbena
cottage, Murray street, Sciennes hill
Whyte, Robert {G.P.O.), 9 Livingstone place
Whyte, Thomas B. (G.P.O.), 20 Spittal street
Whyte, William, hardware merchant, 213
High street ; house, 8 Merchiston crescent
Whyte, William, 4 Ratcliffe terrace
Whyte, William, smith, and masons' tool
manufacturer, 1 Claualpine buildings
Whyte, W. R., accountant, 38 Findhorn pi.
Whyte, Mrs C, ladies' nm-se, 8 William st.
Whyte, Mrs Thomas, 9 South-east Circus pi.
Whyte, Mrs William, 1 Carlton street
Whyte, Mrs, 9 Castle terrace
Whyte, Mrs, 19 India street
Whyte, Miss, 4 Lansdowne crescent, and New-
halls villa. South Queensferry
Whyte, Miss, shirtmaker, 2 West Richmond
Whyte, Misses, 25 Pitt street
Whytock, Richard, & Co., carpet manu-
factm-ers to Her Majesty, cabinetmakers,
upholsterers, and decorators, dealers in fur-
niture stuffs, house agents, and funeral con-
ductors, 9 and 11 George street, Rose court,
and 13 George street
Whytock, James, 13 Upper Grove place
AThytt, ilisses, 28 Howard place
Wick, Mrs A., spirit merchant, 12 Shore
Wickham, Major Richard Straker, 32 Ran-
keillor street
Wickham, R. H. B., L.R.C.P.E., assistant
physician. Royal Edinburgh Asylum,
Wicks, Mrs,. 52 Hanover street
Wicks, Miss E., furrier, 42 Thistle street
Wigham, Mrs John, 5 South Gray street
Wight & Robertson, ironfounders and en-
gineers, Etna Foundry, Bangor road
Wight & Scott, wholesale provision merchants
and commission agents, 36 Elbe street
Wight, Alexander, 91 Causewayside
Wight, George, butcher, 1 and 3 Albany st. ;
house, 14 Duke street
Wight, James (IF. Sf Roiertson), 3 Comely
green place
Wight, John, M.D., dentist, 81a Prmces st.
"Wight, John, commercial agent, "West Dairy,
Dairy road
Wight, John R., architect, 26 Hamilton place
Wight, Rev. Ninian, 11 North Lauder road
Wight, Robert (IF. <^ Scott), 2 Claremontpark
Wight, Robert, butcher, 6 High market;
house, 7 Brighton streeet
Wight, Robert, salesman, slaughter-houses, 61
Fountainbridge ; house, 18 Keir street
Wight, Thomas, 2 Gladstone terrace
Wight, Mrs, 24 Walker street
Wight, Miss, 10 King's place
Wightman, John, & Son, pianoforte and music
saloons, 46 Frederick street
Wightman, David (J". W. §• Son), 3 Duncan
. street
Wightman, James Seton, of Courance, 7
Darnaway street
Wightman, James, baker, 1 N. St James' st.
Wightman, John (/. W. Sf Son), 32 War-
riston crescent
Wightman, John, butcher, 17 Carlton street ;
house, 16
Wighfman, W., wright, glazier, and packing-
box manufacturer, 37 Whitfield place
Wighton, Robert, stationer, newsagent, and
picture dealer, 44 North Fort street
Wighton, Mrs, 30 Stafford street

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