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Preston, Geo., spirit dealer, 19 Cockburn st.
Preston, Captain Henry Lindsay, E.N., 27 St
Andrew square
Peeston, Niddkie, Edmonston, and 'Wolmet
Collieries, and Bank Park Fire-clay
"Works : Office, N. B. Railway, Low Calton.
John Falconer, agent ; ho. 2 High Calton
Preston, Owen, china merchant, 24 West
Richmond street
Pretsell, Miss Margaret, 126 Lam-iston place
Pridie, James D., surgeon, 47 S. Clerk street
Pridie, Peter Hamden, S.L., 44 Minto street
Pridie, Robert, M.D., 9 Roxburgh street
Priebke, F., tobacconist, 13 Sandport street
Prime Gilt Office, 4 Commercial street
Primrose, Hon. Bouverie F., 22 Moray place
Primrose, John, 1a Broughton place
Primrose, John, coal merchant ; depot, 9
Stead's place
Primrose, Mrs E., 33 Alva place
Prince of Wales Hotel, 44 and 4(3 West
Register street
Pringle, Me^midiev {^Adjutant-GeneraV s Office),
5 Clarence street
Pringle, Alexander, wine and spirit merchant,
1 Salisbury terrace
Pringle, Alexander, 169 Fountainbridge
Pringle, Colonel, 6 Bellevue terrace
Pringle, J. {Ediii. Rop. Co.), 7 Claremont pk.
Pringle, Jas. {T. S,- J. Bernard), 2 Baxter's pi.
Pringle, J., potato merchant, 12 Beaumont pi.
Pringle, James, confectioner, 22 Brunswick st.
Pringle, Rev. John, 55 York place
Pringle, John, M.D., late Madras army, 27
Rutland square
PEINGLE, JOHN, smith and axle maker, York
lane ; ho. 3 Calton st. ^ See Adv. p. 107
Pringle, John, Scottish agi'icultural imple-
ment depot, 1 Victoria street ; house, 13
Pringle, John, 40 North Richmond street
Pringle, John, wine and spirit merchant, 3
Dock place ; house, 2 Sandport street
Prmgle, John, gi'ocer and provision mercht.,
49 Buccleuch street
Pringle, John, Calton refreshment rooms, 3
Calton street
Pringle, Robert, grocer and wine merchant,
19 Greenside row
Pringle, Robert, currier and leather merchant,
99 Pleasance
Pringle, Robert, 4 Albert terrace, Morningside
Pringle, Robert, grocer, 16 Annfield
Pringle, Thos., cowfeeder, 8 S. St James' st.
Pringle, T., com. traveller, 14 Gladstone ter.
Pringle, Thos. (Ross cV P.), 27 Castle terrace
Pringle, William, cowfeeder, 4 Elbe street
Pringle, Mrs James, spirit merchant, 15 St
Leonard's hUl
Pringle, Mrs Thomas, 45a George street
Pringle, Mrs William, St Katherine's villa,
Murray street, Sciennes hUl
Pringle, Mrs Margaret, grocer, 4 Ferguson's
buildings, Dumbiedykes road
Prmgle, Mrs, 9 Wharton place
Pringle, Mrs M. T., greengrocer, 24 Bridge st.
Pringle, Miss, 3 Albert terrace
Pringle, Miss, 13 Merchiston terrace
Pringle, Miss, 24 Nelson street
Pringle, Misses, 5 Randolph cliff
Prison Managers, H.M., for Scotland ; office,
30 Castle terrace
Pritty, John, printer, 28 Barony street
Pritty, John, draper and clothier, 174 High
street ; house, 53 Dick place
OFFICE, conducted by A. Stewart, 22
Annandale street. ^ See Adv. p. 41
Privy Seal Office, 48 Register House — (2
to 3 ; Saturdays, from 11 to 12) — Alexander
Murdoch, sub-keeper
Privy Seal, Writer to the, A. Carnegie
Ritchie, advocate, 8 Broughton place
Proctor & Son, plumbers and gasfitters, 8
Church lane
Proctor, J. H., surgeon-dentist, 130 Princes st.
Proctor, J. G., grocer and spirit dealer, 328
Proctor, T. R. (P. ^ Son), 7 St Vincent street
Proctor, William, contractor. Black's entry,
Comely bank
Proctor, Mrs Adam (P. ^- Son), 11 Dean street
Proctor, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 4 Sibbald place
Professional and Civil Service Supply As-
sociation (Limited), 7 St Andrew square
SCOTLAND (Peter Couper, manager), 47
Hanover street. ^ See Adv. p. 38
Property and Income Tax Office (J. Balfour,
W.S., clerk to the Comrs.), 14 Waterloo pi.
Protestant Institute of Scotland (/. A.
Wylie, LL.D., professor ; clerk, J. Annand),
17 George iv. bridge
Proud, Peter, working jeweller, 2 N. bridge
Proud, Mrs, grocer, 98 Pleasance
Proudfoot, Geo., & Co., meters and weighers,
2 Dock place
Proudfoot & Grosset, grocers and wine mer-
chants, 4 and 5 Grange road
Proudfoot, Alexander, joiner, Morningside;
house, Esplin cottage, Morningside
Proudfoot, David C, City of Ediiiburgh Road
Trust, 31 St Andrew square ; house, 13
Glengyle terrace
Proudfoot, Jas., clerk of works, 8 Parkside st.
Proudfoot, John, family grocer and wine mer-
chant, 11 and 12 West Newington; house,
13 Queen's crescent
Proudfoot, John (P. V Grosset), 3 Grange road
Proudfoot, Robt., shoemaker, 11 Davie street
Proudfoot, Thomas, 14 Fyfe place
Proudfoot, Thomas, 20 Meadow place
Proudfoot, W. (G. P.O.), 11 Drummond street
Proudfoot, Miss, dressmaker, 2 Blackford pi.
Proudfoot, Miss, basketmaker, 65 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Provest, Mrs, lodgings, 34 Dundas street

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