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288 Agr
Paterson, D. F. 5 Kerr street
Patison, W. G. 35 Bernard st.
Peacock, T. B. 2 Montgomery
Peterson, Brothers, Allison's pi.
Potts, Wm. 1 6 Broughton place
Potts, W. & H. 7 Port-Hopetoun
Pyper, John, 7 Johnston street
Kadley, W. D. 148 Causewayside
Kaimes, Blanshards, and Co.
Smith's place
Eeid, William, 12 Hill square
Eendall, M. C. 32 Bernard st.
Eendall, Wm. 32 Bernard st.
Kennie Brothers, 134 Constitu-
tion street
Reoch, G. W. 15 Bernard st.
Eichardson, W. 53 North bridge
Eobertson and Scott, 36 George
Eobertson, D. and J. Mound pi.
Eobertson, D. 19 St Patrick sq.
Eobertson, P. 7 Torphichen st.
Eobinson, H. 11 Greensidest. —
See Adv.
Eoger, G. 150 High street
Scott, E. 8 Duke street
Scott, T. 41 Lauriston place
Scott, "\V. 23 Duke street
Sinclair, W. 20 Scotland st.
Smith, David, 2 Dock place
Smith and M'Laren, 2 Bankst.,
Smith, G. P. 11 Dundas street
Steele, Ebenezer, 4 King's place
Stewart, E. and Co. 4 North St
David street
Swan, John, 7 Archibald place
Taylor, Wm. 4 Elm Row
Tennant and Dick, Wet docks
Thomson, P. 4 St Patrick sq.
Thomson, Eobert, 2 N. bridge
Thomson, W. and Co. 126 Con-
stitution street
Tod, William, 1 Castle terrace
Tulloch, H., Dick pi.. Grange
Walker, David and Son, 56 S.
Watt, J. G. 72 Timber bush
Watt, E. and W. 4 Haddington
Williamson, A. 13 Portland pi.
Wilson, A. 19 Charlotte street,
Wilson, A. 35 Wright's houses
Wilson, James, 7 West Preston
Wilson, Jas. South Junction st.
Wilson, John, Canning house
Ag^i'icuUnral Imple-
ment: 9Iakers.
Ireland, Geo. N. B. of Canongate
Morton, S. and H. Leith Walk
M'Pherson, P. Norton place
Airth, James, 42 Kirkgate
Aitken, William, 3 Pitt Street
Aitken, Jas. 44 Broughton st.
Alexander, H. D. 46 Canongate
Alexander, J. J. 5 Grassmarket
Allshorn, G. E. 67 George st.
Anderson, D. S 247 Canongate
Baildon, H. C. 73 Princes st.
Carmichael, L. 13 Calton street
Cochrane, J. 503 Lawnmarket
Colquhoun, Wm. D. 45 Earl
Grey street
Croley, Wm. 1 Downie place
Duncan, Flockhart, and Co. 52
North bridge and 139 Princes
Duncan, Flockhart, and Powell,
18 Bernard street, Leith
Fairgrieve, Thos. 46 Clerk st.
Finlayson, T. 33 Tolbooth wynd,
Gardener and Ainslie, 58 George
Gordon, John, 32 Bristo street
Grant, G. 77 Broughton street
Grant, J. T. 24 North-west Cir-
cus place
Gray, A. F. 5 Spring gardens
Gray, W. A. 17 Bristo street
Jenkison, J. 1 South College st.
Ker's laboratory, 16 Leith st.
Lees, Eobt. 20 Nicolson street
Leith, James, 14 Union place
Lindsay, Eobtrt, 11 Elm Eow
M'Culloch, Thomas T. 61 South
M'Donald, Ter. 13 Catharine st.
M'Farlan, J. F. and Co. 17 N.
Mackenzie, D. 40 Dublin street
Mack ay, John, 121 George st.
Martin and M'Lean, 47 South
Clerk street
Martin, J. 7 Coburg street
Milner, Eobert, 57 Bridge st.
Moffat, W. and Co. 53 Nicolson
Napier, James, 126 Nicolson st.
Eaimes, Blanshards, and Co.
Smith's place
Robertson, Jas. 35 George st.
Sang and Barker, York lane
Scott and Orr, 21 Dundas street
Snodgrass, J. 238 Canongate
Steel, D. 29 Hanover street
Tait, Mrs W. 61 Bristo street
Taylor, James, 116 West bow
Thom, Alex. 78 Queen street
Williamson, J. 30 St Andrew sq.
(See Auctioiieers.)
Bell, Robert, 25 St Patrick sq.
Bell, J. A. 69, York place
Brown, J. 5 Duke street
Brown, E. 24 Fettes Row
Brown, Thos 4 St James' sq.
Brown and Wardrop, 19 St An-
drew square
Bryce, D. 131 George street
Bryce, D. jun. 29 Frederick st.
Carmichael, W. 44 South bridge
Cousin, D. Greenhill gardens
Davies T. 14 S. St Andrew st.
Dickson, R.and R. 11 Broughton
Dickson, Rich. 3 Glover street
Forfar, E. 20 Pitt street
Hamilton, Jas. A. 4 Hunter sq.
Hamilton, Thos. 9 Howe street
Hamilton, Peter, 9 Howe street
Henderson, J. 7 Hill street
Leadbetter, Charles, Dick place
Lessels, John, 21 Heriot Eow
Lorimer, James, 41 George st.
M'Lean, Alex. 10 N. St An-
drew street
M'Pherson, C. 50 Cumberland st.
Moffat, W. L. 23 Geo. IV. bridge
Nicol, J. 16 Broughton street
Peddie and Kinnier, 1 2 Howe st.
Pilkinsonand Son, 10 Dundas st.
Playfair, W. H. 17 Great Stuart
Eaeburn, E. E. 21 Pitt street
Ehind, David, 54 Great King st.
Eichardson, D. 6 Great Stuart st.
Scott, Arch. 10 Teviot Row
Smith, Geo. 18 Gt. King street
Smith, Jas. 7 W. Maitland st.
Smith, Eobt. 12 Royal Exch.
Smith, Wm. 35 Lothian street
Starforth, John, 3 S. Charlotte st.
Tait, J. 1 Mound place
Wallace, L. A. 34 Regent ter.
Wilson, Patrick, 2 Queen street
Wright, Eobert, 12 Pitt street
Artificial Flotrer and
Feather Makers.
Fegan and Co. 21 George street
French, G. J. 153 Eose street
M'Kay, Mri, 5 ToUcross
Mozzi, John, 53 George street
Oldham, J. 51 North bridge
Artificial liimh and
Bandag-e makers,
Arbuckle, Jos. 48 Nicolson st.
Henry, J. 29 West Eegister st.
— See Adv.
Hilliard, H. and H., to the
Eoyal Dispensary, 7 Nicolson
Fortune, Mrs, 15 Young street

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