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Walker, Mrs Wm. 47 Northumberland at.
Walker, Mrs, lodgings, 82 George street
Walker, Miss Mary, 6 Leopold place
Walker, Miss Robina, diaper, 7 Home street
Walker, Miss, of Mumrill, 10 Alva street
Walker, Miss, 14 Lynedoch place
Walker, Miss, 31 Raeburn place
Walker, Miss, 3 Gloucester place
Walker, Miss, milliner & dressm. G Howe st.
Walker, Miss, 3 Kirkgate
Walker, Miss, staymaker, 21 Howe street
Walker, Miss, 2 Hart street
Walker, Misses, Drumsheuyli
Walkinshaw, James, 10 Howe street
Walkinshaw, Wni. writer, 112 Canongate
Walkinshay, James, spirit dealer, 10 Home st.
Wall, John, printer, G Ingliston street
Wallace and Whyte, sculptors and marble-
cutters, Sbrub place, Leith walk
Wallace, Alex, teacher of music, 138 Nicol-
son street
Wallace, Alexander, minister of the gospel,
46 Gilraore place
Wallace, A. ropemaker, 52 Bernard street
Wallace, Alex. 9 Pilrig street
Wallace, Alex, shoemaker, 57 Thistle street
Wallace, Alexander Bain, Northfield cottage,
Portobello road
Wallace, And. ( VV. ^ Whyte), 20 Haddington
Wallace, Arch, tailor, 94 Kirkgate
Wallace, Dav. wright, house- factor, &c. 179
Wallace, Eben., W.S. (Grmit <§• W.), 13 Lon-
don street
Wallace, George (G. W. S,- Co.), 3 Welling-
ton place
Wallace, Geo. & Co. merchts, 45 Quality st.
Wallace, Geo. wright, Star bank pi. Trinity
Wallace, James, agent for National Bank of
Scotland, 16 Bernard street, Leith — house,
24 Royal terrace, Edinburgh
Wallace, James, S.S.C. 57 Hanover street
Wallace, James, bootmaker, 10 South Char-
lotte street
Wallace, Jas. teacher of music, 138 Nicolsonst.
Wallace, James, wright and undertaker, 9
Church lane
Wallace, Rev. John, 1 Archibald place
Wallace, John & Son, coppersm. and patent
hearth manufacturers, 11 Sandport street
Wallace, J. jun. (J. and Son), 43 Bridge st.
Wallace, Jn., boot and shoem. 28 Abbey hill
Wallace, L. A. architect, 34 Regent terrace
Wallace, M. {M. and IF.), 5 Randolph place
Wallace, P. teacher of music, 138 Nicolson st.
Wallace, Richd. paper maker, 34 Regent ter.
Wallace, Rob. & Co. printers, 3 Register pi.
Wallace, Robert, librarian to solicitors-at-Iaw,
3 Royal exchange
Wallace, R. B. {Customs), Bathfield house
Wallace, T. boot & shoeraak.69 Broughton st.
Wallace, Thomas, 58 Nicolson street
Wallace, William D., S.S.C. 31 Alva street
Wallace, William, CUi/ Fiscal' $ Office^ City
Chambers — ho. 47 Buccleuch strt-et
Wallace, Wm. M.D. 7 Church lane, Morn-
Wallace, Wm. gardener, 48 Broughton st,
Wallace, W. of Busbie, Wester Dairy house
Wallace, Wm. merchant, 45 Quality street —
house, 9 Pilrig street
Wallace, Wm. clerk, Craig's close
Wallace, Miss, silk and worsted shop, 132
GeorgH street
Wallace, Miss, 10 South Charlotte street
Walls, James, 13 Brunswick street
Walls, .lohn, S.S.C. 9 London street
Walmsley, Miss, French staymkr. 81 Geo. St.
Walsh, Mrs, 17 St Patrick square
Waller, W^. teacher, St Thomas' school, Leith
Wands, William W. painter and glazier, 36
Northumberland street
War Department, Castle and Leith Fort —
Thomas Gibbs, storekeeper
Warburton, J. spirit dealer,8 St And. st. Leith
Warburton, Seaton, engraver, copperplate
and lithographic printer, 48 Hanover street
Warden, Geo. C. (^Swinburne Sf Co.), 7 Blen-
heim place
Warden, Mrs, 10 Clarendon crescent
Warden, Mrs, 3 Baxter's place
Wardlaw, Peter, smith. Low Broughton
Wardlaw, Robert, coach hirer, 22 William st.
Wardlaw, Lieut.- Col., H.EJ.C.S. 14 India st.
Wardrop, Jn. house-painter, 38 Broughton st.
Wardrop, Maitland {Brown ^ W.), Sydney
W^ardrop, Mrs M. 17 Drummond street
Wardrop, Misses, grocers, 5 Duncan st. Leith
Wares, Mrs, greengrocer, 24 Green market
Warrack, John & Co. commission merchants ,^
and insurance brokers, 15 Bernard street-
house, Catherine bank
Warraker, William, brassfounder, 15 Wesi
Nicolson street — ho. 24 Clerk street
Warren, Wm. spirit dealer, 9 Market street
Warrick and Baillie, wine and spirit mer-
chants, 6 Foxe's lane
Warrick, Alexander, Taapball, Ferry road
Warrick, Wm. {W. ^Baillie), Claremo. park
W^arricks, Mrs, lodgings, 73 Constitution st.
Waterloo News'-rooms, John Harthill, 23
Waterloo place
Waters, Samuel, Comer, hotel, 12 St And. sq.
W^aters, Mrs, 51 Clerk street
Waterston & Johnston, booksellers, 20 Ber-
nard street — house, 3 Hermitage hill
Waterston, A. draper, shirt maker, and um-
brella manuf. 261 and 263 High street
Waterston, David (R. W. S; Co.), 14 Dublin st.
Waterston, Geo. wholesale stationer and seal-
ing-wax maker, 56 Hanover street — house,
6 St John's hill
Waterston, Henry, 12 Beaumont place
Waterston, James, wine merchant & grocer,
12 West Maitland street
Waterston, J. teach, of draw. SSDundasst.

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