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(34) next ›››

ventory inferring payment of further duty, an
additional inventoi-y of such is required to be
exhibited, by 48 Geo. Ill, c. 149, § 38 ; and
§ 40 provides that the same shall also specify the
amount or value of the estate and effects of the
same person comprised in the former inventory.
By 16 and 17 Vict. c. 59, § 8, such additional
inventory shall be chargeable only with such
amount of stamp duty as, together with the
stamp duty charged upon the former duly
stamped inventory of the estate and effects of
the same deceased person, shall make up the
full amount of stamp duty, in respect of the
total amount of all the estate and effects of
the deceased specified in the said additional and
any such former inventory. If the estate be
over-estimated, or something improperly in-
cluded, in the inventory, an inventory on a
stamp corresponding to the value must be ex-
hibited, and the original stamp will be allowed
on affidavit as a spoiled stamp, within six months
of the recording of the second inventory.
Oil Legacies, Residues, ^-c.
To Children or their descendants, or lineal "°'^ p'- "='•
ancestors, £10
Brotiier or sister, or descendant, . 3
Uncle or aunt, or their descendants, 5
Grand uncle or aunt, or their descendants, 6
All other relations or strangers, . 10
The husband or wife of the deceased is not
chargeable with duty. If the legatee's hus-
band or wife is of nearer consanguinity than
the legatee, duty is payable according to such
nearer relationship. (16 and 17 Vict. c. 51,
This duty is payable for every legacy out of the
personal or moveable estate, or out of or charged
upon the real or heritable estate of the deceased,
or out of any moneys to arise by the sale, mort-
gage, or other disposition of the deceased's real
or heritable estate, or any part thereof: Also
for the clear residue (after deducting debts,
funeral expenses, legacies, and other charges
first payable thereout) of the personal or move-
able estate, whether the title to such residue
shall accrue by virtue of any testamentary dis-
position, or upon a partial or total intestacy :
And also for the clear residue of the moneys to
arise from the sale, mortgage, or other disposi-
tion of any real or heritable estate, directed to
be sold, mortgaged, or otherwise disposed of by
any will or testamentary instrument.
Annuities are valued for legacy duty according to
tables annexed to the Succession Duty Act.
Duty is not exigible on legacies or residues under
£20 ; but if a legatee take two or more legacies
under any testament, which shall together be
of the amount of £20, each shall be charged
with duty, though each or either may be separ-
ately under that amount.
N.B. — Printed forms and regulations regarding all
the succession-duties will be obtained gratis, on
application at the Inland Revenue Office, Edin-
burgh ; and at the offices of the distributors of
stamps in the country.
Succession Duty. — The duty commences on the
death of persons dying after the 19th May 1853,
and seems to be imposed on all property, both
heritable and moveable, passing by death, not
liable to the duty on legacies and successions to
personal estate upon intestacy — the duty im-
posed by the Legacy Duty Acts. The duty on
heritable property is charged on the annual
value, after allowance of the necessary out-
goings (§ 22), as an annuity for the life of the
successor (§ 21), which is to be valued by tables
annexed to the act.
Personal Property is liable to duty according
to the value of the succession ; and money
charged on heritage — heritable securities — is
chargeable as personalty (§1.)
Rates of Succession Duty.
Lineal issue or lineal ancestor of the i^redecessor,
— £1 per cent.
Brothers and sisters of the predecessor and their
descendants, — £3 per cent.
Brothers and sisters of the father or mother of the
predecessor and their descendants, — £5 per cent.
Brothers and sisters of a grandfiither or grand-
mother of the predecessor and their descendants,
— £6 per cent.
Any other person, — £10 per cent.
The husband or wife of the predecessor is not
chargeable with duty (§ 18), and if the suc-
cessor's husband or wife shall be of nearer con-
sanguinity than the successor, duty is payable
according to such nearer relationship (§ 11.)
The following are also exemptions from the suc-
cession duty : —
1. Successions from the same predecessor, passing
on any death, not amounting in principal value
to £100 (§ 18). 2. Any succession of less value
than £20 in the whole (ib.) 3. Legacies and
personal property charged with legacy duty, in
respect of the same acquisition (ib.)
Note. — The collection of the succession duty forms
a branch of the business of the Legacy Duty
Department of the Inland Revenue. Forms of
the accounts may be obtained at the Legacy
Duty Office, Edinburgh, and at the offices of
the distributors of stamps in the country.
Parties who may purchase stamps (except receipt
stamps, labels for medicines, newspapers, and
postage stamps) at London, Edinburgh, or
Dublin, under the value of £10 each, but to the
value of £30 or upwards in the whole, are
allowed discount at the rate of 30s. per cent. —
12 and 13 Vict. c. 80 : and any person who
purchases at the stamp offices of London, Edin-
burgh, or Dublin, stamps for receipts to the
amount of £5 or upwards, or of any distributor
or sub-distributor not within ten miles from
said respective offices, to the amount of £1 or
upwards, shall receive an allowance at the rate
of £7, 10s. percent. — no allowance for a fraction
of a pound.— 13 and 14 Vict. c. 97, § 18.

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