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Tod, John, esq. Powbuni
Jolni, esq. W.S. 7 Great Stuart street— ho.
11. Ainslie place
John, bookbinder, 12 Clyde st.
John, victual dealer, 6 Glanville place
John, engraver, 10 Hunter square
■ John, flesher, 32 w. Ilichmond street
Ralph, dyer and scourer, 8 Charlotte place
■ 'i'homas, esq. advocate, 15 Coatts crescent
Thomas, jun, esq. advocate, 14 Ainslie place
Thos. baker, 12 Duncan st.
W. bookbinder and stationer, 10 north St
Andrew street
William, lodf^ings, 3 west Arthur place
W. (of Crawford &^ Tod), 11 Archibald place
Wm. bookbinder, 1 Forth street
Jlrs, 35 Scotland street
IMiss L. dressmaker, 9 Earl Grey street
]\Iivs, 9 Melville street
Misses, I Annandale street
Misses, boarding school, 33 Albany street
Todd, Alexander, public library, 9 St Patrick st.
Alex, gardener, Quarry holes, Piaster road
George, jun. writer, 4 Nicolson square
• William, gardener, Norton lodge
Mrs (<'f Female In. stitu.), 6 west Nicolson st.
Torrance, Alexander, cowfeeder, 12 Richmond pi.
■ David, esq. 51 Hope-park-end [^square
G. M'JIiken, esq.of Kilsaintninian, 28 George
George, biker, 4 Northumberland street
■ George, farmer, Greenbaiik
James, smith & ironmonger, 10 Charlotte pi.
John, baktr, 3G Bucchuch street
Ilichard, hairdresser, 45 Thistle street
Rob', tinpL- worker & oilman, 40 Nicolson st.
and 14 Hanovtr street
. Wm. sup'?rvisor of Excise, 29 Gilmore pi.
Wm. & Thos. farmers and lime merchants,
56 Clerk street
Mrs, 3 Montague street
Miss, 4 Rankeidor street
■ rjiss, straw- hat maker, 82 South bridge
Torrie, T. Jameson, esq. advocate, 21 Royal circus
Tough, David, painter, 26 Rankeillor street
Wm. smith, 63 St Leonard's street— ho. 69
• Mrs John, lodgings, 142 High street
Tower, Mrs, 19 St Cuthbert street
Town Clerk's Office, City Chambers
Townsend, F. engraver &enameller,10 so. James st.
W. harp and pianoforte maker, 9 Greens, pi.
- — — W. H. teacher of drawing and painting, 9
Greenside place
Trades Maiden Hospital, Argyle square^, R.
Sclater, 54 Rankeillor street, treasurer
Trail, Andrew, water officer, 8 Market place
Anthony, esq. W.S. 11 west Maitland st.
John, cabinetmaker, 133 Rose street
— — Dr, M.D. professor of Medical Jurispru-
dence, University, 10 Albyn place
•' Miss, dressmaker, 27 Rose street
Train, James, innkeeper, 49 Candlemaker rovr
— i — Wm. cooper, 63 Albany street
Tran, Mrs, fruiterer, 28 Howe st. and 50 Stock-
bridge market
Traquair, Wm. esq. W.S. 26 Clyde street
• Mrs John, 45 Minto street
' Mrs, Canaan grove
Treasurer, Ken. tailor and clothier, 5 Geofge St.
1— 's Chambers, for Geo, Heriot's hospital, 11
Royal Exchange
Trench, James, builder, 26 Royal crescent
Tress, John F. & Co. tea dealers, 13 Leith street
— house 34 London street
Trevelyan, Mrs, 24 Regent terrace
Trinity Harbour Dock Office, C8 Princes st.
J. French, agent
Hospital, foot of Leith wynd — Robert
Johnston, 27 .James' square, treasurer
Tripney, John, spirit dealer, 6 x\bbey strand" -
Trotter, Alex. esq. of Dreghorn, 50 George sq.
G. builder, Rutland st.— ho. 20 Bedford str
James, writing-master and accountant, 1^'
north St David street
J. P. esq. advocate, 15 Young street
John, slater, 113 Nicolson street
Nicol, painter, 21 Canal street
Richard, esq. advocate, 26 Royal circus
- — — R. & J. cabuietmakers, 1 Young street
Thomas, cattle dealer, ISO Pleasance
Tho. esq. W.S. 50 Castle st.— ho. 1 5 YoungSt.-
Thomas, esq. 15 St John street
Thomas, flesher, 25 Middle market — house
17 James square
— — The Heirs of Wm. upholsterers, and cabinet
makers, 9 Princes street
JMrs, 12 Upper Gray street
Sirs, 20 Cumberland street
Jtliss, of Bush, 12 George square
]\Iiss, Blackford, Canaan
Truefitt, W\ hairdresser & perfumer, 57 Princes st.
Trustees' Academy, Royal Institution, Mound
for British Herring Fishery — office 26
Castle street
office for Slanufdctures, 128 George street
TuUis, 11' & Co. Auchmuty paper warehouse, 5
Royal Exchange
W. baker, 8 Roxburgh pi.— ho. Viewforth
Tulloch, :\Irs, lodgings, 36 Dublin street
Miss, 41 Ann street
Tulloh, Miss J. 11 Warriston crescent
Tully, John, baker, 206 Cowgate
Robert, tailor and clothier, 3 South bridge
Mrs, 2 St Patrick square
TurnbuU, Ad. tailor and clothier, 30 Hanover st.
Alexander, shoemaker, 2:35 Canongate
Alexander, broker, 213 Cowgate
Andrew, wright, 3 St Bernard's row
Andrew, and Miss, teachers of dancing, 13 ■
Frederick street
D.esq. W.S. 34 India st. — chambers Dean of
Guild clerk's office. Royal Exchange
Geo. esq. W^S. 16 Thistlest. — ho. 49 Geo. sq.
Hugh, baker and confectioner and stamp dis-
tributor, 1 Bread st — ho. 1 Lothian road
Rev. James, Blacket place
James & Co. coach office, 1 North bridge
.John, hosier, 76 Rose street
John, esq. city chamberlain office, Royal
Exchange — house 10 Dundas street
John (messenger G.P. O.) lOmid. Arthur pi.
John, lodgings, 6 Brunswick street
Peter, grocer and spirit dealer, 20 Home st.
Thomas, printer, old Assembly close [street
W. {pi Royal B. of Scotland), 10 Torphichen
Wm. commercial agent, 31 Buccleuch place
Wm. B. D. D. esq. advocate, 67 Gt. King st.
Wm. mail coachman, 8 James's place
JIrs Walter, 67 Great King street ^ —
Mrs, 28 India street ' ;
I-— « Mrs, lodgings, 41 Northumberland street

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