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Kant, Mrs, spirit dealer, & west Richmond street
Kay, Alexaiukr, plumber, 30 William st. — ho. 17
• A. landscape painter, &c. 4 Duke street
George, gardener, Lauder's park
Jas. cabinetmaker and upholst. I Teviot row
J. & Co. booksellers, 18 Haddington place
James, plasterer, Advocates' close
J. carver and gilder, 5 Greenside place
• John, coppersmith and brazier, 20 Niddry st.
J. & W. pasteboard manufacturers, 80 Pot-
terrovv, and Saughton mills, Slateford
John, lodgings, 17 Dundas street
■ John, tailor and clothier, 377 High street
John, wine and spirit merchant, and agent
for vhe Glenmavis distillery, 39 Jamaica st.
Robert, spirit dealer and stabler, 9 St An-
thony place
Mrs, sick nurse, 15 Charles street
lilrs, sick nurse, 34 Buccleuch street
. Aliss, J. dressmaker, 5 INIilne's court
Keay, David, of Excise, 17 Archibald place
James, of Snaigow, esq. advo. 130 Princes st.
Rev. John S. board, &c. 2 Claremont place
■ Miss, 3 St Colme street
Keddie, T. joiner and cabinetm. It Melville pi.
Kedslie, Alex, merchant, 34 Hanover street, and 3
Baker's place — house 1 Brunswick street
Geo. upholsterer and paper hanger, 97 Ni-
colson street
Keegan, Thomas, merchant, 1 north St David st.
Keenan, Rev. Stephen, Catholic Chapel
Keighley, Jlatthew, shoe warehouse, 33 Geo. st.
Keiller, J. confectioner, 85 South bridge — house
73 Adam square
Keir, Adam, {oi BeU,Keir,and Co.), 4G Pleasance
P. S. esq. advocate, 32 Charlotte square
P. S. jun. esq. advocate, 32 Charlotte square
William, esq. 4 Maitland street
Mrs Robert, 46 Pleasance
• Airs, ladies' niirse, 24 Leith wynd
I\Iiss E. London and Paris millinery ware-
house, 5 Waterloo place
<—— Miss, 23 Ann street
iJiss Agnes, 32 Ann street
Miss, 35 Lauriston place
Keith and Home, esqrs. accountants, 74 Geo. st.
• Alex, portrait painter, 30 Royal Circus
■ Dr James, fellow Royal College of Surgeons,
10 Wemyss place
WiUiam, esq. accountant, 74 George street
Mrs Robert, 9 Forth street
Kellie, ]Mrs, James, dyer, 5 Infirmary street
Kelly, James, late merchant, 2 Beaumont place
Mrs, 35 Melville street
Kelt, Charles, cabinetmaker, 349 Cowgate
Keltic, Miss, 29 Wright's houses
Kemlo, Wm. spirit dealer, Gullan's close
Kemp and Co. Philosophical Instrument makers
and chemists, 7 so. College street
■ Alex, and Son, woollen drapers and hatters,
8 College street — house 5
Archibald, spirit dealer, 2 south Charlotte St.
Daniel, spirit dealer, 5 south Melville place
F. janitor. Circus \i\. school, 3 St Vine. st.
i John, (of Theatre Royal), 10 Shakspeare sq.
1^—— J. chiraneysvi'eeper, 2 Queen street
on chcmibiry, 1 Surgeon sq.
Kemp, K. T. lecturer
— ho. 5 College strc(
Robert, gent. 10 Arniston place
Robert, letter-carrier, 17 Calton hill
William, victual dealer, 13 Tobago street
Mrs H. straw hat manufacturer, 10 Elm row
Mrs M. lodgings, 1 1 Bread street
Kenmore, J. woollen & linen draper, 431 Lawn-
market — house 423
Kennedy and M'Donald, grocers, 23 east Drum-
mond street
Alex. esq. W.S. 2(i Hamilton place
B. & Co. hatters, 61 So. br.— ho. 2 Roxb. ter.
C. surgeon, Q6 South bridge— ho. 4 Park st^
C. spirit merchant, 8 south St Andrew st^
Hugh, esq. W.S. 14 Forth street
Jas. coal merchant, 2 Port Hamilton— hous*
1 Park street
James, smith and farrier, east Rose st. lane
James, boot and shoemaker, 10 Bedford st.
John, esq. W.S. 71 Cireat King street
John, writer, 10 Windmill street
Lachlan, esq. 1 Greenside lane
R. esq. W.S. 26 Hamilton place, Clarence st.
Robert, grocer, 11 M'Dowal street
Robert, spirit dealer, 439 Lawniftarket
-Rev. R. teacher of Greek and Latin, 50
George street
Thomas, esq. 20 Minto street
Thomas, teacher of singing, 19 Rose street
William, esq. W.S. 59 Northumberland
street — house 6 Howe street
Wm. glover, 15 So. bridge— ho. 20 Minto st.
i\Irs, senior, of Dunure, 16 Heriot row
Mrs, milliner and dressmaker, 23 Dublin st.
Tills, lodgings, ]Q Salisbury street
Miss, 6 Abercromby place
Miss, 7 Broughton ] lace
Kent, Joseph, (of «//e Edcise,) 10 Union street
Kenward, \Y. D. teacher of music, 7 St Vincent st.
Ker & Dickson, esqrs. W.S. 6 north, east Circus pi.
Andrew, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 12
Greenside place — house 1 6
James, esq. of Blackshiells, 24 Royal circus
John, esq. W.S. 6 north-east Circus place —
house 2 Royal circus
Robt. esq. (of Grenada), 43 Melville street
Thomas, corn merchant, 24 Clerk street
W^m. Canongate dairy, 5 Canongate
Mrs Charlotte, Grange bank
Miss, 12 Upper Gray street
Kerr, Alexander, grocer, 29 Nelson street
Andrew A. (of Royal Bank), 4 Gilmore pi.
Charles Jas. esq. S.S.C. 4 Gilmore place
Daniel, esq. surgeon, 5 Nelson street
D. spirit merchant, 4 Old Fishmarket close
George, lodgings, Boroughmuirhead
Lieut. James, R.N. 3 IMayfield loan
James, esq. 5 Nelson street
James, brewer, 9 Sciennes
James, grocer, 95 Nicolson street
James, grocer, tea, and spirit merchant, 21
Richmond place
John, wholesale commission warehouseman,
3 Hanover st. — ho. 1 so. Charlotte street
Johin, hairdresser, 134 Rose street
John, wine and spirit merchant, 14 Nelson
street — house 12
•^— J. D. esq. cupper to the Royal Infirmary, 3
Elder street

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