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Donaldson, Js. S.S.C. and acct. 46 Northd. st.
James, advocate, 46 Northumb. st.
James, spirit dealer, Hillhousefield, Leith
, . John, advocate, prof, of theory of music
in the University, 99 George street
John, W.S. 124 Princes street
Jn. grocer and spirit dealer, 16 Church st.
John L. banker, 40 Princf s street
John, tailor and clothier, 166 High st.
— — John, {U. L. Co.) VZ Terrace, Leith st.
John, painter, &c. 45 Crosscausey
. John, portrait painter, 1 1 Leopold place
• John, tea merchant, 7 Brighton street
. John G. tailor and clothier, 14 Rox-
burgh place
Peter, spirit dealer, 32 Sandport st. Leith
. W. dealer in prints and pictures, 10 Ter-
race, Leith street
Wm. {AlbionCloth Co,,) 9 Dewar place
■ Wm. trimming warehouse, 46 So. bridge
Wm. tobacco-pipe manufacr. 14 Morton
8t. — and spir. deal. 56 Kirkgate, Leith
Wm. spirit dealer, 19 Elbe street, Leith
Agnes, dressm. and millr. 5 Brighton st.
Mrs, 29 Buccleuch place
Mrs, 15 Ainslie place
— — Mrs Janet, lodgings, 10 "Wellington place,
-, Mrs R. 6 Wellington place, Leith
— r- Mrs Margt. lodgings, 27 Clyde street
Mrs J. dressmaker, 7 Brighton street
Mrs, 13 Elm row
i Miss, 9 Montagu street
Dores & Laidlavv, fleshers, 23 Middle market
Dott, Aitken, carver & gilder, 16 s. St David st.
Doud, David, S.S.C. 4 HenderFon row
Dougall, Robert, cabinetmaker, 39 Albany st.
Doughty,I\Iiss, corset maker, 88 Princes street
D.,'Uglas, Alex. W.S. 17 Drummond place
— — Alex, late candlemaker, 22 Society
Alexander, 21 Parkside street
A. H. Dr, F.R.C.P., 15 Drummond pi.
Archd. M.D. F.R.C.S., 61 Northumb. st.
Arch. ( Gen. Post- OJflce,) 8 Morrison st.
Archd. teacher, 8 Upper Grey street
Archd. writer, 11 Roxburgh slreet
Chas. bootmaker, 2 South St James' st.
■ Chris. Vv''.S. 17 Drummond place
David, W.S. 25 Wslker street
— — Francis Brown, advoc. 1 5 Gt. King St.
■ Geo. grocer, &c. 21 Bristo street
Geo. house carpenter, 273 Canongate
James, acct. ( Com. Bank,) 47 George sq.
James, portrait painter, 9 Hill sq.
James, teacher of English and Geogra-
phy, 12 Queen street
■ James, tailor and clothier, 61 Queen st.
■ ■ James T. general agent, 1 9 Young st.
-■ James, shipmaster, 17 Gilmour place
John & Co., fishing tackle manufs. 88
Princes street
i John B,, W.S., 15 Drummond place
. • John D. {Sasiiie Office.) 23 Archibald pi.
John, W.S., 3 Upper Dean terrace
Douglas, John, shipmaster, 4 Portland terrace,
Major-Gen. Sir Niel, K.C.B. and K.C.H.
commanding H. Majesty's forces in
North Britain, 2 Regent ten ace
Peter, spirit dealer, 89 Cowgate
Richd. coal merchant, 23 Lauriston st.
Thos. dairy, 32 Couper street, Leith
Thos. victual dealer, Newhaven
V/alter, hotel keeper, 35 St Andrew sq.
W. ( Com. Bank,) Sliddlefield house
■ William, engraver, 22 Society
W. grocer & vict. dealer, 19 Dublin st.
Wm. tin?rnith, 2 Ri^go street
Lady C'nristian, 27 Ruil?.nd square
M. & J. milliners, muslin & lace prin-
ters, 27 Hanover street
Mrs Charlotte, 13 Hart street
Mrs John, tobacc. 13 Sandp st , Leith
Mrs Helen, dairy, 33 Leith walk
Mrs M. victual dealer, 7 Riego street
Mrs, coal merchant. Echo bank
Miss .\. R., miniat. painter, 13 Hart st.
IMiss B,, 9 Nelson street
Miss Mary M., boarding school,6 St Vin-
cent street
Misses Jean and Agnes, 1 Grove street
Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 86
Cieorge street
Douglas's Hotel, 35 St Andrew square
Douie, Robert, S.S.C, 13 Young street
DouU, Sinclair, & White, Brit, wine manufrs. &
confectrs. 2 1 Nicolsi;n st. & 74 Princes st.
Dav. (D., Sinclar, 8f While,) 7 Drum-
mond street
Wm. {Bridges &; D.) 4 Henderson row
Dove, James, smith, engine, pump maker, and
coach-timber bendir, Greenside lane
Dover, Andw. boot and shoemaker, 15 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Dov/ & Trotter, drapers, 92 So. bridge
Ales, aaent, 31 York place
Chas. spirit dealer, 179 Pieasance
D., 62 Thistle street
Jas. boot ck shoemaker, 33 Frederick st.
James R. printer, 25 James' t^quare
James, varnish maker, 49 Thistle street
Janses, wine and spirit dealer, 7 St An-
drew street
Jas. boot and shoemaker, 8 Leith street
Robert, spirit-dealer, 39 Cowgate
Wm. cork sole maker, 2 St jMary's wynd
Wra. spirit merchant, 9 Clyde street
Mrs, c-.jmm. lodgings, 57 North bridge
Mrs, 3 2don!a(^ti street
Dowel], James, auctii-neer, appraiser, and
commission agent, 18 George st.
Alex. {Hardijman §• D.,) 1 Dundas it.
Dowie, Chai?. pawnbroker, 10 High st.
James, grocer and spirit dealer, 34 Pot-
ter row
■ Thos. {pf L. E. L. and G. Shipping Co.)
I Regent street, Leith
'Vm. contractor, CanoniXiills cottage

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