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1. The distance to which any hackney carriage
may be driven under these Bye-laws, shall be seven
miles from the Cross of Edinburgh.
2. When a party not exceeding two grown-up
persons, and without any luggage other than a car-
pet-bag or the like, enters a cari'iage at a stance, or
when driving along disengaged, they shall be driven
half a mile for 6d. ; and if they return they shall pay
the same fare. The driver shall draw up to either
side of the pavement when called ; and if detained
more than five minutes before starting, he shall be
entitled to 6d. for waiting.
N.B. — This rule shall not apply to fares from
railway stations.
3. Excepting the Sixpenny Fao-e, the fares by dis-
tance shall be shown in the annexed Table of Fares.
The charges in the table shall include going from
the stance or stable to the hirer's residence, and
waiting ten minutes. But if the carriage be de-
tained, before starting, more than ten minutes, a
charge for waiting at the rate of fid. for each quarter
of an hour, or part thereof, after the expiry of the
ten minutes, shall be allowed ; and if the place
where the hirer is to be taken up be beyond half a
mile from the stance or stable whence the carriage
is taken, there shall be a charge of 6d. for such
4. When any place is not mentioned in the
table, the fare shall be the same as that to any
place mentioned which may be in the immediate
5. When the fare of any particular place not men
tioned cannot be ascertained by reference to a place
in the immediate vicinity, the fare shall be Is. for a
distance from the stance not exceeding a mile and
a quarter, and sixpence for every additional half-mile
or part thereof.
6. Half fare returning with the party, excepting
the half-mile drive.
7. When parties return (which they shall have
the option of doing), and the fare going is Is., the
carriage shall wait ten minutes without any charge
for waiting; when Is. 6d., fifteen minutes; when 2s.
and upwards, twenty minutes. If the carriage be
detained longer, a charge shall be allowed for wait-
ing, at the rate of fid. for every twenty minutes or
part thereof, commencing at the periods when the
free waiting expires.
8. When a carriage is called but not used, a
charge of fid. shall be allowed, if the place to which
it is caUed be under half a mile from the stance
or stable, and Is. if beyond that. — Waiting as in
Section 7.
It shall be in the option of the hirer to employ a
caiTiage within the municipal boimds by time, for
SHOPPING, MAKING CALLS, and the like, where the
driving is not continuous. The charge in such
cases shall be 2s. for the first hour or part thereof,
and fid. for every additional quarter of an hour or
part thereof.
For an AiRmo into the country within seven miles
from the Cross of Edinburgh, and returning either
by the same or a different road, the rate shall be Ss.
for the first hour or part thereof, and Is. for every
twenty minutes or part thereof. A drive round
the Queen's Drive shall be at the rate of 3s. per
hour. Unless the hirer wishes a slower pace, the rate
of driving when out an airing shall be at least
six miles an hour ; and in the event of the driving
being at a slower pace than six miles an hour,
contrary to the wish of the hirer, it shall be optional
for the hirer to pay the fare in the proportion of 3s.
for every six miles so travelled.
1. The hirer pays tolls.
2. If there be more than four grown-up persons
driven, a charge of fid. extra shall be made for each
additional grown-up person, or for each two children
above six years of age, and under twelve. No addi-
tional charge for one child above six to twelve, or
children under six j'ears.
3. From eleven at night till seven morning,
double fare, excepting in cfl,ses in which the hiring
begins before eleven o'clock and ends at or before
a quarter past eleven o'clock.
4. On Sunday the fares for such carriages as
shall have been previously ordered or engaged, or
hired elsewhere than on the public streets or stances,
shall be fare and a half.
6. The above fares are for one-horse carriages,
and there shall be no additional charge when two
horses ai'e used by the owner without being required
to do so ; but if two horses be used at the request
of a hirer, the charge shall be fare and a half.
6. Owners or drivers may agree to drive at lower
fares than those fixed. In that case, should they
demand more than the fare agreed on, they shall be
liable as for an overcharge.
For luggage exceeding 100 lbs. in weight there
shall be a charge of fid. extra. But there shall be
no charge for luggage under that weight. The
driver shall assist in loading and unloading in all
cases when requu-ed.
Any party shall be entitled to withhold payment
of the fare —
1. When the name and number are not painted
outside, or when there is no plate inside, in
terms of Article Third of these bye-laws.
2. When the reference ticket is not given.
3. When the bye-laws, table of fares, and
driver's licence are not shown on demand.
4. When an overcharge is made.
5. When the driver fails or refuses to complete
an engagement ; but if payment of the fare
be withheld, the party shall give the driver
his full name, designation, and residence.
Parties aggrieved will obtain redress on applica-
tion to the Procurator-Fiscal at the City Chambers,
within eight days after the date of the offence, ex-
cept in cases when parties are prevented making
such application by their absence from town.

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