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Turnbiill, Hy. J. T., missionary, IJMomsonst.
TurnbuU, James, engineer, 55 Prince Regent st.
Tui-nbiill, James (2'. 6: Spears), 28 Scotland street
Tui-nbull, James, jun., writer, 9 Lonsdale terrace
Turnbull, Jas., agent of the Scottish Temperance
League, 3 West Preston street
Tnrubiill, Jn. M. , photogi-apher, 1 4 X icolson sq.
Turnbull, John, AV.S., of Abbey St Bathans, 49
George square
Turnbull, John, 7 James street
Turnbull, John, grocer, wine and spirit merchant,
139 Kirkgate
Turnbull, John, agent l^ational Bank of Scot-
land, 25 Bernard street, Leith ; house, 25
Buckingham terrace
TumbuU, J. Rutherfoord, physician and surgeon,
Turnbull, John {Taylor <£• T.), 25 S. Clerk street
Turnbull, John (Forrest cfc T. ), 22 Minto street
Turnbull, Patrick, W.S., 34 India street
Turnbull, Patrick, C.A., 31 Princes street; ho.
30 Northumberland street
Turnbull, P., butcher, llLeven street; house, IS
Turnbull, Richard, 31 Prince Regent street
Tui-nbull, Robert, 10 Maj^eld terrace
Turnbull, Robert, cork manufacturer, 12Sandport
street ; house, 74 Pitt street, Bonnington
Turnbull, R. {Henderson ct T.), 15 East Clare-
mont street
Tm-nbull, Walter H. {F. Richardson t£- Co.), 10
Pilrig street
Turnbull, William, accountant {Royal Bank of
Scotland), 14 LansdoAvne crescent
Turnbull, W., 5 Luttou place
Turnbull, William, smith and edge-tool maker,
51 Duke street, Leith ; house, 80
Turnbull, William, 23 Lauriston street
Turnbidl, William, glass stainer, 13 Grindlay st.
Turnbull, William Elliot {Lyon Jj T.), 16 North
Maiisionliouse road
Turnbull, Mrs A., 3 Bernard street
Turnbull, Mrs A., 19 Blacket place
Turnbull, Mrs A. 0., 26 East Preston street
Turnbull, Mrs George, 8 Carlung place
Turnbull, Mrs Hugh, 8 Wharton place
Turnbull, Mrs John, 18 Danube street
Turnbull, Mrs William, 85 Great Eong street
Turnbull, Mrs, boarding and day school, Bellevue
villa, Ferry road
Turnbull, Mrs, 22 Lutton place
Turnbull, Mrs, 17 Morrison street
Turnbull, Mrs, 30 Northumberland street
Tru-nbull, Mrs, 7 Little King street
Turnbull, Mrs, 25 Earl Grey street
Tm-nbull, iliss, 6 Saunders street
Turnbull, Miss, 21 Union street
Turnbull, Miss, 22 Duke street
Turnbull, Misses, boarding-school, 41 Dnim-
mond place
Turner & Fitz, clothiers & drapers, 10 Nicolson st.
Turner & Henderson, slate merchants, 24
Grindlay street
Turner, A., tobacconist, 62 South Clerk street
Turner, Alex. , lathsplitter, Upper Grove place ;
house, 52 Grove street
Turner, Daniel, solicitor-at-law. Supreme and In-
ferior Courts, 24 George St. ; ho. 18 Hugh Miller
Turner, David ( T. <fc Fitz), 2 Cochrane terrace
Turner, David, draper, 31 South bridge ; house,
55 South Clerk street
Turner, David, sailmaker, 11 Dock place; house,
10 Albany street, Leith
Turner, Francis, bootcloser, 4 South Elgin street
Turner, James, vrme and spirit merchant, Cale-
donian Railway tavern, 29 Lothian road ;
house, 15 Leven teiTace
Turner, James, city guide, 26a St James' square
Turner, James, jun. , engraver, lithographer, and
general steam printer, 27 Lothian road ; house,
15 Leven terrace
Turner, James, 6 Windmill street
Turner, James, lodgings, 22 Rutland square
Turner, John, sub -librarian, 7 Melbourne place
Turner, J., bank messenger, 16 Royal Exchange
Turner, John, 19 Commercial street
Turner, John, 17 Teviot place
Turner, John, bootmaker, 155 West port
Turner, J., china merchant, 35 Thistle street
Turner, Peter, victual and spirit merchant, 18
Clerk St. ; house, 1 Duncan street, Ne-\vington
Turner, Robert, brewer, 22 Rae's buildmgs,
South back Canongate
Turner, Thomas, commission agent, 10 Wel-
lington place, Leith
Turner, William, M.B., Professor of Anatomy, 6*
Eton terrace
Turner, WilKam, chemist, 2 Grange road ; house,
7 West Ne^vington place
Turner, William, 3 Crown street
Turner, W. N. , bookseller, stationer, printer, and
bookbinder, 49 Tolbooth \\-ynd, Leith ; ho. 51
Turner, William, supervisor Inland Revenue,
12 Waterloo pi. ; house, 45 Lady Menzies place
Turner, WOliam, draper, 290 LaA\-nmarket
Turner, Rev. AVilliam, superdt. of City mission,
5 St Andrew square ; ho. 17 Gay field square
Turner, Rev. Wm., St Pati'ick's, 10 Teviot row
Turner, William, 99 Broughton street
Turner, William, bookseller, 4 GUlespie crescent
Tiu-ner, Mrs Alex., 40 Gillespie crescent
Turner, Mrs E., spirit dealer, 79 Leith walk,
Leith ; house, 3 Crown street
Turner, Mrs, laimdress, 9 Mackenzie place
Turner, Mrs, 20 Ijivingstone place
Turner, Mrs, j\I}Trtle bank, York road
Turpie, M., compositor, 11 West Newiugton pi.
Turpie, Mrs, 17 Rose sti-eet
Turpie, Miss, 23 Grange road
Turpj', Geoi'ge, livery stables, 8 Park place
Tuting, Mrs, 40a Northumberland street
Tweedale, Robert, flesher, 42 Bridge street
Tweedale, W. , 2 Burlington street
Tweeddale, J., shoemaker, 14 N.W. Circus place
Tweeddale, James, provision merch., 27a Pitt st.
Tweeddale, James, 8 M'Laren terrace
Tweedie, James, 4 Union street, Leith walk
Tweedie, John, 2 Meh-ille street
I'weedie, John, 17 Clarence street
Tweedie, John, R. N. , Craigend villa, Bonnington
Tweedie, J. C, 80 South Clerk street
Tweedie, Peter, 15 Clarence street
Tweedie, Thomas, 2 Belle\-ue terrace
Tweedie, T., di-aper, 22 Clerk street {Post OjSke) ;
house, 10 Buccleuch place
Tweedie, WilUam {E. <k L. Brewing Co.), 2
Spence street, Dalkeith road
Tweedie, Mrs, -^dctual dealer, 24 Brunswick st.

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