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Gloucester place, India street.
north 2, south 1
Glover street, Duke st., Leith, /
Golden acre, Inverleith row, 2
Goods enti-}', 19 College wynd, 4
Gordon St., Easter road, Leith, 7
Gordon's close, Grassmarket, 1
Govt's close, Causewayside, o
Graham's buildings, Potterrow, 4
Graham street, Lauriston, 1
Grahame St., Bonnington bridge, 6
Grange, south of Hope Park, 5
Grangebank, Boroughmuirhead, 5
Grange court, 60 Causewayside, 5
Grange loan, Causewayside, 5
Grange road. Grange, .5
Granton, west of Newhaven,
Gramond parish
Grant's place, Craigside place, 3
Granville terrace, Gilmore pi., 5
Grassmarket, "West bow, north 4,
south 1
Grayfleld and Grayfield toll, Dal-
keith road, Liberton parish
Gray's close N., 125 High street, 3
Gray's close S., 56 High street, 3
Gray's court, 95 iSicolson street, 4
Gray's place, 37 St Leonard st., 5
Gray st. south. Upper Gray st., 5
Gray st. upper, Salisbury place, a
Greenhill bank, Boroughmuir-
head, 5
links, 5
head, 5
gardens, Bruntsfield
park, Boroughmuir-
ten-ace and
TVhitehouse loan, 5
Greenside end, Greenside row, 2
Greenside house, Hillside cres., 2
Greenside lane, Greenside place, 2
Greenside row, Xottingham pi., 2
Greenside place, Greenside st., 2
Greenside street, Calton street, 2
Greig's close, 8 Abbey, 3
Greyfriars place, George it. br., 1
Gi-indlay street, Lothian road, 1
Grosvenorcres. &st., Hayr.iax-ket 1
Grove place. Grove street, 1
Grove place upper. Grove st., 1
Grove street, Morrison street. 1
Grove terrace. Grove street, 1
Gullan's el., S. B. of Canongate, 3
Guthrie street. Chambers St., 4
Haddington's entry, 80 Canon-
gate, 8
Haddington place, Leith walk, 2
Haddon's court, 112 Nicolson st, 5
Hailes street, 29 Gilmore place, 5
Halkerston's w^-nd, 163 High st., 3
Hall's coui-t, 230 Cowgate, 3
Hamburg place, Leith Foi-t, 6
Hamilton's court, 133 Fountain-
bridge, 1
Hamiltfin's entry, 36 Bristo st., 4
Hamilton place. High riggs, 1
Hamilton place, Glanville place, 1
Hampton terrace, Osborne ter., 1
Hanover street, 77 Princes St., 2
Hardwell close, 193 Pleasance, 5
Hart street, Forth street, 2
Hastie's close, 231 Cowgate, 4
Hatter's court, 154 Pleasance, 5
Hatton place. Grange, 5
Haugh street, Stockbridge, 1
Hawkfield, Eestalrig road, 7
Hawkhill, Lochend road, 7
Hawthornbank, by Lynedoch pi., 1
Hawthornbank pi., N. Fort St., 6
Hawthornbank ter., N. Fort st., 6
Hawthorn ter.. Water of Leith, 1
Hawthorn vale, Newhaven, 6
Haxton's court, Potterrow, 5
Haymarket, Coates place, 1
Ha3'market terrace, Haymarket, 1
Hay weights, by W. Maitland st., 1
Hay's court, Main point, 1
Hay's court, 12 Fountainbridge, 1
Hay street^ Nicolson square, 4
Hebron bank, Canaan, 5
Helen street, London row, 6
Henderson place, Bonnington, 6
Henderson row, foot Pitt street, 1
Henry Hay's close, 49 Giles st., 7
Hemy place, Henry street, 5
Henry street, St Leonard st., 5
Hercles street, foot Carnegie st., 5
Keriot mount cottages, Hercles
street, 5
Heriot bridge, 73 Grassmarket, 1
Heriot court, 14 Leith walk, 2
Heriot hill, Canonmills, 2
Heriot mount, Carnegie street, 5
Heriot place, Lauriston, 1
Heriot row, Abercromby place, 1
to 42, 2 ; 43 to 47, 1
Heriot teiTace, Canonmills, 2
Hermitage brae, Lochend road, 7
Hermitage hill, Fiestalrig road, 7
Hermitage place. Dean street, 1
Henuitage pi. & ter., Leith links. 7
Hermitage row, PLestalrig road, 7
Hermitage, Easter, E,estalrig rd., 7
HeiTnitage, Upper, Lochend rd., 7
Heron's court, 134 Cowgate, 4
High riggs, ToUcross, 1
High street, Canongate to Lawn-
market, east of South bridge 3,
west of South bridge 4
High School yards. High School
wynd, 3
Hill place, 34 Xicolson street, 5
Hill square. Hill place, 5
Hill street, Frederick street, 2
Hillhousetield, Bonnington, 6
Hillmount, Hercles street, 5
Hillside crescent, London road, 2
Hodge's court, Blackfriars street, 3
Holyrood cot., S. B. Canongate, 3
Holyrood house. Abbey, 3
Hol3"rood street, Hercles street, 5
Holyrood teri'ace, 69 Abbey hill, 3
Home .street, Portland place, 4
Hope crescent, Annandale st., 2
Hope park. s. side of Meadows, 5
Hope park cres., e. of Meadows, 5
Hope park end, Buccleuch st, 4
Hope park square, Meadows, 4
Hope park ter., s. of Meadows, 5
Hope street, Leith walk, 7
Hope street, 149 Princes street, 1
Hope terrace, N. Junction street, 6
Hope terrace, Whitehouse loan, 5
Hopetoun crt., Fountainbridge, 5
Home lane. Church street, 1
Home terrace, Viewforth, 5
Horse wynd, foot of Canongate, 3
Horse wynd, 74 Giles street, 7
Hospitals —
Chalmers', Lauriston place, 4
Donaldson's, Haymarket, 1
Hospitals —
:^ Fettes', Comely bank, 1
Gillespie's, Leven street, 5
Gladstone's, Old Mill road, 7
Heriot's, Lauriston place, 1
Infirmary, Infirmary street, 3
Maternity, Chapel street, 4
Merchant Maidens, Lauriston
lane, 4
Orphan, Dean, 1
Sick Children's, Lam-iston la., 4
Stewart's, Dean, 1
Trades Maidens, Hope park, 5
Watson's, John, Dean, 1
Watt's, Leith links, 7
Howard place, Wan-iston cres., 2
Howard street, Warriston pi., 2
Howe sti-eet, 19 Heriot row, 2
Hugh Miller place. Water lane, 1
Hunter square, South bridge, 4
Hunter's close, 129 Grassmarket, 1
Huntly street, Canonmills, 1
Hyndford's close, 60 High street, 3
India buildings, Victoria street, 4
India place, N.W. Circus place,
east of Church street 2, west 1
India street, 42 Heriot row, east
and Nos. 46 to 60, 2 ; west, 1
Industry lane, North Fort st., 6
Infirmary st., 53 South bridge, 3
luglis' court, 17 West port, 1
Inglis' entry, 8 Fountainbridge, 1
Ingliston street, Adam street, 5
Ink's close, 6 West port, 1
Innes's coiu-t, 93 Pleasance, 5
Inverleithfield, QueeusfeiTy rd., 1
Inverleith house, by Stockbridge, 1
Inverleith place and terrace. In
verleith row, 1
Inverleith row, Canonmills, eas^
2, west 1
Jack's cl.. Big, 225 Canongate, 3
Jack's cl.. Little, 233 Canongate, '■
Jackson's close, 209 High street,
Jamaica street, Howe street, 2
Jamaica street, Bonnington, 6
James' court, 501 Lawnmarket, 4
James lane, Bath street, 7
James place, Leith links, 7
James street, Moray street, 2
James street, Newhaven, 6
Jamieson's cl., 68 Grassmarket, 4
j Jane street, Leith walk, 7
.Jane terrace, Comely green, 3
Janefield place, Easter road, 7
Jeffrey street, St Mary's street, 3
' Jessfield, Newhaven road, 6
Jew's close, 44 Causewayside, 5
John's ]., 40 Charlotte st, Leith, '
John's place, 19 St Leonard st., 5
John's place, Leith links, 7
Johnston's cl., 332 Lawnmarket, -
Johnston terrace. Castle hill, 4
Johnston place, Eaeburn place, 1
Johnstone street, Coburg street, i
Jordan bank, Morningside, 5
Jordan lane, Morningside, 5
Jordan place, Morningside, 5
Junction st. north, Junction br., i
Junction street. Great, Leith, 7
Kay's court, 76 Crosscauseway, z
Kemp place. Water lane, 1
Keir street, Graham street, 1

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