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Mackenzie, Peter, proprietor, Hallcross house
private as_vlum
Mackenzie, Miss C. C. Hemington, Gordon cot.
Mackie, William, 12 Bridge street
Mackie, JIrs, 5-1 Newbigging
Mackinlay, Alexander, &; Co., chemical works,
M'Kiulay, Arch., sph'it dealer, 35 Newhigging
Mackinlay, John, Leven hall
Mackintosh, Eobert Harry, captain, retu'ed list.
Sweet home, Eskside
M'Leish, Miss, Bridgend, imihill
M'JIicken, Alexander, clerk, Esk mills
MacXab, Duncan, schoolmaster, Herkes loan
M 'Xaughton, Chas., confectioner, 131 High st.
M'Xicol, Peter, & Son, Leith carriers, MillhiU
Macqueen, Archibald, 11 Bridge street
Marshall, Hugh, builder, Calder cottage, Kew-
Maxwell, George, wright and blacksmith, Campie
Millar, "W. & J., tanners and merchts. , Fisherrow
MiUar, Alex., di-aper and clothier, 90 and 92
High street
Millar, John, coal merchant and contractor, jSTew
street, Fisherrow
Slillar, John, Victoria cottage, Newbigging
Millar, Peter, tanner and merchant, 4 Eskside
Millar, Thomas, grocer and fishing-tackle mer-
chant, Fisherrow
Millar, ilrs Andrew, Dalrymple loan
Millar, JIrs James, Spring bank
Miller, "William, manufacturer of starch, pithina
food, and farina ; house. Links, Fisherrow
Milne, Admiral Sir Alexander, K. C. B. , Inveresk
Mitchell, Alexander, contractor to the "War
Department, Waulkmill
Mitchell, Danl., grocer, 12S High st., Fisherrow
Mitchell, Jas. , veterinary surgeon, M. R. C. Y. S. L.
and E., 95 High street
IMitchell, James, grocer, etc., 95 High sti-eet
Moftat, A., private lunatic asylum, Newbig-
ging house
Montgomeiy, Eobert, grocer, 55 High street,
Moore, Thomas H., coalmaster, Smeaton park,
More, David M., draper, 115 High street; ho.
Calder cottage
Morgan, Mrs, 4 Esk green
Morrison, ]\Irs, 30 Eskside
Muir, John G. , inspector of poor and collector
of rates, Inveresk, Bridge street
5Iuir, ^Irs P., dairy, New street, Fisherrow
Munro, A., gardener. West Holmes, Fisherrow
Murray, Mrs, Eskside cottage
Naysmith, A. H., manager, Prestongi-ange col-
leries, St Clement's wells
Neilson, Isabella, spirit retailer, 22 Eskside
Newlands, John R., gi-ocer, 137 High street
Nichol, James, grocer and wine merchant, 49
Nicholson, Mrs Margaret, private lodgings, 5
Nisbet, George, smith and ironmonger, 50 High
Nisbet, Mrs John, 12 High street
North British Stearine Co. (Limited), Bridge
Orr, Alex., dairyman, 93 High street, Fisherrow
Orr, Lieut. -Col. James, Madras stall corps. Reel
Oswald, Lady IMary, ;^Ianor house, Inveresk
Park, James, filmier, Stoneyhill
Park, "William, golf club and ball maker. Links
Park, Mrs, Arbury house
Paterson, George, 37 High street
Paterson, Hugh (//. P. d: Co., Edinburgh), Oak
lodge, Inveresk
Paterson, James, grocer and spirit merchant, 44
High street
Pennycook, Eobert, grocer, 56 High street,
Pitcairn, James L., Millhill
Porteous, A. & J., smiths and cartwrights. Loch-
end, Fisherrow
Porteous, James, ale and porter merchant, 5&
High street, Fisherrow
Primerose, George, haircloth manufacturer and
merchant, Dambrae ; house, Piimrose place
Primerose, iirs Nicol, 3 Millhill
Proudfoot, Thomas, farmer, Pinkiehill
Purdie, Mrs James, spirit dealer, jMillhill
Purves, James, F.E. I.S., teacher, 3 Eskside
Quarrier, Mrs, grocer, High street, Fisherrow
Eaebiu-n, Jliss, 27 Bridge street
Registrar's Office, births, deaths, andmarriages
for the district of Inveresk and Musselburgh,
47 High street, jMusselburgh
Reid, Dr, Eskgi'een
Riddock, "Wakelin, & Co., seed-crushers, oilmills
Riddock, James T. (E., Wakelin, d: Co.), Eskside
Ritchie, James, Herkes loan, Fisherrow
Eitchie, ]\liss Euphemia, Herkes loan, Fisherrow
Eoberts, Charles "William, ilillhill cottage
Eobertson, John, grocer, 63 High street
Eobertson, Thomas, tailor, 53 High st., Fisher-
Robertson, William, baker and grocer. 111 High
Robertson, Mrs Catherine, smith and ironmonger,
Robertson, Mrs Margaret, hotelkeeper, Mussel-
burgh Anns
Ronald, P., shoemaker, 132 High st., Fisherrow
Ronald, Miss, cb-aper and milliner, 58 High st.,
Rutherford, John, china merchant, 92 High st.,
Sanderson, A. Macdonald, surgeon, F.R.C.S., 10
Bridge street
Sanderson, H., surgeon R.N., 19 Bridge street
Sandilands, Richard, plumber, 73 High street
Saudilands, Walter, Avright, Aloftat Park cottage,
Sandilands, William, smith, Inveresk
Sawers, George, saddler, 172 High st., Fisherrow
Sawers, Misses, Ailieford cottage, Hope park
Scarlett, Robert, gardener, Dalrymple loan
Scott, Andrew, gas manager, gasworks
Scott, George, slater, 55 High street
Scott, T. R., M.D., 9 High street
Scrymgeour, Henry, gardener. Beggar bush
Seaton, J., hat manufacturer, 25 Bridge street
Sharp, John C, chemist, 76 High street
Simpson, George, Dovecot house, Fisherrow
Simpson, Rev. Matthew, Congregational minister,
Jane cottage

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