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Pattison. Thos. H., M.D. surg. 21 York pi.
Thos. ( C. J. Banks), 6 Milne's court
. W. J. agent, plate aiid window glass
wareho. 24 Greenside pi. and 31 Con-
stitution st. — house, 16 Forth street
■ Mrs James, 17 Shandwick place
■ Mrs Thomas, Peacock Inn, Newhaven
' I\Irs, cleaner of shawls, 31 Brunswick st.
■ Mrs and Miss, bd. school, 17 Minto street
■ Mrs, 16 Forth street
4 iMiss, boarding-school, Albany cottage
Patrick, William, esq. W.S. 32 Albany street
J. S. esq. 23 Abercromby place
Mrs, lodgings, 1 Holyrood st. Carnegie st.
jMrs pr, 2 Forth street
Pattullo, Miss, 38 Ann street
» Miss, 3 Gillespie street
Paul & Moncrieff, esqs. accounts. 1 Howe st.
■ Alex, baker, 13 south St Andrew street
Alex, lodgings, 4 east Broughton place
. A. stationer, 15 south St James' street
. James, grocer, 12 JMarket street
* James, sol. and account. 13 Bernard st.
— ho. 19 Constitution st.
«— — Rev. John, 13 George square
> B. esq. manager of Commercial Bank,
43 Melville street
Robert, esq. W.S. 12 Fettes row
• T. grocer & spirit dealer, 4 James place ,
. Thomson, esq. W.S. 5 Rutland square
William, esq. accountant, 1 Howe street
— house 2,5 Rutland square
* Mrs, worsted shop, 4J Bridge street
Pawnbrokers' Co. 35 So. br. and 55 Niddrysi.
Paxton, John, auctioneer and appraiser, G
Royal Exchange coffeehouse
* John, tea and spirit dealer, 54 Giles st.
. Mrs Dr, 12 Archibald place
• Mrs, Samuel, 5 Nicolson street
Peacock Adam, spirit dealer, 41 Home street
* Adam, tobacconist, 59 Shore — ho. Char-
lotte street
i Andrew, tobacco manufacturer, 286 Ca-
nongate — ho. 30 Buccleuch place
— — Hen. tailor and clothier, 57 Hanover st.
• Robt. spirit dealer, 2 Orchardfield street
"« 'Sirs, lodgings, 4 Davnaway street
Pears, Jas. baker, 66 Buccleuch st. — house 64
Pearce, Mrs, lodgings, 18 Nelson street
. Mrs Captain, 16 Alva street
Pearson & Robertson, esqrs. W.S. 17 Royal cir.
• Alex. esq. W.S. 17 Royal circus
. Alex. jun. esq. W.S. 18 Castle street
■ Alex, brewer, Drumdryan house
' Cha. esq. accountant, 59 Geo. st. — ho.
David, lodgings, 25 Cumberland street
'- Lieut. D. H.,E.I.C.S. 10 Anthony pi.
E, Wesleyan assist, min. 13 Brown street
■ Major James, E.I.C.S. 29 Drummond pi.
Patrick, S.S.C. 22 Hill street
Tho. mail coach office — h. 1 1 Calton hill
• Mrs, 27 Dundas street
*Peat, Alex, messenger, 19 Duke street
— — David, spirit dealer, 17 Gilraore street
Peat, David, fruiterer, 4 Whitefield place
Geo. hair dresser, 8 so. St Andrew st.
James, merchant, 15 Princes street — ho.
100 Lauriston place
John (Customs), St Ann's bank
Th. bookseller and stationer, 32 Leith st.
W. silversmith, 13 Canal street
Miss, 1 London street
Miss, 17 St Patrick square
Peattie, Alex, baker, 55 Nicolson street
George, tavern, 391 Lawnmarket
Robert, builder, 23 Downie place
Peck, Wm. wine and spirit dealer, 1 Brought
ton street
W. and Son, lithographic printers, 6
George street
Pedie, James, esq. W.S., Broughton
Wm. city officer, 233 High street
Peddie, Alex. 51. D. surgeon, 11 Rutland st.
Don. S. acct. & ag. for the Yorkshire Ins.
Co. 1 George st. — ho. 37 Lauriston pi.
— See Adv.
James, jun. esq. W.S. 36 Albany street
-^^ — Rev. James, D.D. 37 Lauriston place
J. & Co. corset makers, 15 w. Richm. st.
* .John, {Excise), Coburg street
Peter, horse dealer, 2 Castle wynd
Wm. trunk maker, 46 Princes street
Rev. William, 25 Archibald place
Vt'iliiam, grocer, 45 Home street
Peebles, Dr, physician, 26 Rutland street
Wm. glazier, 35 London street
Miss, matron, House of Refuge, Canong.
PefFers, Mrs C. grocer, 13 Buccleuch street -
Pelican Life Insurance, Annuity, and
Endowment Office, 14 George st. —
Jas. Balfour, agent. — See Adv.
Pender, J. B. (of Cameron &f Co.), 57 Geo. eq.
Thos. esq. comptroller gen. of stamps
and taxes, 16 Regent terrrace
Pendrich, John, baker, 47 Fountainbridge
Miss, lodgings, 44 Cumberland street
Pendrigh, John, victual dealer, 4 Saunders st.
Penman, John, lodgings, 6 Saunders street
Mrs, tobacconist, 114 Nicolson street
Pentland, Wm. wright, Arthur St., Leith walk
* Y. J. cooper and stave mercht., Spence's
place, Bonnington road
Penney, Abraham, spirit dealer, ISFrederickst.
Wm. esq. advocate, 24 Great King street
Mrs, lodgings, 104 Rose street
Perigal, Arthur, portrait & miniature painter,
and master of drawing, 21 Hill street
Permit Office, 4 Milne square ; and 32
Bridge street*
Perron, Mrs Mary, 7 Hill square
Peter, Chas. woollen &linendraper,25Grassra.
D. clerk St George chapel, 46 Thistle st.
John {Kerr and Peter), Taphall
Wra. tea and spirit dealer, 3 Tobago st.
* Margaret, dressmaker, 4 Newport street
Miss, 10 Manor place
Peterkin, Alex. S.S.C. 5 Deanhaugh street
Peters, Dav. cabinetmaker, 8 Hamilton place
-=— . James, builder, 273 Canongate

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