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Beattie, Will\ain ,wrip;h land wood iperchant, 2.'}, Bread St.
■ i\Iiss, teacher of drawing, 1, Northumberland pi.
Beens, F. L. publisher, and printseller, 19 India Btreet
Mrs, teacher ofp;iintin<;, 19 India street
Beck, IVIiss, 3 south Charlotte street
Begbie & Dickson, ironmongers, 21 South St Andrew st.
workshop 21 Canal street
Andrew, cabinetmaker, east Thistle lane
Francis, plasterer, 13 north back of Canongate
Dr .Fames, surgeon, IS Albany street
Wm. {of British JJnen Co. Hank,) 3 Warristonpl.
jNIrs A. 5 Milne's court
Mrs George, spirit-dealer, 227 Canongate
IMrs, 3 Warriston place
Begg, Adam, Ayrshire tavern, 13o Grassmarket
• Archibald, tailor, 17 Bread street
IMrs William, toy shop, 34 Hanover street
Begley, G. Sheffield and Birmingham warehouse, li
Bank street
Begrie, John, victual-dealer, 73, St Leonard street
Beilby, Dr William, 31 Queen street
Belches, Mrs, St Bernard's crescent
Belfrage, William, writer, 4 Greenside street •
Bell and Bradfute, booksellers, 6 Bank street
' and Cossar, flesher, 42 Rose street — house 23
A. & Son, smiths and ironmongers, 23 Greenside
— — Keir, and Co. brewer;;, 46 Pleasance
and Loney, cabinetmakers. Church street
Andrew, poulterer, 1 Poultry market
Archibald, esq. advocate and sheriff- depute of
Ayrshire, 81 Great King street
Benjamin, esq. surgeon^ 26 St Andrew square —
house, 29 Elder street
Carlyle, esq. W.S. 14 Heriot row — ho. 7 R. circuo
George H. surgeon, 101 George street
Geo. esq. surgeon to the King,26 St Andrewsquare
Geo. Graham, esq. advocate, 42Druramond place
Geo. .Joseph, esq. advocate, professor of the law of
Scotland, 15 Queen street
George, grocer and spirit dealer, 5 Portland place
James, officer to Writers to the Signet, 2Romillypl.
Jas. tacksman of Salisb. crags — house Easter road
James, smith. Old Gibbet toll
' James, bellhanger, 112 Rose street
John, late of excise, 29 north back of Canongate
John, esq. jun. V/.S. 22 Cumberland street
John, teacher of English, Heriot's Hospital
John, grocer and tobacconist, 56 Nicolson street
John, smith, 30 Ea.st Rose street lane
John M. esq. advocate, 12 Queen street
John, esq. W.S. 81 Great King street
Joseph, esq. surgeon, 29 St Andrew square
Joseph, wig-maker, 340 Lawnmarket
Lachlan, wine and spirit merch'. 1 Broughton st.
■ Robert, esq. advocate, 20 St Andrew square
— - Robert Fitzroy, esq. IG Gay field square
— — Stewart, silver plater, 6 Milne's court
'^^ — Wal. shoemaker, 16 Lothian st. — ho. 8 Roxb. st.
William, esq. 7 west Maitland street
— William, e-q. sugar house Canongate
William, of Excise, 38 Abbeyhill
William, superintendent Ferry office, XcA-havcn

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