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An order once issued cannot be cancelled ; and should repayment or transfer to a different office
or alteration of name be required, the remitter must apply to the paying Postmaster according to
the directions printed on the back of the order.
The remitter of an order may make that order payable ten days after date, provided he sign the
requisition " C." printed on the order, to defer payment until ten days after date, and affix a penny
receipt stamp thereto.
When an order is presented for payment (otherwise than through a hank), the Postmaster has
first to see that the signature of the payee be as full as the name given in the advice, and be not
in any way inconsistent therewith. He has then to call on the applicant to give the name of the
remitter, and if the reply be coiTCct, the order will be paid, unless the Postmaster have good reason
for believing that the applicant for payment is neither the rightful claimant, nor deputed by him.
When an order is paid through a bank, it is sufficient that it be receipted (without regard to any
discrepancy between the signature and the name in the advice, or to whether the receipt is given by
the 23ayee himself or by another person), and that it be presented (crossed "with the name of the
receiving bank) by some person known to be in the employment of the bank.
The holder of a iloney-Order is always at liberty to direct, by crossing it, that the order be paid
through a bank, even though its payment was not originally so restricted ; and when the order is
thus crossed, the question put on the presentation of an ordinary Money-Order is dispensed with.
Money-Orders do not requii-e a receipt stamp.
Payment of an order, issued and payable in the United Kingdom, must be obtained before the
end of the second calendar month after that in which it was issued (for instance, if issued in Janu-
ary-, it must be paid before the end of March), otherwise the order becomes lapsed, and a new order
will be necessary, for which a second commission will be charged. The period for jDajTnent of
orders issued in the United Kingdom, and payable in anj- colony authorised to transact Money-
Order business, including Gibraltar and j\Ialta, is six months, and orders granted at those places on
the United Kingdom are also payable during six months after that in which they were issued. Any
person presenting a lapsed order will be furnished with a copy of a printed notice headed " Lapsed
Money-Orders," containing directions how to proceed. If the order be not paid before the end of
the twelfth calendar month after that in which it was issued (for instance, if issued in January,
and not paid before the end of next January), all claim to the money will be lost.
l^To application can be entertained for compensation for alleged injurj' from the non-payment of a
money-order at the expected time ; and after once paying a monej'-order, by whomsoever presented,
the Office is not liable to any further claim.
To guard against the loss of a Money-Order, the public are cautioned —
1. Never to send the Money-Order in the same letter with the information required on pay-
ment thereof.
2. To see that the name of the person taking out the order is correctly known to the person
in whose favour it is di-awn.
Under no circumstances can payment of an order be demanded on the day of issue.
In case of the miscarriage or loss of an inland Money-Order, a duplicate is granted on a written
application (with the necessars' particulars, and enclosing the amount of a second commission, in
postage stamps) to the Comptroller of the Money-Order Office of England, Scotland, or Ireland, as
the case may be, where the original order was issued ; and if it be desired to stop payment of an
inland order, a similar application, with enclosure of postage stamps, must be made to the Control-
ler of the iloney-Order Office of that part of the kingdom in which the order is payable. If altera-
tion in the name of the payee or remitter of an inland Money-Order should be required, application
muBt be made by the remitter to the Postmaster of the office at which the order was issued, and a
second commission must be paid. Should transfer of payment of an inland order from one office
to another in the United Kingdom, or repayment of the amount of an order, be required, an appli-
cation enclosing the order must be made to the Postmaster at whose office the order is payable, who
will transmit in exchange a new order payable at the place desired, but for a less sum than the
original order by the amount of the second commission charged for the re-issue. Proper printed
forms for making applications in all these cases may be obtained at any Money-Order Office, and
full instructions on the subject will be found printed at the back of the Money-Order. Whenever, on
complaint being made, it is found that the necessity for an application entailing the pajTnent of a
fresh commission is attributable to the Post-Office, the charge wiU be remitted to the applicant, and
imposed on the officer in fault.
A Postmaster is required to give information how to apply for a duplicate order, &c., and must
fm-nish the prescribed form of application. If payment of an order be refused in consequence of
the replies to the questions respecting the remitter not corresponding with the entries in the
advice, or of a difference in the name in the receipt, the applicant for payment should communicate
with the remitter, and request him to apply personally to the issuing Postmaster.
No Letter Carrier or other servant of the Post-Office is bound to procure a Money-Order for any
person, or to obtain paj-ment for one, but such services are not forbidden.
Money Orders are issued at all Money Order Offices in the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland, on Money Order Offices in Canada, Cape of Good Hope, New South Wales, New Zea-
land, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia, and by the Offices in those
colonies on any Money Order Office in the United Kingdom, at a charge of Is. for any sum not

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