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Young and Co. 13 Union place,
M'Dowall street, and 50 Con-
stitution street, Leith
(Those marked * are Farriers.)
Adams, R. 4 Rutland place
Adams, Wm. 4 Howe street
*Anderson, D. Hamilton's entry
Angus, Thomas, 169 Rose st.
^Archibald, D. 166 Rose street
Auchinclose, J. and Son, 129
Rose street
Baiu and Co. Lochrin Iron
Works. — See A dv.
Bell, Peter, 9 'SAX. Circus pi.
Bell. P. N.-W. Thistle st. lane
Bell, Thos. Broughton market
Bell, Wm. 17 St Leonard street
Black, J. 4 Dalrymple place
Bogie, J. S.-E. Thistle st. lane
Brown, George, Brown's place
Brown, J. 62 Fountainbridge
Brown, Wm. Brown's pi. Leith
Bryden, Jas. 55 Causeyside
Butters, James, 1 Leslie place
Carmichael Thos. 5 St Andrew
street, Leith
Carrick, James, and Son, 144
George st. and 156 Rose st.
Chisholm, A. 34 Sheriff brae
Clark and Beatson, 24 Howe st.
Clay, John, North Pitt street
Hislop, John, Bangholm
Hood, J. 3 M'Dowall street
Imrie, R. 25 S. Junction st.
Bayne, H. 17 Sandport street
Bayne, James, 7 Hanover street
Beveridge, Mrs, Bonnington br.
Kelly, John, and Sons, 113 Rose Binnie, Mrs, 48 Grassmarket
Lamb, P.
-See Adv.
15 Church street
Birrel, Henry, 1 Salisbury st.
Birrell, James, 523 Lawnmarket
Millar, A
Millar, 'William, Castle terrace.
— See Adv.
Moir, D. Mint, 56 High street
Morrison, Andrew, 149 Rose st.
Morrison, W. 39 Whitfield pi.
Napier, James, 39 AVater lane
Neilson, Geo. 20 College wynd
Paterson, A. and J. Morrison st.
Pringle and Inglis, 58 Leith st.
Ritchie, D. 38 Candlemaker row
Ritchie, Geo. 32 Horse wynd
Robertson, W. 102 Pleasance
*Rutherford, R. 10 Bread street
"Set on, H. 129 Rose street
Smith, J. 87 Abbey hill
Spence, James, 373 High street
Tait, Thos. Clyde street lane
Tennant, T. M. and Co. Bowers
hall, Bonnington road
Thomson, D. and J. Broughton
"Thomson, A. Charlotte place
Thomson, B. 9 Citadel
Cleland, W. and J. Water of | Tod, J. and Son, 29 Leith walk
Logan, Henry, 108 High street I Blackie, J. 3 South College 6t.
Mather, James, 7 Queen's place I Blyth, R. 1 Portland Place, Leith
and Son, 18 Potter- 1 Borrowman, Robt. 25 Pleasance
Coldwell, James, Mary's place
*Crawford, James, 1 Old Physic
Cunningham, A. 12 Sandport
Cunning, Wm. 38 Queen street
Denholm, James, Morningside
Dove, Jas. & Co. Greenside lane
Drover, Robert, 118 Kirkgate
*Eckford, T. 25 Timber bush
Fairgrieve, W. 8 Dock street
Falconer, J. and Son, 74 South
Clerk street
Fergie, William, Brandon st.
Forrest, Alex. 110 Rose street
Forrest, Jas. 129 Grassmarket
Gillespie, A. 62 Broughton st.
Graham, D. King's stables
Gray, J. and Son, 85 George st.
Greig, David, 22 Buccleuch st.
Greig, David, 156 Rose street
Grierson, Jn. S. 19 Hanover st.
and Broughton market
Hall, George, Newhaven
*Hall, R. 4 Laurie street
Hay, Wm. 4 Greenside row
Henderson, J. 4 Murray street
Henderson, W. Chalmers' close
Hislop, A. Canonmills
Urquhart, George, Circus lane
Waldle, James, 22 Chapel st.
Wardlaw, A.& J. Low Broughton
"Watt, Alex. 6 St James' place
Whyte, James, Spittal street
§oap nakers.
Raimes, Blanshards and Co.
(fancy soap). Smith's place
Taylor, AY. and Co. 4 Salaman-
der street
(See Lav: Directory.)
Spirit Sealers.
Adamson, D. 32 Northumber-
land street
Addison, James, 6 Rose street
Adie, John, 34 South Junction
street, Leith
Adie, Mrs, 7 Dock place
Anderson, James, 1 Hamilton
place, Newington
Anderson, Robert, 29 Hercles'
Anderson, William, 11 Abbey
Arnott, Mrs Robt. 39 Potterrow
Baird, J. 8 Young street
Bertram, George, 95 Nicolson
Boyce, Mrs J. 13 Constitution
Brady, Thos. 129 Grassmarket
Brown, Mrs S. 41 Home street
Bruce, David, 23 Howe street
Buchanan, Mrs J. 1 Salamander
Burton, James, 100 Rose street
Butler, Robert, 5 Drummond
i street
Cairns, John, 330 Lawnmarket
I Cameron, Alei:. 17 Market street
' Cameron, John, 12 Grassmarket
' Cameron, AVm. 5 Hope street
I Carter, N. 86 Candlemaker row
Carey, Charles, 6 Hanover st.
i Carter, Mrs J. 202 Pleasance
Chalmers, David, 114 Kirkgate
Chalmers, E. 20 Commercial pi.
Chalmers, J. 122 High street
Chalmers, John, 41 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Chalmers, William, 4 Shrub pi.
Cochrane, J. 23 Elm row
Cossar, J. 14 Greenside row
Cowan, Thomas, 1 Bristo port
Coxson, James, 7 Elm row
Crerar, Alex. 229 Cowgate
Crerar, Mrs, 106 Nicolson st.
Cribbes, R. 71 Grassmarket
Cuthbertson, J. 4 Regent street
Currie, Thos. 14 Market street
Davidson, D. 2S3 Canongate
Davie, Thomas, 34 Giles' street
Davies, H. W. 77 Clerk street
Darling, William, 4 West Rich-
mond street
Dewar and Co. 1 Kirkgate f
Dick, John, 14 and 15 Dock st.
Dick, J. Church lane
Dickson, A. 41 Leith wynd
Doig, Alex. 9 Queen's place,
Leith walk
Doig, R. 1 Hunter square
Donaldson, James, 7 Hamilton
Donaldson. J. G. 73 Cockburnst.
Douglas, R. 4!' Rose street
Dow, Alex. 7 S. St Andrew st.
Drysdale, Mrs, 17 Buccleuch st.
Duncan, Angus, 1 Bath street
Duiidas, David, 3 Lawrie street
Duff, Alex. 17 Frederick street
Duff, Mrs J. 5 St Mary's wvnd
Dunlop, James, 145 High st.
Edgar, A. 56 West port

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