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107 Crai? Brotliers and Co.
lOS Smith, G. and A.
1. Speiice's B'lace,
Caslle Bams.
2 Iiifrlis, Henrv
3 Douglas, David
4 Heiulcrson, Joliu, painter
7 Templeton, Alexander
8 Cuthbert, Clarkson, U.J).
7. Speijce's PI., S^eitii.
1 CaMerwood, R.
3 ^\ iliiamson, Mrs
7 Spavin, Mrs ^Invy
7 Cooper, Alexander
8 Inglis, Mrs, spirit dealer
10 Smitii, 3Irs, grocer
13 Pentland, Young, jun. (T. J.
P. a?idSon)
13 Pentland, Y. J. and Son,
IG Gillis, Sisters, milliners. See.
1. Spittal Street.
1 Williamson, Adam, bookselr.
2 Callender, George
3 Munro, John
3 Aitken, Mrs
3 Mellon, John
4 Strachan, Robert
5 Middlemass, Thoma=;
7 Kirkland, John, manager
7 Clarkson, John
8 Slight, Alexander
8 Moir,_ George {F. cj- J/.)
8 Menzies, Misses
8 Pittendrigh, George
8 Inglis, John, tailor
8 Tait, James'(r;.P.-6>.)
FerqusJie Brick and Tile
10 Henderson, James, dairy
Pidlar, David, wright
Edinburgh Brick and Tile
Works — Robert Napier,
agent. — See Adv.
Stark, William, builder
Armstrong and Hogg
Whyte, James, blacksmith
Thomson, James, builder
Sinclair, John, wire-worker
Turner, Alex, lathsplitter
Albert Buildings
Wilkie, James
Affleck, William
M'Call, Martin, -writer
3. Sprins: dardesis^
Abbe;/ Hill.
13 Adamson, Thomas
15 Menzies, John
17 AVells, John
19 Smith, J. L.
31 Main, Peter
31 Bouchard, John
31 JI'Laren, Miss Jane
33 Hurst, William
in O'llara, R. C.
H I'.iown, Mrs Elizabeth
12 Leahy, Mrs Anne
10 :.lactie, Rev. Daniel
10 Henderson, George
S Steu-ait, John
C i\PLaren, Jaincs
4 Story, Robert
2 Reid, Robert
2. Spring- Ciardens.
1 Morris, IMrs H.
2 Miller, Thomas, mercluint
3 Moffat, JMrs, grocer
4 Tliyne, AVilliam, and Sons
5 Gray, A. F. chemist
7 & 8 Rae, H. silk mercer
9 Aitchison, Mrs James
10 Somerville, Robt. bookseller
7. Spring^field.
Wood, John, dairy
1 Colledge, William, surgeon
2 Butti, Lewis
3 Wright, James
4 Lawton, Miss
6 Aire, Miss
7 Grant, Mrs
8 Forrester, Samuel
9 Shoffs Iron Co.
10 Sinclair, Alex, manager
1. Stafford Street.
1 Gentleman, Mrs
1 Gordon, James, writer
1 Ross, Mrs Robert
1 iM'Donald, Mrs G.
3 Baxter, Jlrs
5 Beck. Miss
7 Smellie, iliss Lucy
9 Watson, Mrs Dav'id
11 Siianks, James, lodgings
13 Anderson, Mrs Frances
15 Shanks, James
21 Brown, Miss, of Xewton
23 Urquhart, Miss
25 JIackintosh, Rev. James
27 Copland, A. H. Y. D.
27 Copland, JIrs
29 Arcus, Mrs John, lodgings
31 Farquharson, Miss
31 iPVitie, Robert
31 Smith, George
32 Logan, Thomas, writer
32 Baildon, William
32 Baildon. Jliss
30 Gray, Alexander
28 Fullarton, J. R.
28 Fullarton. Mrs
26 Scott, James
24 Sheppard, Sirs James
24 Innes, Mrs
20 Brown, J.
10 iM'Arthy, Joha
14 Haldane, Dr R.
10 Thomson, William
8 Kell, Mrs
M'Dcnald, Jliss, lodgings
4 Sanders, W. R., M.D.
2 Graham, John, painter
2 Robertson, Janie-, baker
2 Jlillar, Mrs, lodgings
7. Staitivell l<odg-e.
Methven, Thos. nurseryman
Fra.^ei-, Hugh, nursery fore-
Stevens, Francis Alfred
(k Starbankfi'fiace.
Gieig, John
Andiew, Thomas
Slelville, James
'S. Stead's B»Sace.
1 BLarshall, W. Stead's cotta-re
1 iM'Farlaue, Robert, and Son
1 M'Farlane, Jlrs Robert
1 Fullarton, A. & Co. printers
2 Marshall, Jas. {R. B. .y Co.)
3 Deans, Jliss
9 Waldie, James, merchant
9 Wood, Alexander, spirit dealer
4. Steveislaw's CSose.
Ironside, Edmund, carver
Ewart, Wm. cabinetmaker
3. StewartfieSd.
Ronalds, Edmund
1. Stoekftridi^e Slarket.
S Young and Son, fleshers
12 Baird, Tliomas, fruiterer
.^tratl&ern ISoad.
?*I'Ewan, Rev. D. Alma villa
Roberts, George, Straihern
3 Hall, Thomas
Dickson, John, Geneva cottage
Douglas, David, Laverock
Cav, Jolm.jun. Charltonloiige
Mcmzics, V/. J., W.S.
Sym, William, St Jlary's
Thomson, Miss, St Mary's
Murray, David, accountant
3. Strieheii's Close.
Nichol, James, publisher
Is'ichol & Co. envelope maiui.
Aitken, John, cotleehcnse
Macgregor, John, tobacconist
AVright, J. japanner
Beddie, John, brasst'ounder
Aitken, John W. clerk
a. Stuart Street., ftreat.
] Lindcsay, F.
1 Johnston, Jliss
1 Morris, James, wine merchant
1 Jlorris, Robert, stationer
2 Forman, John
2 Buclier. Sig. music teacher
2 Dovev, Ucv. J. E.
4 Mercer, AV. D.
5 Hunter, Sliss

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