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380 Rat
36 Chisliolm, David
38 Grierson, Robert
40 CoinrJe, Mrs
40 Kilgour, Mrs J.
44 Wilsou, Andrew
44 M'Kenzie, Mrs J. A.
44 Bell, Mrs
44 JIurray, Misses
44 Taylor, Miss
44 Farrier, Mrs John
46 Scott, Mrs, lodgings
50 VVickham, Captaia R. S.
50 Cheyue, Mrs P.
50 Caw, Joliu
50 M'Pherson, Mrs
52 Mackintosh, John
52 Mackintosh, James, dentist
54 Cairnie, John
54 Thorburn, James
54 Sclater, Jliss
54 Brown, David {B. and T.)
Hutton,J. &Co. woodmerch.
Greig, David, builder
5. RatcIifTe Place.
Fraser, William
Marrs, N.
6. RatcIifTe Terrace.
5 Buist, James
3. Redbraes.
Child, W. K. merchant
Stephens, Henry, cottage
S. Res:ent Arch.
56 Wilson, Peter, and Co. spirit
55 Mohring, H. fniit merchant
47 Liddle, Wm. drysalter
M'Diarmid,Mrs J. sp. merch.
6. Reis:ent Street.
1 Traill, Robert
1 Lethem, James
2 Kilgour, Joseph
4 Cuthbertson, J. spirit dealer
7 Miles, Alex, coal merchant
Rollo, Robert, jnn.
8 Ferguson, Tiiomas
9 Jlenzies, Mrs John
9 Duncan, S. shipmaster
9 Dnucanson, Mrs W.
10 Robertson, John
3. Regrcnt Terrace.
1 Ferguson, John, W.S.
2 Hunter, Rev. John,D.D.
3 Nicholson, Rev. Maxwell
4 Paterson, William
5 Gray, Rev. W. H.
6 M'Letchie, Rev. James, D.D.
7 Oliver, Mrs Thomas
8 Anderson, Wm. merchant
9 Schmitz, Leonard, LL.D.
10 Dalziel, George, AV.S.
11 Boyd, T. i. {Oliver ^^ B.)
12 Alison, John
13 P.ayley, Isaac, S.S.C.
14 Ru.'-seil, George E.
15 Russell, JIrs, of B'ackbraes
16 Muir, iMrs
17 Russell, JIrs
18 Goodsir, A.
19 Stuart, John
20 Gordon, James
21 Harvey, George, R.S.A.
22 Lindesay. James, jun.
23 Rankin, John A.
24 Richard, Walter
25 Marshall, Mrs Wm.
26 Smith, Alexander
27 Macandrew, John
28 Campbell, T. B.
29 Salter, Miss
30 Hay, Mrs Colonel
31 Ford, J.ames
32 Elhot, Wm. Scott, W.S.
33 Martin, Mrs Colonel S.
34 Wallace, Misses
S. Reg:eiit Ter. I^aiie.
Mann, Alex.
Fraser, John
Henderson, Henry
S. Resrister Place,
CafeRoyal Hotel — J. Grieve
6 Rennie. Thomas
8 Kirk, Edward (B. L. Co.)
Huie, D. R. W.
S. Reg:ister St., East.
1 M'Lennan, Donald
2 Anderson, Wm. perfumer
3 jSlarley Hill Colliery Co.
3 Dougall, William
3 Moir, P. M. agent
3 Cunningham, Mr.^ W.
3 Nimmo, David, engraver
3 M'Lauchlan, John
3 Burgess, James, merchant
3 Pearson, John
4 Cowan, Dougald, bookseller
5 Robertson, J. bootmaker
5 Paterson, Thomas, grocer
6 Allan, John, tailor
7 Kennedy, W^m. Ship Hotel
7 Thomson, Miss A. dressmaker
8 Dewar, Hugh, flesher
9 Dixson, Robert, baker
11 Stewart, P. spirit merchant
12 Seaton, Robert, refreshment
13 Dennell, James, hatmanufac.
— See Ado.
Reg;lster St., West.
Wilson, J. Guildford Arms
Culley's lodgings
Wilson, tobacconist
Morris, Robert, stationer
A^allance, G. glover
Irvine, James, die-cutter
Somerville, Mrs, la])idary
Gilciu'ist, James, and Son
Hume, Robert, & Co. plumb-
ers. — See Adv.
Till, Charles, tobacconist
31 Ruddiman, John, cutler
33 Smith, J. D. carver and gilder
35 Finlayson, Daniel, tailor
37 Morrison, Robert
37 Walker, James
50 Marshall, Patrick, shoemaker
46 Prince of Wales hotel
46 Meikle, Thomas
36 Biyce, James, gunmaker
34 Hogg, James, toy warehouse
30 Alexander, Charles, seedsman
28 Whitelaw, Jas. watchmaker
26 Knight, G. and Son
4 Paterson, Thomas, tailor
2 Mathers, David, stationer
3. Reid's Court.
4 Dyer, Mrs A.
4 Hunter, John
3 Henderson, Barclay
Reid Terrace.
3 Brown, J. D.
6 M'Williams, R.
7 Ross, George (6'.P.-0.)
16 Gloag, Peter, writer
24 M'Kay, John
28 Forbes, Daniel, lodgings
31 Grierson, Charles
32 Cromb, Robert
33 Ferrie, George
35 Sawers, Alex.
36 Lyon, Charles
37 Adam, Stephen
40 Shutt, Charles
4. Reikie's Court.
Jliller and Richard
Mein, Mrs David
'7. Restalrig; Park,
Paterson, David A.
5. Richmond I^ane.
4 Haig, George, flesher
6 Stirling, John, grocer
8 Fraser, Duncan, spirit merch.
5. RichmoEid Place.
1 Paterson, James, pawnbroker
5 Mair, James, broker
7 Reekie, Mrs, ladies' nurse
7 Ferguson, Fergus
15 Boyack, James
17 Steven, Mrs
19 Reid, Robt. flesher
21 Henderson, Thomas, tea and
coffee merchant
23 Macdonald, Alex. Edin. and
Leith carrier
23 Smeaton, Mrs, ladies' nurse
25 Kippen, Duncan, spirit dealer
27 Smart, AVm. spirit dealer
29 Jamieson, Mrs H.
20 Trotter, Nicol
29 Syme, Mrs
29 Hill, George
33 Ross, David, tailor
33 Brash, T. boot & shoe maker

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