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18 Hutchison, A. advocate
16 Carmichael, John
16 Stewart, J. C.
16 Stewart, Mrs
14 Davidson. William
12 Mackiiight, A. E. advocate
12 3Iacknight, James, AV.S.
10 Birrell, Mrs
S Smart. John
8 Neill, Miss
8 Graliam, Miss
4 Little, Andrew
2 Dickson, John, jmi.
2 Kerr, George
2 Wightmau, John
5. liOrd Rnsj^ell Place.
1 Cooper, 3Iiss Hauuah
1 Finlayson, D.
2 Harciis, Henrj
2 Rollo, Mrs AV.
2 Hawkins, Miss
2 Siddie, John
2 Mackenzie, Miss
3 Walker, James
3 Boag, J. R.
3 Dmm, John H.
3 Bryceson, Miss
4 Waddell, William
4 Roughead, P. C.
4 Forbes, Walter (C. ^. F.)
4 Gray, James (^Inland Rev.)
4 Paterson, John
5 Calder and Forbes
1. liOthian Itoad.
St George i> Free Church —
Brittain, James
New Veterinary College—
Gamgee, John, professor
Sanderson, R. & T.
68 Eraser, Simon, cooper
G6 Gilray Brothers, coal mchts.
64 Redpath, Alex, slater
G'2 Caledonian Railway Tavern
— Turner, James
60 Kellie, James, confectioner
58 Barge, John B. hatter
56 Turner, James, and Co.
52 Scott, CroMll, and Sous
50 Ritchie, William
48 Martin, ilrs
46-A M'Lean, Wm. confectioner
46 Smith, John, coal merchant.
— See Adv.
Caledonian Railway Station
— Powell, G. W. passeu-
g-ers' superintendent
Symington, John, goods
Cameron, J. & P. rwy. agents
42 Jamieson, James
40-A Sutlierland, D. and Sons
40 Burns, Michael, coal agent
39 Anderson, George, bookseller
38 Stark, James, ironmonger
M'Ewan, Thomas, sculptor
Laing, George, builder
Douglas, James
Perceton Fire- Clay Goods
Depot — Dochard, Duncan,
agent. — (See Adv.)
Lothian Road Church
4 Kay, Robert, Union hotel
2 Annandalc, James
2 Gillespie, Mrs John
1 Huntly, William
1 Tiiomson, iliss
3 :\lenzies, Wm., F.R.C.S.
3 Menzies, W. I. jun. M.D.
5 Simpson, George
5 Crowe, Robert B.
5 Speiice, John
5 MiUous, Robert
7 Lyall, John
Rowatt, T. and Son
Ballantync, James, and Co.
Robertson, David
Stevenson, William
Lamb, John, builder
Kerr, David, stone carver
Palmer, John
Jl'Culloch, Thomas, plumber
Cariyle, William
Douglas, George Coutts
Douglas, George
Camhridge Street intersects.
17 ililler, James
19 Mitchell, Tiiomas
21 Shiells, R. Thornton
21 Nivison, Abraham
21 Smith, John
21 Sliand, W. R.
23 Martin, William
25 Armstrong and Hogg
27 Brown, Charles
29 Lumley, Edward
31 Carrick, Alexander
31 Millar, William
31 Carmichael, L.
33 M'Lay, Peter
35 Chisholm, John
St Cuthhert's Glebe intersects.
West Kirk and Manse —
Veitch, Rev. James, D.D.
West Kirk Recorder^ Office
— Cruickshank, A. recorder
St John's Chapel
4. liOthian Street.
1 Gibson, William, draper
3 Chalmers, James
5 Forsyth, William
7 M'Lmes, James, tinsmith
11 Dickson, A.
11 M'DoM-all, Thomas
15 Brown, John
17 Gilbert, Thomas, baker
19 Grav, James, and Sou
21 Allan, W.
21 Golightly, George
21 Leslie, James, coal agent
21 Anderson. Peter, tailor
27 Hunter, William
29 MArthur, J. victual dealer
31 Kerr, Miss, milliner
35 Henderson, Alexander
35 Nisbet, Robert {G. P.-O.)
35 Nisbet, Mrs, lodgings
35 Menzies, Thomas
39-A Cowieson, P. printseller
39 Menzies, Thomas
Brighton Street intersects.
41 Tinsley, Mrs, lodgings
41 Sleigh, George, tailor
47 Newbigging, James
49 Hunter, Francis, llesher
51 Waters, William
St Mary's School
58 Wilson, Jas. spirit merchant
56 Brown, Mrs Robert
56 Adam, Robert, wright
56 Stevenson, P.
5G Dingwall, Robt.
56 Ross, Mrs E.
54 Paterson, Mrs, milliner
54-A Waddell, John
52 Scott, Mungo
50 Craig, James
48 Grieve, Miss A.
48 Paterson, Mrs J.
44 Hay, Peter, grocer
42 Watson, Miss
42 Wilson, Francis, lodgings
42 Weatherhead, Robert
40 Scott, D. baker
38 Inglis, T. victual dealer
36 Forbes, Mrs
34 Fairly, R.
32 Macaulay, Elizabeth
30 Anderson, Andrew
30 White, D. merchant
26 Scott, Mrs Andrew, flesher
24 Sands, Miss Jane
22 Turnbull, Thos. fishmonge
18 Graham, A. merchant
18 Cockburn, A.
18 Cockburn, Mrs E.
18 Brycc, Robert
18 Paterson, Robert
16 Brown, John
14 Sinclair, John, baker
12 Dickson, Margaret, fruiterer
6 Renton, William
4 Lind, W. cheesemonger
2 M'Niven, Mrs, wine & sp.mer.
2. liOvers' liane.
Sloan, Thomasl.S'Zoo/i Sf Son)
Ll'Farlane, A. dairy
5. liutton Place.
1 Thomson, R. V.
1 Hodges, Mrs
1 Wilkie, James
3 Pattison, Matthew
5 Robertson, George
5 Henderson, James
5 Baxter, John, printer
5 Allardice, Mrs James
5 M'Kelvie, John
5 Millar, Andrew
11 Hutchinson, AL clerk
11 Watson, Miss
11 Towers, John
11 Miller, Mrs

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