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'S. Kirkg'ate.
1 Dewar and Compauj^, spirit
2 Walker, G. and J.
3 Walker, Jliss
3 Scott & Allan,wine merchts.
4 Fegan and Co. outfitters
5 Eitchie, A. II. manufacturer
6 Walker, Wm. drajier
7 Miller, John, coiit'ectioner-
8 Fitzgerald, Jlichael Shaanon
8 M'Dermott, James
9 Mason, Mrs
10 Sutherland, D. bootmaker
11 Smith, J. jeweller
12 Watson, Miss M., milliner
12^ Watt, David, tailor
13"Hunter, John, tobacconist
14 Oliver, William
17 Spears, William
18 Nelson, Jas. victual dealer
19 Innes, Andrew, hair di-esser
21 Cameron, Jas. hatter
23 Aitchisou, David, draper
24 Spiuks, Charles, turner
25 M'Intosli, William
27 Gallic, George
29 Docherty, R. confectioner
30 Cochrane, W. tailor
30 Bennet, Forrest
30 Sinclair, Adam
30 M'Pherson, Jas. plumber
30 Lauder, Miss
31 M'Kenzie, James, fruiterer
32 Jupp, H. musicseller
34 Kerr, G. tobacconist
35 Work, Mrs Ann
36 Brydou, Jas. jun. llesher
37 Ballingall, David, grocer
38 Hamilton, David, baker
39 Paterson, Alex. F. grocer
40 Leiih Total Abstinence So-
ciety's Committee Room
41 T-Feir's Close
42 Ralston, Mrs
43 Eunson, R. Taylor
44 Skilling, Mrs John
44 M'Grigor, AValter, seed mer.
44 Paris, IVIrs
46 Thomson, J. green-grocer
48 Cochrane, John, tinsmith
51 Laing, James, grocer
51-A Drummond, Thomas
52 Lindsay, James, baker
53 Swan & Stoddart
58 Hay & Philip
59 Mackay, Neil, builder
59 Steel, Robert
59 Haddon, James
59 Smith, Cliarles
62 Smith, Newbigging J. drug.
63 Fortune, John
68 Crawford, Thos. baker
70 Dunn, John, hairdresser
71 Ballingall, Ann Miss, prov.
73 Lindsay, James, baker
75 Weston, Thos. victual dealer
76 Sinclair, Robert
76 Sheddon, John
77 & 78 Paterson, John
79 Alexander, Mrs Jas. gi'ocer
81 Dickson, W. & C. milliners
82 Archibald, A. baker
84 Eraser, John, hairdresser
85 Hill, James, grocer
86 Henderson, George, porter
87 M'Kay, Neil, spirit mercht.
91 Smith, Mrs C. flesher
95 Jupp, A. music seller
96 Bennet, Forrest, draper
97 AVinwick, J. spirit merchant
97 Lauder, Thos. water officer
98 Paterson, V. spirit dealer
99 Trinity House
99 Carstairs and Robertson
100 Richardson, iirs
100 Cowan, Miss J.
102 Stebbing, Alex, painter
105 Beith, Robert
107 Cockburn, Peter, dairy
108 M'Fadyen, F. cork manuf.
HI Bleakley, W. A. bootmaker
113 Shear, David, prov. dealer
114 Chalmers, David, spirit dlr.
115 Mossmau, Donald
116 Cochrane, M. greengrocer
117 Archib#%,Mrs M. cutler
118 Drover, Robert, smith
lis Fairley, John, tinsmith
118 Jordan, J. cooper
119 Mowat, ATilliam, dairy
121 Lyle, George, clothier
122 Dougal Brothers
123 Murray, James
124 Addison, Mrs, baker
126 Ritchie, Geo. spirit dealer
129 Arnott, John, and Co.
130 Durie, James, baker
131 Blair, James, hatter
132 Ninimo, AVm. stationer
133 Drummond, C. bookseller
134 AValker, James, draper
135 Jackson, E. G. A.
136 Gray, George, hatter
137 Millar, James, cork manuf.
138 Bennet, A. and M. drapers
139 Nicolson, and Son, grocers
142 Wright, Jas. victual dealer
144 Turner, W. N. bookseUer
146 Whitehead, L. shoe shop
147 Hutchison, A. smith
3. Kyle Place,
AVeir, James {G.P.-O.)
1. liady liawson's
8 Millar, Robert
23 Pagan, Oswald, spirit dealei
Cattle Market
43 Sutherland, John
1. Ladyfield Place.
3 Powell, G. AA^
5 AVallace, Thomas
6. Lapside Place.
Menzies, Mrs, grocer
Robertson, Mrs
3. Eiarchfield Villa.
(J^dinhurgh District.)
Archer, John, gardener
d. liander Itoad.
1 Tavlor, Michael
3 Robertson, R.
5 Donald, John
7 Dalgleisb, AValter S.
9 Strahan, Alexander
15 Bell, Mrs
15 Bell, Mi.sses
13 Moiham, Robert
17 Tennant, T. M.
19 Hamilton, AVilliam
Anderson, James C.
Mercer, George
■J. liaarie Street.
1 Scott, Mrs
3 Dundas, David, spirit dealer
4 Hall, Robert, smith
6 Taylor, Francis, wright
Taylor & Dick, drysalters
liauriston Ciardens.
Beattie, AVilliam
Richardson, James
Chapman, Thomas
4. liauristoii liane.
4 Patterson, John
5 Eraser, Rev. R. W.
8 Cameron, Mi-s D.
9 lAIilne, AVilliam
10 Boosie, Andrew
11 Merchant Maiden Hospital
13 Royal Hospital for Sick
Eiaai'iston Park.
1 Cochrane, Dr
1 Robertson, John
2 Brown, Alexander
2 Rankin e, Thomas
2 Lawson, John
2 Sinclair, Mrs
2 Lawson, Robert
3 Cumming, James
4 Garvie, Jtobert
5 Russell, Mrs
5 Veitch, AVilliam
5 Carnegie, Johnston
5 Paterson, James
5 Craig, James
5 Peacock, Andrew
6 Henderson, J.
7 Robertson, Joseph
8 Houiden, Thomas
11 Thorn, Robert
11 Murrav, George
12 Christie, Robert
Iiaiiri.«iion Place^
North., 1. South, 4.
2 AVood, John A.

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