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3 3I'Lean, Andrew
3 Gilchrist, Henry, french
4 Straiichan, Rev. "William
4 Robertson, Heury T.
7 Johnston, Miss
6. Melen Place,
Liith Mount.
1 Neal, F. commercial traveller
2 Davis, William Arthur
2 Ross, Thomas F. surgeon
1. Henderson Ko^v.
1 Hailing, George Wm.
1 Toirv, John
1 3I'Donakl, Mrs
1 Laurie, Mr.s
2 Deuchar, Mrs Alexander
2 Deuchar, Captain Patrick
2 Simson, Mrs George H.
3 Moir, Mrs D. M.
4 Rutherford, Walter
4 Bannatyne, .Mrs
4 Xightingale, E. W.
4 Green, Mrs
4 Bell, Thomas
4 Hamilton, JMiss
5-A Laurie, John
5 Mitcfiell, David
5 Hally, Rev. Thomas
7 Robertson, Miss
7 ^laclaurin, James
7 Maclaurin, Mrs
7 Ewart, Miss
7 Turnbull, Mrs
7 Martin, J. S.
7 Alexander, James
8 Nairne, Mrs
8 Nairne, James
11 Forbes, Miss^Mary
12 Thomson, Robert, jun.
12 Ramsay, 3Irs
13 Merry, James, M.D.
14 Deans, Mrs
14 Deans, David
14 Crnicksiiank, Francis
14 Cairns, John
14 Laird, Miss
14 Ritchie, Y>'illiam
15 Curll, Jlrs
Edinhur(jh Academy — Gra-
ham, Hugh, janitor
Deaf and Dumb Institution
— Hutchinson, W. principal
.5. Henry l*Sace.
1 Gunn, Alexander
3 Common, Robert, jun.
2 Rennie, Archibakl
2 M'Intosh, J. (Inland Rev.)
4 Scott, Ciiarles
5 Murray, William
5. Henry Street.
8 Johnston and Son, Samuel,
tea merchants
8 Campbell, A. coal merchant
7 Burnside, Joiiu, coal mercht.
9 Forsyth, Joim
9 Macniven, James
9 Rae, Rev. William
11 Christie, Henry
11 Renton, Wni.
11 Arcliibald, 3Iorris
11 Mackail, David
11 Guthrie, jMrs
13 Dickson, Joini
5. Hercles Street.
9 Mason, Thomas
29 Anderson, R,. grocer and spirit
1. Heriot's Bridg-e.
1 Chisholm, A. tea mercliant
2 Paterson and Allan
5 Gordon, Robert, tobacconist
6 Whillas, John, wright
7. Heriot's Ilailding:s.
1 Hay, P. and R. silk dyers. —
See Adc.
8 Thorburn, Francis, grocer
10 Boyle, James, tailor
13 Auld, John, shoemaker
19 Dewar, John F. bird-dealer
24 Mackay, John, wright
28 Ramsay, Philip, tailor
32 Logan, Mrs
33 Inglis. Robert
34 Sutiierland, R. P.
3G Lindsay, Gibling, and Co.
Hutchinson & Rogers, wood-
I. Heriot CotJag-e.
M'Canl, Charles, contractor
3. Heriot HilS.
Smith, T. surgeon
Smitli, H. surgeon
Liddle, Thomas
Walker & Johnston, sculptors
Bell and Scott, builders
1. Heriot's Hospital.
Bedford, Dr Frederick Wm.
LL.D. governor
Jl'Donald, Miss, matron
Robertson, J. house steward
7. Heriot House.
Galloway, James
5. Heriot lEoniit.
1 PorteOus, J\Ira W. spirit dealer
3 Tiiallon, F. Wm.
1. Heriot Place.
8 Hume, AVilliam
8 Davidson, Robert
8 Curtis, Mrs R.
14 Henderson, James
14 Collier, John, tailor
14 Laing, William
IG Finlay, Peter, water-officer
20 Booth, William
20 Stevenson, James
24 Hay, Tiiomas
24 Gray, Elizabeth
24 Machell, Edward
Heriot Row.
From India Street, Eaxtu:a'i'dsy
2. Westwards, I.
1 Duncan, AViiiiam, S.S.C.
2 Jlacadam, J. R. B.
2 Duncan, .James, W.S.
2 Bowhill, iMrs
3 Jlarshall, G. H.
4 Rothes, Rigiit Hon. Dow.nger
Countess of
4 Rothes, Rt. Hon. Countess- of
4 Leslie, Hon. G. Wal(lei;rave
6 Morrieson, Woht. {E. I. C.S.)
7 Muirhead. Claud
8 Forman, John N., W.S.
9 Stevenson, Alex.inder
9 Milne, Wm., S.S.C.
10 Mackenzie,, T. of Applecvoss
11 Robertson, J. & R. J., W.S.
12 Duncan, James. M.D.
13 Phin, John, S.S.C.
14 Moncrieft', Alex, advocate
15 Melville, Lady
16 Herries, W. Y. of Spots
16 Herries, A. Y. yr. of Spots
17 Stevenson, T., C.E.
18 Grfcme, Miss
19 Reid, Dr Robert
Howe Street intersects.
20 Duncan, William
21 Lessels, John, architect
21 FuUarton, Miss
22 Scott, Mrs Thomas G.
23 Paterson, Alex. John
23 Paterson, Jliss Jlary },\.
23 Paterson, Miss Jlargaret
24 J\Lackenzie, Lord
25 AVeir, Graham, iLD.
2Q Hill, J. L., AV.S.
27 Morrieson, i\Irs Hugh
27 Campbell, Robert, advocate-
28 Maclagan, Douglas, M.D.
28 Maclagan, R. C, 3LD.
29 Newbigging, Pat., M.D.
30 Paton, George, advocate
31 Ormidale, Lord
32 Deas, Lord
32 Deas, Francis, advocate
S3 AValls, John, S.S.C.
34 AVelsh, jAIiss
35 Campbell, ]\Iiss
30 Paterson, Adam, W.S.
37 Auld, John, W.S.
88 Taylor, Mrs
39 Swinton, Misses
40 Ritchie, Mr.s lodgings,
41 M'Kenzic, Mrs A.
41 Kinnear, A. S. advocate
41 Dun, Joim
42 Dickson, T. G. accountant
India Street intersects.
43 Stoddart, Aliss
44 Irvine.Alexander.F. advocate
45 Currie, Alex, advocate

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