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2 Hardie, James, tailor
2 ]^Iilne, George, tailor
3 llae, A. victual dealer
4 Rae, Alexander, grocer
5 CoDiiell, James
5 Park, Thomas
5 l!ae, John
5 Le Conte, Jolm, enoraver
L) Yallance, 'William, baker
3. Cilenfinlas street-
1 Bennet, Jolm H., M.D.
2 Bruce, Charles
2 Brace, George, AV.S.
2 Brace, 3Irs
.3 Simson, J., M.D., F.R.C.S.
4 Noble, 3Irs
8. dienorehy liand.
Darling, llobert (G.P.-O.)
3. I^Ienorchy I'lace.
1 Pelcraig, Thomas, grocer
2 Kidd, Thomas (G.P.-O.)
Ciloacester PBace.
2, North. 1, Soittl.
1 Edmunds, Edmund
3 Lawrie, iVlrs William
3 C.irphin, James R., C.A.
o Walker, Miss
3 Clarke, Alexander N.
5 Rhind, 31rs
7 Campbell, iliss
9 Hope, Miss
n Chaplin, Mrs T. Robertson
13 Duulop Alex.
15 Ainslie, Mrs
25 Dalgairus, 3Iiss
l-t Macrae, Jolm A., T^'.S.
12 Lumsden, ^Irs
10 Rampini, Joseph, Italian
consular delegate
8 "Webster, James. S.S.C.
(j Leith, ilrs Admiral
4 Marshall Miss
2 Welsh, :.Irs
7. C^Sover Street.
3 Lawson, William
5 Sandilauds, AVm. agent
5 Brown, James
C Wilson, Thos. (//. ^' W.)
<3 Paxtou, Selby
6 Chalmers, Mrs A.
6 Dickson, Mrs
7 Hall, Joseph, wool mercht.
8 M'Intj-ro, John, missionary
9 Smith, John, builder
10 MuiTay, Thomas
10 Buchaii, Thomas
10 Smith, Mrs David
JO Aitchison D.
] 1 Trotter, Mrs Thomas
11 Wriglit, John
12 ]\Iunro, Daniel
]2 .Al'lntosh, William
17 -M'Callum's, Mrs, lodgings
17 .M'Cailum, D. com. -traveller
17 Robertson, Alexanilcr
17 Gibb, George
17 Taylor. Miss, teacher
17 Tavlor, Arch, warehouseman
17 Brown, R. (7. li. officer)
18 Milne, Mrs
Inrahani'g Court.
Craig, Christie, & Co.
I. Graham Street.
1 Macmillan, George
2 Stevensou, J. Union Bank
3 Rutherford, Walter
3 Ross, Miss
3 Reid, James
9 Whyte, John
9 Lawson, James, tobacconist
9 Chatham, J.
1 1 3Iason. David
13 Buist, Robert
15 Kerr. William
17 M'Gibbon, John
19 Clark, Mrs .John
18 Cunningiiam. ^li's Thomas
12 Gibson, William
10 ?I'Pherson. ,Jn. oil merchant
10 51'Donald, Alexander
8 Hutton, John {H. ^- Ross)
6 French, John, AV.S.
4 Jeffrey, Jliss
4 Rymer, Miss
4 Raeburn, John
4 Smith, James
5. The Cirang:e House.
Dalirleish, John
Dalgk-ish, Walter Scott
5. ^rang'e liOan.
6 Telford, Joseph
7 Grant, George
8 Alexander, George, builder
9 Gordon, James
11 ]\Iai;kenzie, John, gardener
12 Dunn, Mrs
Drummond, William
Johnston, James
Johnston. William
20 Millar, James S.
20 M'Leod, 3Iiss
21 Brown, Mrs S.
22 Cowan, William
23 Brown, Thomas
24 Douglas, James
M'Kmv, Duncan, gardener
:\I'Giri, William
Smith, Mrs, West Grange
Grindlay, Mrs
MacLaren, Charles, Moreland
Ivory, Wm. St Roque
Smyttan, George, M.D., Ca-
naan park
Adie, j\lrs, Canaan cottage
5. drang^e I'lace.
92 Alexander, John
92 Lindsay, Alexander
102 N:ipicr, Robert
5. Cirang'e 22oad.
Currie, Jolm
Robertson, Tiionjas
Wilson, Miss
Greenliill, John
Callender, Mrs
Chambers, Jam.es H.
Boog, John
Liston, Alex.
Turpie, Miss
Schneider, C. H., M.C.P.
Paterson, Robert
Hume, Robert
Reid, Thos. superintendent.
Southern Cemetery
Stevenson, Thomas
Gifford, John
Lyle, Thomas
Watt, A. H.
Badenoch, G. R.
Howden, Miss Jessie
Steill, John
DaJgleish, Miss
List, Alfred C. G.
List, Alfred J.
Rochester, J. E.
Francis, David, agent
Stewart, John
Hunter, Mrs
Hunter, Mrs
Baillie, John
Chalmers, iVlrs
Anderson, Alexander H.
Thomson, John
Cuthbert, Alexander
iLalcolm, Mrs
5. Cirang:e ViUa.
88 Causey side.
Stephenson, Mrs Robert
Stephenson, W., 31.1)., surg.
Stilling, Rev. Archibald,
Ycwtree cottage
Hull, Michael, Grcinton hotel
Hodge, Captain William
M'William, Wm. agent {Stir-
ling and Alloa Steam-
boat Co.)
Anderson, Captain P.
■\Vemyss, T. A., R.N , har-
bour master
Gunn. William
Smeal, Jas. station agent,
{E. P. ^- D. Railway)
Hawthorn, jMessrs, (Jranton
Iron Works
Watt, John, slipmaster and
mineral wharf superintend-
ent — house, Granton slip
Hamilton, R. W. Broompark
M'Dougal, Alexander, tarmer
Granton mains
M-Neill, Right Hon, Sir John,
G.C.B., Granton house
Dewar, Hugh, butcher
M'Ghishan, xVlex. grocer, tea
and provision merchant

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