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Steel, Miss, Ilawthoni bank
Urquhart, James, Richmond
Ramsay, Miss, Viewville
Tod, Mi^s, Viewville cottage
Naismith, Alex., AYindle-
Kirkpatiick, And., AVindle-
31eikle, James, actuary,
Wardicbiini house
Inglis, Peter, i'armcr. East
S. Fettes Ito^v.
1 Sanderson, Thomas
2 Jackson, Mrs William
3 Ayton, Robert, AV.S.
4 Jloffat, Wm. L. arcliitect
5 Gordon More. George, W.S.
7 Booc?, Mrs
8 AVright, Robert, architect
9 Whitehead, Mrs
10 Hay, Charles
10 Cunningham, Alexander
11 Bannerman, Mrs
12 Aitken, W. chemist
12 Aitken, James, chemist
12 Drvsdale, Mrs Captain
13 Gilbey, W. & A.
Pitt Street intersects.
14 GiflFord, Mrs
15 Pagan, Mrs
15 Shepherd, Alexander
15 Finlay, Robert, S.S.C.
15 Symington, iirs T.
15 Stewart, Mrs
18 M'Farquhar, j\Iisses
18 Macdonald, \V. C. 13. A.
18 Macdonald, Mrs Dr
18 'Craig, D.
19 Ker, Mrs
19 Clark, T. waiter
20 Leslie, Miss
21 Stoddart, JIrs C.
21 Whyte, Mrs AVm.
21 Steedman, John, clerk
21 Lawson, Miss
21 Duncan, John
22 Scott, Thomas
22 Sutherland, A. G., W.S.
23 Bryden, J. M.
24 Hardie, William
"S. Fillyshle.
Smith, i\riss
Affleck, John
Young, W. S.
o. Fm<jIh«rR PJace.
2 Pirie, Rtv. John
4 Sievwright, Miss
G Cormick, Mrs
8 Wilson, Misses
10 Johnston, Thos. M.
12 Martin, JMrs
14 M'Culloch. ^hs
10 TuUoch, Rev. Win,
20 Smitii, .Aliss
22 Crawford, Walter
22-A Soinerville, A. G.
24 Sherill', Rev. James
24 Sherift; Jlrs Jane
2G Downie, John M.
28 Smith, Ilcnry
30 Colston, Alex.
30 Colston, .James
;)2 Lewis, David
;i(! Farqidiar, Miss
;;y Scott, Jliss
40 Young, Archibald
42 Ballantyne, James
44 Deas, Joseph
52 Spears, Mrs Robert
54 Russell, Jliss
25 .^liddlcmas, Robert
23 Oliphaut, 3Ls
21 Patcrson, .Airs George
19 Anderson, Mrs
15 Teape, Rev. C. R.
13 Byres, David
11 Christie, 3Irs
9 Anderson, Mrs
7 Bruce, Henry
5 Jeffrey, Thomas F.
5 Jeffrey, ^Irs
3 Kerr, Aiulrevv'
1 Dahymple, John
5. Fin^aS B'lace.
1 Thompson, W^ Burn
1 Butters, L. seal engraver
1 MTutyre, 3Irs
2 Maclachlan D. {M. &; S.)
3 Bladworth, R.
4 Williamson, J. engineer
5 Gillon, William
7 Pear, .James
48 Tolbooth Wynd, Leitli.
31'Millan, Thomas, flesher
3!ul!at, William, butcher
17 Hamilton, James, flesher
Flesliiitarket Close.
Jlyles, John, tavern keeper
IM'Litosh, Andrew
Martin, John
Morham, Robert
Buchanan, John F.
Carmichael, James, poulterer
Watling, John, hotel
Tait, James, flesher
Bourgois, Beuoit, tavern
5. Fortoes Street.
Aitchison, Walter
Anderson, William
Donald, Isaac Low
Quiller, Francis
Cheeseb rough, Edward
1. Forres Street.
Fraser, Misses
Fraser, William
Buist, Mrs John
Jlilne, John
Dickson, Mrs
Fordyce, George D. advocalo
Ross, George, jun. advocate
Dalmahoy, James
Baton, Thomas S. advocate
Currer, Adam
Sansome, F. Stevens
Stewart Charles, advocate
Jlorrison, William
Hansom, William
Hansom, iliss
Douglas, D. {E. Sf D.)
Dewar, Miss, lodgings
;\Iacdonahl, John
Currie, S. 31. D.
Bell, J. M. advocate.
J\Ioore, R. B. private hotel
Forrest Koad.
East, 4. West, 1.
Forbes, Mrs Daniel, plumljer
Inglis, W. & Son
Edinhuryh Poor House —
Kemp, Daniel, house-gov.
Citi/ Parochial Board
City Poor Rate Office
Fort Street, IVortla.
Mowat, Thomas, engineer
Blackwood, Alexander
Laing, Wm. ship agent
Muir, Rev. Francis
Giinii, Robert, solicitor
Hansen, H. P.
Anderson, Lewis
Mact'arlane, Peter
Douglas, Robert
Bearap, George
Turner, Richard, spirit dealer
Fort Street, SoatSt.
Duncan, Alex. S.S.C.
Younger, John, shipmaster
Bannatvne, Peter
Wright^ Robert
Boyd, Jas. L.
Boyd, Mrs
Rose, Robert (^Customs)
Irvine, James, builder
Irvine, James, solicitor
3. Forth Street.
Tait, Andrew
Webster, Andrew, S.S.C.
Clark, Wm. F. advocate
Davidson, 3Irs
Hathorn, 3irs
Buchanan, Mrs
M'Laren, D.
Clark, JIrs Geo.
Pitcairn, W. F.
Black, D. educational estab.
Black, Miss, boarding school
Yertue, Mrs AV.
Kennedy, Mrs, of Romano
Graham", Miss Stirling
AVrisrlit, John, W.S.
Wiglit, James, W.S.
Lyon, George
Lvou, Hugh, S.S.C.
Baillie. AVlUiam. W.S.
Bell, Mrs

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