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Winchester, James W., LL.D. F.R.C.S.L.
deputy inspector-general of Hospitals, 29
Howard place
Winchester, Mrs Colonel, 13 Howard place
Winfield, Mrs J. Fawkener, 2 Archibald pi.
Winnick, James, spirit merchant, 97 Kirk-
Winter, David, {Registrar-GeneraVs office), 1
Clerk street
Winter, Thomas, butcher, 1 Pitt st. — ho. 18
Duncan street
Winter, ISIrs George, milliner, 13 Chapel st.
Winton, Miss, 30 Pitt street
Wintour, JohuC, A.R.S.A.,landscape painter,
1 St Cuthbert's glebe
Wintour, Wm. painter, 2 Maitland street
Wishart & Clapperton, corn factors, 1 Baltic
Wishart, C. S. corn factor and. commission
merchant, 129 Constitution street
Wishart, D. F. iron merchant and commis-
sion agent, 73 Adam sq. — house, 5 Argyle
Wishart, Edward (TF. §• C), Hermitage house.
Laverock bank
Wishart, Jas. and Sons, merchts. and agents,
21 Queen street, Leith
Wishart, James, jun. (/. W. and Sons), 10 Al-
bany street, Leith
Wishart, James, bootmaker, 73 Pleasance
Wishart, John K. {J. W. and Sons) 8 Her-
mitage place, Leith
Wishart, John, baker, 495 Lawnmarket
Wishart, WiUiam (/. W. and Son), Hermitage
Wishart, Wm. saddler, Coal hill
Wishart, Wm., S.S.C. and S.L. 11 York place
Wishart, Miss, 36 London street
Wishart, Miss, 4 Pitt street, Bonnington
Witness Newspaper Office, 297 High street
— printing office, 12 Horse wynd
Wood & Martin, fleshers, 8 High market
Wood & Co. pianoforte and music saloons, 49
George street
Wood, Alex., M.D. vice-president of the' Royal
College of Physicians, 10 St Colme street
Wood, Alexander, fruiterer, 2 Bristo place
Wood, Alex, spirit merchant, 9 Stead's place
Wood, Alexander {Inland Revenue), 18 Bruns-
wick street
Wood, Andrew, wine and spirit merchant, 55
Wood, Andrew, M.D., F.R.C.S.E. 9 Darnaway
Wood, Andrew, manager {J. G. 4- Co.), 14
Mitchell street
Wood, Chris, sen., Hermitage park, Leith
Wood, D. lithographer, 7 Drummond street
Wood, Geo. gardener and florist, Royal terrace
gardens, London road
Wood, Geo. S. 2 Helen street, Leith
Wood, Henry, Craigside house
Wood, James, M.D. 19 Royal circus
Wood, Kev. James, classical teacher, 2 Hope
Wood, James, bookseller, 130-A George st. —
ho. 130
Wood, James, cabinetmaker, 17 Castie street
Wood, James, stationer, 47 North Richmond
Wood, John, & Co. wholesale grocers and pro-
vision merchants, 22 Commercial jjlace
Wood, John A. advocate, 1 Eoyal circus
Wood, John George,{Dalinahoy, W. Sf Coioan,)
27 Charlotte square
Wood, John H. 6 James' place, Leith
Wood, John, engineer, Chalmers' close, 81
High street
Wood, John, gardener. Dean bridge gardens
Wood, John, stockbroker, 57 North bridge
Wood, John, cowfeeder, 1 Potterrow
Wood, John, dairy, 1 Springfield
Wood, Joseph, accountant, 1 2 Brougham st.
Wood, Joshua, merchant, 45 Montagu street
Wood, Hon. Lord, 1 Royal circus
Wood, P. & C. merchants, 41 Bernard street
Wood, Richard Anderson, spirit dealer, 4
Wood, Rob. provision dealer, 34 Water lane
Wood, Rob. J. house and turret clock maker,
9 Leith street terrace
Wood, Thos. printer, 17 Quality st. — house,
7 Pihans' place
AVood, W. flesher, 2 Bristo street
Wood, Wm. C.A. and actuary, 5 Nelson st. —
ho. 2 Oxford terrace
Wood, Wm. 6 James' place, Leith
Wood, Lady, 53 Melville street
Wood, Mrs, Claremont park
Wood, Mrs J. 4 Jamaica street
Wood, Mrs Stewart, 3 Buckingham terrace
Wood, Mrs WiUiam, 16 Carlton street
Wood, Mrs, cook, 2 Church lane
Wood, Mrs, 29 Hamilton place
Wood, Mrs, 9 Clarendon crescent
Wood, Mrs, lodgings, 130 George street
Wood, Miss Isabella, dressmaker, Burnet's
close, 156 High street
Wood, Miss, Hermitage park, Leith
Wood, Misses, 6 Torphichen street
Woodburn, William, custom collector, 101
Woodford, Edward, LL.D., H.M. inspector of
schools, 59 Great King street
Woodhall Estate Company, (Limited,) 128
George street — Chas. Pearson, manager
Woodward, Major Richard, 25 London street
Wooley, W. H., Upper Hermitage, Lochend
Woore, H. 3 Upper Gray street
Work, Mrs Ann, ladies' nurse, 35 Kirkgate
Work, Mrs P. 4 Hope park terrace
Works, City, Public— office, 10 Royal Ex-
Works, Office of H.M. Pubhc, Exchequer
buildings — R. Matheson, architect
Wormald, Joseph, W.S. 6 Hart street

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