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nient by any banker, or person acting as
a banker, of any sum of money, though
not made payable to the bearer or to
order, and whether dehvered to the
payee or not ; and all "Writings or Docu- ,
ments entitling or intended to entitle
any person whatever to the payment i
fi'om or by any banker, or person acting ;
as a banker, of any sum of money, whe-
ther the person to whom payment is to \
be made shall be named or designated
therein or not, or whether . the same
shall be dehvered to him or not, shall
respectively be deemed to be bills, drafts,
or orders for the payment of money
chargeable Avith Stamp duty, as if the
same had been made payable to bearer
or to order. Provided always, that any
one Document or "Writing, although
du'ecting the payment of several sums
of money to different persons, shall be
chargeable with Stamp duty, as one
order only."
Draft or Order, Writing or Document, for
the payment, or for entithng any person
to the payment, by or thi'ough any
banker, of any simi of money, sent or
delivered to the banker, and not to the
person to whom payment is to be made,
or any person on his behalf, to be held
not to have been and not to be charge-
able with any higher Stamp duty than
one 'penny ^ although /)aj/a6^e at any time
after date. Duty may be denoted by
adhesive stamp, to be cancelled as in the
case of a di'aft on demand. (23 & 24
Vict. c. Ill, § 17.)
Eo:eyiiption$. — Any draft or order dravm by
any banker v/pon any other banlcer, not
pMyaMe to bearer or to order, a/iid used solely
for the jAirpose of settliny or clearing any
account hetv:een such bankers.
Any letter written by a banker to any other
banker, directing the piaynunt of any sum
of money, tlie same not being pa^yable to
bearer or to order, and suc7i letter not being
sent or delivered to the person to whom p>ay-
riient is to be made, or to any j)erson on his
behalf ; and all warrants or orders for the
payment of any anmiity granted by the Com-
missioners for the Redvxtion of the National
Debt, or for the paynunt of any dividend, or
interest on any share in the Government or
Parlio/mentary stocks or funds; o/iid all
drafts or orders dravm by the Accoiintant-
General of the Court of Chancery in Eng-
latid or Ireland, shall be exempt from all
Stomp duty. (23 "\^ict. c. 15.)
Note.—Tlhe Act 17 & 18 Vict. c. 83, § 9,—
referring to the English Act 17 Geo. III.
c. 30, and the Acts continuing the same
which make Ijills, &c., above 20s. and
under <£5, if not drawn in a particular
way, invalid, and those below 20s. abso-
lutely invalid, and not to the Scotch Act
to the like effect, 8 & 9 Vict. c. 38, § 16
and 17, — provided that the said Act
and the continuing Acts should be re-
pealed, in so far as regards drafts ou
bankers for money held for the use of
the drawer. And the Act 23 & 24 Vict.
c. Ill, § 19, now provides generally,
without special reference to either the
English or Scotch Acts, that draft ou a
banker who shall bona fide hold money
to or for the use of the party, payable
to bearer or order on demand, of any
sum less than 20s. shall be lawful. Do
both the above provisions apply to Scot-
land, or only the latter ? The Act 8 & 9
Vict. c. 38, § 20, provides that that Act
shall not prohibit draft on a person's
own banker for the payment of money
to the use of such person.
[The duty on drafts or orders may be im-
pressed on the paper, or an adhesivi
stamp may be affixed. (16 & 17 Vict.]
c. 59, § 3.) See Adhesive Stamp. — Where
an adhesive stamp is used, the maker of
the ch'af t to cancel the stamp by wi'itiug
on it his name or initials. Penalty for
omission, &c., ^10. (16 & 17 Vict. c. 59,
§§ 4 and 5. The payer of the draft or
order shall, when he pays it, write the
word "paid" on the stamp. Penalty
for omission, ^-20. (23 Vict. c. 15, § 12.)
Banker may affix stamp to an unstamped
draft and cancel it, and pay the draft,^
charge the person who ought to hav(
paid it with the stamp, or deduct it fro:
the sum. Draft good, but not to rehev
of penalty. (23 & 24 Vict. c. Ill, § 18,
Penalty for removing adhesive stamps,,
or using them a second time, or doing,
any act to defi-aud of duty, £20. (16 and:
17 Vict. c. .59, §4 and 5.)] ;
Ikla^'d Bill payable otherwise than on de-
mand ;
Promlssory Note payable otherwise than to
bearer ou demand; \
FoEEiGX Bill drawn in but payable out oi
the United Kingdom, not drawn in sets
of three or more ;
FoREiGiN' Bill not exceeding i,'500 drawn oul
and payable out of the United Kingdom,
but endorsed or negotiated within the
United Kingdom, not drawn in sets oi
three or more ;
Foreign Bill not exceeding £500 drawn oufe
of and payable within the United King-*
dom ; f
Foreign Bill drawn or endorsed out of thel
United Kingdom, payable on demand, on-
and after 3d April 1860, (23 Vict. c. 15 ;) .
Foreign Promissory jSTote made or pm-pbrt'-
ing to be made out of the United Kingdom/
and payable within the United Kingdom,
(23 & 24 Vict, c. Ill;)

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