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Exchange, Corn (Edin.), Grass-
Do., do. (Leith), Constitution st.
Exchange, Royal, 291 High street
Eyre place, Brandon street
Fairnington place, StoekbriJge
Falcon iiall, Morningside
Farqiili arson plaee,west Prepton st.
Ferney hill, Brouahton ro:id
Ferry road, from Leith tfl Qaeens-
Fettes row. Royal crescent
Fife place, Leith walk
Findhom place. Grange
Fingal place, I-Jeadows
Fishers close, 312 Lawnmarket
Fish market, Market street
Fishmarket, Riddle's close, Leith
Fleshmarket, 4S Tolbooth w_'»nd
Fleshmarket, Fleshmarket close
Fleshmarket close, 199 High st.
Forbes pi. and St., Beaumont pi.
Forester's Ti-ynd, 98 Cowgate
Forres street, Albyc place
Forrest road, Bristo port
Forsytb's close, 57 Canongate
Foit St.. n. and s., Hillhousefield
Forth street, Brougbton street
Foulis' close, north, 229 High st.
Foulis' close, south, 42 Hign st.
Fountainbridge, Mainpoint
Fountain close, 2S High street
Fountain court, 81 Fountainbridge
Fos lane, Bath street
Foxe's lane, 71 St Andrew street
Francis place, west Preston street
Frederick street. 89 Princes street
Frithfield, Seafield
FuUerton's close, 6 Abbey Mil
GaUoway's close, 425 High street
Galloway's entry, 53 Canongate
Gardner's crescent, Tobago street
Gayiield place, Gayfield square
Gajfield square, Leith Walk
Gayfield street, Gayfield square
Geddes's entry, 2-33 High street
General's entry, 58 Bristo street
Gentle's close, 122 Canongate
George place, Leith walk
George square, Charles street
George street, St Andrew square
to (Dharlotte square
George street, Leitb Fort
George IV. bridge, Melbourne pi.
Gibb's close, 250 Canongate
Gibb's entry, 104 Kicolson street
Gifford park, 76 Hope park end
Gilcbrist's lane, Greenside row
Giles' street, 102 Kirkgate
Gillespie street, Gilmour place
Gilmore place, Locbrin
Gilmore street, Paul's work
Gilmour street, Simon square
Gilmore's close, 99 Gras&market
Gladstone's close, 20 Grassmarket
Glanville place, Baker's place
Gienfinlas street, Charlotte square
'jlenorchy place, Greenside row
Gloucester yilace, India street
GloTer street, Duke street, Leith
Golden acres, Inverkith row-
Good's entry, 23 College wynd
Gordon's close, 73 Grassmarket
Graham street, Lanrision
Grange, from Causeside to White-
house gardens
Grange bank, Boroughmuirhead
Grange court, 6S Causeside
Grange loan, Causeside
Grange place, Causeside
Granton, west of Ne^ haven
Granton pier, Granton
Grant's close, little, 9 High street
Grassrcarket, West bow
Grayfieid and Grajfield toll, Dal-
keith road
Gray's close, north, 125 High st.
Gray's close, south, 5ti High street
Gray's court, 95 Kicolson street
Gray place, 29 Leonard street
Gray street, sontb, upper Gray st.
Gray street, upper, Salisbury pi.
Greenhill park, Boronghmuirhead
Greenh ill bank, Boroughmuirhead
Greenhill gardeus, Bruntsfieldlks.
Greenside bonse. Hillside cres.
Greenside lane, Greenside place
Greenside row, Nottingham place
Greenside place. Greenside street
Greenside street, Caltcn street
Greig's close, S Abbey
Greyfriars' pL, George IT. Bridge
Grindlay's close, 97 West bow
Grove road, Grove street
Grove place. Grove street
Grove street, Morrison street
Grove terrace. Grove street
GuUan's close, 264 Canongate
Haddington's entry, SO Canongate
Haddington place, Leith walk
Haddon's court, 112 Nicolson st.
Hailes' street, 29 Gilmour place
Halkerston's wynd, 163 High st.
Hall's court, 230 Cowgate
Hamburg place, Leith fort
Hamilton's court, 133 Fountainb.
HamOton's entry, 36 Bristo street
Hamilton's folly, 29 St Leonard st.
Hamilton place, Mayfield loan
Hamilton place, High riggs
Hamilton place, Glanville place
Hammerman's close, 55 Cowgate
Hanover street, 77 Princes street
Hardwell close, 193 Pleasance
Hart street, Forth street
Haslie's close, 225 Cowgate
Hatters' court, 154 Pleasance
Haugb street, Stockbridge
Hawkneld, Eestalrig road
Hawkhill, Lochend road
Havrthoru-bank, by Lynedoch pL
Hawthorn terrace, west of Leith
Haymarket, Coates' place
Hay weights, by west Maitland st.
Hay's couit, Mainpoint
Hay's court, 12 Fountainbridge
Hay's street, Nicolson square
Hebron bank, Canaan
Helen place, Morningside
Helen place. Ferry road, Leith
Henderson's row, foot Pitt street
Henry place, Henry street
Henry street, St Leonard's street
Hercles street, foot Carnegie st.
Hermitage, Lochend road
Hermitage brae, Restalrig road
Hermitage hill, Restalrig road
Hermitage row, P^estalrig road
Hermitage place. Dean street
Hermitage place, Links
Hermitage, upper, Lochend road
Heron's court, 184 Cowgate
Heriot bridge, 77 Grassmarket
Heriot buildings, Leith walk
Heriot court, 14 Leith walk
Heriot hUl, Canonmills
Heriot mount, Carnegie street
Heriot place, Lauriston
Heriot row, Abercromby place
Heriot terrace, Canonmills
High riggs. Mainpoint to Tollcross
High St., Canongate to Lawnmkt.
High School close, 307 Canon;_ate
High School yards. High Scl^ooi
Pligh School wynd, 337 Cowgate
Hill place, 34 Kicolson street
Hill square. Hill place
Hill street, Frederick street
Hillhousefield, Bonnington
Hillside crescent, London road
Hodge's court, Blackfriars" wynd
Holyrood house. Abbey
Holyrood street, Hercles street
Holyrood street, s. b. Canongate
Holyrood terrace, 69 Abbey hill
Home street, Portland place
Hope crescent, Aunaudale street
Hope park, s. side of Meadows
Hope park cres., east of Meadows i
Hope park end, Buccleuch slrert
Hope park square. Meadows
Hope park ter. , s. of Meadows
Hope street, Cassels' place
Hope street, 149 Princes street
Hope terrace, N. Junction street
Hope terrace, Whitehonse luan
Hope's court, 45 High street
Hopetoun court, Fountainbridge
Home lane. Church street
Horse wynd, foot of Canongate
Horse wynd, 179 Cowgate
Horse wynd, 71 Giles' street
Hospitals —
Donaldson's, Haymarket
Gillespie's, Leven street
Gladstou's, Old Mill road
Heriot's, Lauriston place
Infirmary, Infirmary street
Maternity, Chapel street
Merchant Maidens', Lauriston
Orphan's, Dean
Stewart's, Dean
Trades Maidens', Hope park
Watson's, George. Wharton lil.
Watson's, John, Dean
Watt's, Leith links
Howard place, Warriston crc-sceut
Howe street, 19 Heriot row-
Hugh Miller place. Water lane
Hume's close, 284 Canongate
Hunter square, South bridge
Hunter's close, 129 Gr.ossmarktt
Huntly street, CanonmUis
Hyndford's close, 50 High street
India place. Circus place
India street, west Heriot row
Iijdustry lane, north Fort street
Infirmary street, 53 South bridge
Inglis' com-t, 17 West port
Inglistoa street, Adam street
Ink's close, 6 West port
Innes's court, 93 Pleasanc?

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