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manufacturers, hosiers, glovers, & small-
ware merchants, 13, 15, and 17 South
Hanover street
Knox, Thomas (K. t Samuel, § Dickson'), 67
Hanover street
Knox, Wm., M.D. and surgeon, 1 1 Hart street
Knox, Mrs, 16 Barony street
Knox, Miss, Drum, Easter road
Knox, Miss, 7 Fife place
Knox, Miss, 15 Clerk street
Kohler, E. harp-string maker, 187 High street
Kreutzer, Bernhard, director of music to H
R.H. the Grand Duke of Baden, 1 Great
Stuart street
Kyle, Alexander, baker, 82 Kirkgate
Kyle, James & Son, bootmakers, 12 Constitu-
tion street — house, 2 Baltic street
Kyle, John, coal merchant, 3 St Leonard's
depot — house, 45 New street
Kyle, Mrs Archibald, 1 "Whitfield place,
Leith Walk
Kyles, Thomas, carver and gilder, 2 Vennel
Laidlaw & Cowan, drapers and milliners, 294.
Laidlaw, David, victualler and dairyman, 114
Laidlaw, George, grocer and spirit merchant,
New lane, Newhaven
Laidlaw, James, baker, 4 Kerr street
Laidlaw, R. & Son, Venetian blind manufs.
bell-hangers, brassfounders, gas-meter ma-
nufacturers, and gasfitters, Simon square
Laidlaw, Mrs, victual dealer, 23 Arthur st.
Laidlaw, Mrs, 3 Newington place
Laidlaw, Miss, 10 South Gray street
Laidlaw, Miss, children's dressmaker, Berlin
wool and fancy warehouse, 32 Clerk st.
Laing, A. tailor & clothier, 23 Sandport street
Laing, David, Signet library — house, James'
street, Portobello
Laing, David, writer, 5 Randolph place
Laing, Geo. Venetian blind maker & wright,
70 Potterrow. — See Adv.
Laing, H. & Co. fishmongers, 8 Tollcross
Laing, James B.{B. of Sc.tland), 27 Windsor
Laing, James, accountant, 19 St Andrew sq.
Laing, James (R. Schaw &$ Co.), 15 Albany
street, Leith
Laing, John and Sons, Royal horse bazaar, &
postmasters to her Majesty, Lothian road
— house, 7 St Cuthbert's glebe
Laing, John and Son, fleshers, 1 Broughton
Laing, Jn. glass stainer and japanner, 8 Calton
hill — house, 12 High terrace
Laing, Rev. John, 26 Pitt street
Laing, Rob. {Royal Bank), 27 Windsor street
Laing, R. gravel dealer, Rosehall, Newington
Laing, W. gunmaker, 13 Chapel street
Laing, William, ship agent, 2 Tower street,
— house, 9 Albany street, Leith
Laing, Mrs Isabella, matron, Orphan hospital
Laing, Mrs, 25 Gayfield square
Laing, Mrs, grocer, 1 Fingal place
Laing, Mrs, 16 York place
Laing, Miss, 32 Gilmore place
Laing, Miss Helen, boarding-school, Newb.
Laird & Banks, salt manufacturers, 22 Con-
stitution street
Laird, E. M. & Co. printers, 25 St James'
Laiid, Robert B. (D. Sf L.), 9 Grove street
Laird, Mrs, grower, 5 East Richmond street
Laird, Mrs, sick-nurse, 28 India place
Lamb, Edm. clerk, Ho. of Refuge, Canong.
Lamb, James, glase-stainer, 1 Market place
Lamb, John, builder, Lothian road — house,
4 Dunbar street
Lamb, John, engineer, 26 Dundas street
Lamb, John and Thomas, slaters, glaziers,
and house agents, 78 Clerk street
Lamb, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 120
Lamb, Peter (Cmto?n$), 2 Vanburgh pi. Leith
Lamb, Richard, accountant, 21 Leith street
Lamb, Robert (late wood merchant) 90 St An-
drew street, Leith
Lamb, Robert, embosser and black borderer,
1 1 Hanover street
Lamb, Tho. confectioner, 19 Leith street-
house, 21
Lamb, Thomas, slater and glazier, 5 St Pat-
rick square
Lamb, Wm. wright, 10 Coatfield lane, Leith
Lamb, William, wright, 40 Rose street lane
Lamb, Miss, matron, St Cuthbert's poorho.
Lambe, A. J. S Coates crescent
Lambie, Miss, 4 Nelson street
Lammie, Hugh, spirit merchant, 181 High
street — house, 76 Broughton street
Lamond, Alex, accountant, 40 India street
Lamond, Duncan, 15 Graham street
Lamond, Duncan, spirit mercht. 1 Maitlandst.
Lamond, Jas., S.S.C. & N.P. 11 Darnaway st.
Lamond, William, W.S. 56 Buccleuch st.
Lamond, Mrs Capt. 7 Frederick street
Lamond, Mrs Dr, 18 Windsor street
Lamond, Miss Christian, 56 India street
Lamont and Newton, W.S. 33 Gt. King st.
Lamont, Alex, of Knockdow, W.S. 28 Royal
Lamont, John, manager, Inverleith nursery
Lamont, Mrs, lodgings, 7 Park street
L'Amy, James, advocate, sheriff of Forfar,
27 Northumberland street
Lancaster, Mrs, nurse, &c. 35 Moray place
Lancefield, Alfred, civil engineer and sur-
veyor, 6 South Castle street
Land, E. M. & Co. printers, 25 St James' sq.
Landale, David, mining engineer, 6 Forth st.
Landale, Robert, of Pitmedden, S.S.C. &
N.P. 9 Drummond place
Landale, T. and R., S.S.C. 18 Forth street
Landale, Thomas, S.S.C 18 Forth street

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