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Hangingside, Uphall
Hanley, Corstorphine
Hardengreen, Dalkeith
Harelaw, Tranent
Harmony House, Balerno
Harpersbrae, Penicuiek
Harviston, Fushiebridge
Hatton, Kirknewton
Hatton Mains, Ratho
Haug'i (Newliston), Kirkliston
Haugh-head, Ford, Balerno, and
Hawthorn Brae, Duddingston
Hawthorn Cottage, Slateford
Hawthornden, Lasswade
Hay's Craigs, Uphall
Hazelbank, Murrayfield
Heddlefaulds, Kirkliston
Herekies Loan, Musselburgh
Hillend, Uphall and Kirknewton
HiUhead, Musselburgh and Lass-
Hillhouse, Kirknewton
Hillside, Lasswade
Hilltown, Dalkeith
Hillwood, Ratho
Hillwood Cottage, Rutho
Hilton Cottage, Lasswade
Hodges, Tranent
Holemill, Colinton
Holkgate, Broxburn
Holnis, Uphall and Musselburgh
Horycoat, Lasswade
Honeyhole, Lasswade
Honey brae, Penicuiek
Hopefield, Lasswade
Hopetown Woodend, Winchburgh
House of Hill, Blackhall
House o' Muir, Tranent and Mil-
ton Bridge
Houston and II. Mill, Uphall
Howdenshall, Liberton
Howgate, Roslin and Penicuiek
Humbie, Kirkliston, Kirknewton,
and Upper Keith
Hunter's Tryst, Colinton
Hyvot's Mill, Liberton
Inch, Liberton
Inglis Green, Slateford
Ingliston, Kirkliston and Ratho
Innerwiek Lodge, Murrayfield
Inveresk, Musselburgh
Inveresk House and Lodge, Mus-
Inverey House, Portobello
Ironmill, Dalkeith
Jack's House, Kirkliston
Jane Cottage, Musselburgh
Jaw, Ratho and Hermiston
Jesgfield, Portobello
John's Burn, Balerno
Joppa, Portobello
Joytieid Place, Colinton
Juniper Green, Colinton
Kaimes Cottage, Libertoa
Kaims, Kirknewton
Kates Mill, Slateford
Keith House, Upper Keith.
Kellerstain House, Hermiston
Kellerstane, Ratho
Kerkettle, Roslin
Kersemill, Penicuiek
Kerse Hill Toll, Hermiston
Kevock, Lasswade
Kilburn, Penicuiek
Killrigg, Loanhead
Kilpunt, Kirkliston
Kinellan, Murrayfield
Kings, Kirkliston
King's Knowes, Slateford
King's Law, Tranent
Ringside, Penicuiek
Kingston Grange, Liberton
Kinleith and K. Mill, Currie
Kippielaw, Penicuiek
Kirkbrae, Liberton
Kirkettle, Roslin
Kirkhill, Penicuiek and Uphall
Kirkhill Cottage, Uphall
Kirkland, Penicuiek
Kirkland Lodge, Hermiston
Kirkpark, Musselburgh
Kirkton, Penicuiek
Kirkton Lodge, Murrayfield
Kittlepurse, Penicuiek
Knightridge, Uphall
Laflis Houses
Lampockwells, Tranent
Langside, Dalkeith
Lankinsdub, Winchburgh
Larch Grove, Balerno
Latch, Kirknewton
Laurel Bank, Lasswade
Laurencelaw Cottage, Milton Br.
Laurie's Den, Penicuiek
Lauviston, Cramond
Laverock Hall, Liberton
Lavrockdale, Colinton
Law, Uphall
Lawfield, Dalkeith
Lawhead, Penicuiek and Kirk-
Lawrence Law Cottage, Penicuiek
Lead Burndean, Penicuiek
Leadburn, Penicuiek
Learielaws, Broxburn
Lecrielaw, Dalkeith & Kirkliston
Leith Head, Currie
Lenney Park, Corstorphine
Lennieport, Corstorphine
Lenny, Kirkliston
Lenny Moor, Cramond and Kirk-
Leven Hall, Musselburgh
Lexmouth, Blackhall, Corstor-
Liberton Bank, Liberton
Lighthill Cottage, Loanhead
Lillyburn, Penicuiek
Limefield Mains, Mid-Calder
Linden Lodge, Loanhead
Lingerwood, Dalkeith
Linkfield, Musselburgh
Linkhouse, Prestonpans
Linnburn, Kirknewton
Linnsmill, Kirkliston
Listonshiells, Kirknewton
Little France, Liberton
Little Vantage, Kirknewton
Loanhead, Ford, Kirkliston
Loaninghill, Uphall
Loanstane, Penicuiek
Lochend, Kirkliston
Lochend Cottage, Musselburgh
Loganbank, Penicuiek
Logan house. Penicuiek
Loganlee, Milton Bridge
Logie Heriot, Ford
Longford, West Calder
Longlaw, Dalkeith
Long Niddrie, Tranent
Long-tone, Slateford
Longthome, Dalkeith
Look-about-ye, Kirkliston
Loretto, Musselburgh
Lothian Burn, Loanhead
Loughfaugh, Ford
Loupilees, Kirkliston
Ludgate Lodge, Ratho
Luften Houses, Penicuiek
Lugton, Dalkeith
Luisfield, Duddingston.
Lyden, Kirknewton
Lympboy, Currie
Magazine. Ford
Magdalen Foundry, Musselburgh
Magdalen Lodge, Musselburgh
Maitland Brae, Bridge, and Bower,
Makemerry, Tranent
Malcolmston, Currie
Malleny, Balerno
Malleny Grove, Balerno
Mallsford, Dalkeith
Malta, Kirkliston
Manor House, Musselburgh
Mansfield, Dalkeith and Currie
Marchbank, Balerno
Marchtield, Blackhall
March Hill, Penicuiek
Marchwell, Penicuiek
Margaret Grove, Cramond
Marine Cottage, Portobello
Marrfiekl Mills, Penicuiek
Mary bank, Penicuiek
Maryfield, Tranent, Penicuiek,
and Portobello
Marylands, Ratho
Masterton, Dalkeith
Mauricewood, Milton Bridge
Mavisbank, Loanhead
Mavisbush, Lasswade
Maybank, Penicuiek and Loanhea<l
Mayfield, Dalkeith
Mayfield Cottage, Loanhead
Mayfield Folly, Liberton
Mayshade, Loanhead
Meadowbank House, Kirknewton
Meadowfield, Corstorphine
Meadowhead, Liberton
Meadow House, Corstorphine
Meadowmill, Tranent
Meadowspot, Dalkeith
Meggetland, Slateford
Melville Castle, Lasswade
Middlemills, Lasswade
Middle Norton, Ratho and Kirk-
Middleton, Uphall
Midfiekl, Lasswade and Mussel-
Milch-hall, Penicuiek
Milk-houses, Uphall
Millburn Tower, Hermiston
Millerhill, Dalkeith
Millhill, Musselburgh.
Millrig, Kirkliston and Kirknew-
Milnholm House, Musselburgh
Milton, Milton Bridge, Kirkliston,
and Tranent
Mirryfield, Tranent
Moat, Roslin

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