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f 66 )
Learmonth John, St John's ftreet
Learrr.onth Mrs. No. 23. Prince's ftreet
Learmonth Walter, St Mary's wynd
Lermrmth Mrs. furnifhed lodging?,. St Ann's ftreet
Leburn Alex, perfumer and hairdr No 16. St And. ftr.
Leadhoufe Mrs. No 3. George's ftreet, fouth fide
Lee Geo. coach hyrer, Baron Grant's dole
Lee Alex, grocer, head of \Vardrope v d court
â– Lee Pat vintner, coaches for London, Newcaftle, Glaf-
gow, CarlifJe and Aberdeen, head of Leith walk
Lees Will, grocer, north Richmond ftreet
Legget James oyfter tavern, No 5. bhakefpear's fquare
Legget haudrefle'r, low Calton
Lenain Nicolas grocer and paiilry cook, No 4.1. fouth
Hanover ftreet
Leven Earl of, Nicolfon's ftrett
Leven John fnrveyor of excife, Lothian hutt
Lewis Charles limner, No 5. eaft Rofe ftreet
Leechman fame? bookinder, head of the weft bow
Leechman John teacher, foot of the new bank tlofe
Leith Mrs. George's fquare
Leith wine {hop Blair's ftreet, eaft fide
Leflie lieut. gen. Alex No 42. fouth Hanover ftreet
Leftic John vv fig. Rofe court, George's ftreet
Ltflie Will. w. fig. high fchopl yards
Leflie Geo. royal Exchange
Ltflie Alexander grocer, Main-point
Ltflie And. feedfman at the Crofs, houfe Broughtoa
Leflie Mils fpirit dealer College wynd
Leilie Peter vintner, oppofue the crofs well, north fide
Leilie Mrs. Brifto ftreet
Leflie Alex fhoemaker, weft Nicolfon's ftreet
Ltflie Mrs. No 12. Queen's ftreet
Liddle Dr And. below Milton houfe Canongate
Lidclle Will, ferrier, Pleafance
Liddle James carver and gitder, Tiviot-row
Liddle J din coach hyrer, Davidfon's clofe, Canongate
Liddle William fmith and ferrier, Fcuntainbridge
Lind Geo. agent for foreign merch. No 3 St Jam. fqurv
Lightbody James writer, Richmond place

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