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Insurance Companies. 84
Consulting Physicians in Glasgow.
William Cummin, Esq. M.D.
Alexander Dunlop Anderson, Esq. M.D.
Consulting Phynician in Edinburgh.
Andrew Duncan, Esq. M.D.
Auditor of Accounts.
Donald Cuthbertson, Esq. Glasgow.
General Auditor.
Patrick Cockburn, Esq. Edinburgh.
Law Agents.
\V. G. Mack, Esq. Writer, Glasgow.
Cunningliam and Walker, Esqrs. W.S., 21, Queer
Street, Edinburgh.
Bankers. — Ship Bank Company; Thistle Bank Compa
ny ; British Linen Company j Commercial Banking Conn<
pany of Scotland.
Specimen of the Premium, charged at diffierent Ages for intwrin,
Age 25 Premium £2 2 2 l Age 40 Premium £3 11
30 2 7 6 50 4 4 ;
35 2 13 10| 60 6 5
Life Insurance is effected with this Company on equ:
table principles, the insured enjoying a participation of tb
profits or not, agreeably to their own desire, and accordin
to the table of premium adopted by them.
An Insurance may be effected for the whole period {
life, by a definite number of payments, by which means thi
payment of the premium may cease in 5, 7, 10, 15, or 2
years, according to the rates at which the Insurance may b
taken out.
Annuities present, contingent, and deferred, and Endan<
roents, are granted. Any person insured with this Compt
ny, and wishing to relinquish the Policy, will receive, i
any time, the value of the same from the office.
Persons whose Lives are insured with this Companji
have liberty to pass in uiulecked boats, from any part of b
IVIajesty's dominions in Great Britain or Ireland, to any otbn
part of the same; and in time of peace, in decked vessel
to any part of the Continent, between the Texel and Bres
The Policies of this Office, when sold or transferred i
security of loans, are placed on the same footing, in evei
respect, as if tlie Insurance had been effected by the oneroi
holder himself.
All transactions in the Life Department are considerc
strictly confidential, and are never suffered to transpir
whatever be their nature.
A pamphlet containing full Tables of the Rates adopte
by the Company, together with observations on, and exan
pies of, the advantages of Life Insurance, maybe had^ra/i
by application, at the Head Office, or at the Office of an
of the Agents.
Edinburgh — John Robertson, 15, Royal Exchange ; ar
John Young, Esq. Writer, 6, Broughton Place-
Lkith— John W. Walker, Merchant, 1, Bank Street.

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