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Miscellaneous Aduertisements.
EDUCATION in IRELAND tave prepared
Ae following Series of BOOKS, MAPS, &c. for
tlie use of their Schools, which are sold to the public
at the prices annexed. Schools supplied at a re-
duced rate : — s. d.
First Book of Lessons, 18mo, sewed, 2^
Second do. 18mo, bound, 9
Third do. l2mo, 1 4
The same Accented Edition,.... 1 8
Fourth do. 12nio, 1 8
Fifth do. 12mo, 2
Reading Book for Female Schools, 12mo,
(nearly ready), 2
English Grammar, 18mo 10
Key to Exercises in do., ISmo, 4
Geography (in preparation).
Scripture Lessons, Old Testament, I. and
II., 12mo, each 1
' —^— New Testament, I. and
II., l2mo, each 1
Sacred Poetry, 18rao, 8
First Book of Arithmetic, and Key, 1 Smo, each 1
Elements of Book-keeping, and Key, 12mo,
each 1
Elements of Geometry, I2mo, 10
Mensuration, Guaging, Land Surveying,
&c. l2mo, 1 8
Key to do., 12mo, 1
Directions for Needle- Work and Cutting out,
with Specimens, Bvo, half bound, 12
The same, 4to, half bound, 14
Tablet Lessons — Arithmetic, 60 Sheets, 2 6
..^_— ^— ^— Spelling and Reading, 33
Sheets, , 1 3
Copy Lines, 5 sheets, 1 3
Map of the World, on roller coloured 21
Maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Eng-
land, Scotland, Ireland, Palestine, and An-
cient World, on rollers, coloured, each.... 16
Sole Agents for Scotland, Fbaser & Co., 64,
North Bridge, Edinburgh.
""Sy^M. PIKE, 37, Princes Street, has on hand
* ' at all times, a most completely assorted Stock
of the following Articles, which he wLU sell on a
EmaU profit :—
Silks, plain and figured, Satins, Silk Velvets,
Prints, Merinoes, Indianas, and Saxony Cloths,
Ribbons, Blonds, Nets, and Lace Edgings, Veils
and Squares, sewed Collars and Trimmings, Ladies'
Neckerchiefs in Silk, Crape, and I\Ierino Wool,
French and Cotton Cambric, Pocket Handkerchiefs,
Muslins, and Cottons of all kinds, Linens, Lawns,
Diapers, and Towellings, Flannels and Blankets, Ho-
siery, Small Wares, &c.
Every Article suitable for Family Mourning-
■m/TR ALEXANDER, Finishing Writing-
■'■'•*- Master, 45, Princes Street, continues to
receive advanced Ladies and Gentlemen to his
Classes for Stenography, as practised in the
and round turned Business-hand. His Junior
Classes for Writing and Arithmetic continue as
P. S To those unacquainted with Mr Alexan-
der's arrangements, it is perhaps proper to state,
that his senior pupils are invariably taught along
with others about the same age, varying from 15
to 50 years, so that no person need feel the least
in attending, while the number to which each class
is limited, insures all the advantages of private
tuition, at his public terms.
From the Scotsman of May 7, 1834.
" We have carefully examined the style of wri-
tlng'taught by this gentleman, and have no hesitation
in saying it is decidedly the best of the kind which
has ever come under our inspection."
From the Evening Post of April 26, 1834.
** To those who require improvement in mercan-
tile or epistolary writing, we confidently recommend
his instructions in Business Hand, and know from
the very best authority, that he is qualified to teach
Short-Hand, upon the principles practised by the
reporters in the Houses of Parliament."
A LEX. DEUCHAR & Co., Seal Engravers
•^^ TO HER Majesty, Lapidaries and Genea-
logists, 73, George Street, return their grateful
thanks to the Nobility and Gentry for the liberal
support they have hitherto received, and beg leave
to assure them, that every exertion will be made to
maintain that character for Heraldic correctness,
and superior workmanship, for which their esta-
blishment has been so long distinguished.
A. D. having for 30 years devoted a portion of
his time to genealogical research, most respectfully
solicits inspection of his labours in that science,
which he trusts, for correctness and elegant design,
will meet with general approbation.
N.JB Gentlemen desirous of tracing family
connexions, may be assisted in the investigation,
which their extensive collection of MSS. and Books
on Genealogy, enable them to do on moderate
Coats-of-arms painted on pattern paper for sew-
No. 18, Prince's Street, Edinburgh.
THE situation of this Hotel has for a great
number of years proved most favourable
for Strangers visiting the City, and equally
so for Gentlemen on Business, being within
Two IMinutes* Walk of all the Public Offices,
Exhibitions, Places of Amusement, &c. &c.

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