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Lauder Collin, Surgeon No 3 St James's fquare
Laincr Miilcom, Elq Advoc te, South hanover fir.
Lawion Robert, Surt^eoii, Parliameii clofe
Lee Pa rick, vintner, head of Leith walk
Laurie James, Taylor oppofite the Back ftdirs cow
Moffat William, wiiter La-ly Lawfon's wynd
M'DouealJ Allan, W. S- St Andrews fqua!""^
M* Donald Jdhn, wiirer, South Richmond (Ireet
M'Harg Jam s, writer to the fignet, Buccleut>h ftreet
M'Failin Andrew, Efq from Jamaica, Queen's Ihcet
M'Pherlon William, W. S. Kmcaid's court
Maxwell of Hardwell James's fquare
IVIaclntoOi Robert, mufician, Ikiners clofe
M'Kenzie Andrew W. S. George's (Ireet
Manwell Charles, painter, Croi'^caulway
Manfon Thoma^, writer North hanover ftrect
Mdler Alexander, iron monger, Crofs, toufe
Parliament clofe
M'L^chan James, Ihoemaker, at the crofs
Mortland John, Elq Advocate, Queen's f!reet
Montgomery Matthew, writer, George's flreet
Monigomery Pian^is, folicitor at law, Leith ilreet
Mercer Hugh writer to the iignet, at the crofs
Mudie Rev. George's ftreet
Murdoch Alexander, room fetter, Rofe ftreet
Murray Peter Threpland, Efq. Advocate Buccleugb
Murray James folicitor at law, Luckenbooths
Murray William, writer No. 28, Rofe Itrcet
Napier George, writer. Lawn market
Ormifton John, folicitor at law Cowgate
Pattifon John, Efq Advocate, James's court
Parlbns Joliu, teacher. No. 2 Rofe ftreet
Vitcaim Ale x^nder; infsirance broker, Parliement

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