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Gordon, D., M.D.
Millar, AVm. White
Barbour, Geo. F. , of Bonskied
Paul, Rev. John, D.U.
Pitcairn, A. Y., AV'.S.
Tweedie, Mrs
Home, John
Mackay, Airs
Scott Moncrieff, David
Canpie, James, JI.D.
Court, John, S.S.C.
Clason, Rev. Patrick, D.D.
Robertson, Miss Ellen
Irving, I\Irs David
Reid, Rev. William
Lee, Rev. Prof. Robt., D.D.
Cameron P. (J. and P. C.)
M'Kay, Capt. of Blackcastle
Aitken, A. (Marshall d: A.)
Torrance, G. M., of Threave
Borthwick, Mrs
Raleigh, Samuel
Cheape, Miss, of Rossle
Scott, Lady
Paton, Joseph Noel, R.S.A.
and 35 Lawson, Charles, of
Borthwick Hall
Lawson, Charles, jun.
Newton, Mrs Hay, sen.
Sym, Mrs
A'rnot, Rev. David, D.D,
Cairns, Thomas, M.D.
Younrr, Miss
Camond, Miss Jane
Bruce, Mrs
Alexander, William
B M'Askill, Mrs
Theyne, James
Lillie, Joseph
Key, Thomas, (H.M.I. S.)
Robertson, Mrs
Parker, John, {Inland Re-
Harvie, Mi.ss
Sibbald, Miss
Moflat, Miss
Kirk, Mrs
Dymock, Robert Lockart
Ziegler, William, M.D.
Ziegler, John
Turnbull, John
Turnbull, Mrs
Brown, Miss, boarding school
Brougham, Mra
Geddes, Colonel
Fairbain, Mrs
Waucliope, Miss
Torrance, Mrs David
Craigie, James
Ritchie, John
Fiiday, Mrs
Leburn, Thomas, S.S.C.
Lebuin, Henderson, &AViIson,
Henderson, Charles, S.S.C.
Peddie, Rev. Dr
Gardiner, Miss E.
Miller, William, S.S.C.
Young, Wm., M.D.
GO Young, Arch, manager, Lon-
don and Scottish Bank
2. deorg^e Street.
1 Peddie, Donald S., C.A.
1 Archibald, John
3 Standard Life Assurance
Company — See Adv.
Thomson, W. Thos. actuary
Tait, John H.
5 Colonial Life Assurance
Co. — Gregor, D. Clunis,
secretary — See Adv.
7 Young, J. C, oflSce-keeper
7 Tullis, R. and Co. papermkrs.
7 Hunter, James
7 Forbes, Peter, and Co. wine
7 Crawford & M'Cabe, printers
7 Cheine, George T., C.A.
7 Atlas Insurance Company.
7 Steele, William, S.S.C.
9 Whytock, R., and Co.
9 Wjlie and Peddie, civil eng.
13 Royal Insurance Company
— J. Milligan, manager
13 Milligan, J. and J., S.S.C.
13 Laing, A., Royal Lisurance
13 Paton, Thomas, printer
13 Home, Robert, and Co.
1.5 Nisbet, John, painter
17 Ballard's Hotel
19 Caledonian Life Insurance
Company — See Adv.
19 H;illows, Frederick J.
21 Walker, M., & Co. publishers
21 Smith, Thomas, painter
21 Hutchison, Andrew
21 Turnbull and Spears, pi'inters
21 Scottish Railway Gazette
21 Torrop, Christopher
2 1 Schoelcher, Mad. & Co. mlnrs.
21 Cunningham, J. B.
23-B Christie & Smith, wine mer-
23 Steventon, Mrs Frances, hotel
25 Gowans and Goodlet
25 Ha}', John
25 Hay, Mrs, outfit rooms
27 Paterson and Sons, music-
29 Clydesdale Bank — James
Greenhill, manager
29 Hastings, Robert, accountant
29 Peacock, Hugh, messenger
31 Scottish Fire Insurance Co.
Carpiiin, J. R., C.A.
Hanover Street intersects.
;',3 M'Naughton, Jas. guiimaker
33 Salomon, H.
33 Salomon, Madame H.
33 Murray, G. & Son, clothiers
35 Walker, James, linen draper
35 Robertson, J. & Co. chemists
37 Green, Hemy Hugh, teacher
37 Stephenson, J. B. chemist
37 Scotland, A. Pearson, S.S.C.
37 Oliver, J. P., sharebroker
37 Browu, Thomas, chemist
37 Society for Promoting the
Employment of Women —
Miss Blyth, secretary
37 Blair, Robert
37 Livingstone, J. & Co. hosiers
39 Smith, Thomas, painter
30-A Matheson, A. and Co.
41 Hamilton, John A. architect
41 Butters, L. seal engraver
41 Drysdale, Miss
41 Marshall, J. and W. jewellers
43 Blackwood, T. and J.
43 Clift, Henry, private hotel
45 Henry, Ale.xander
45 Blackwood, W. and Sons
47 Montignani, W. R.
47 Barlas, James
47 Prain, H. C. actuary, Scot.
47 Scottish Union Assur. Office
— See Adv.
47 Ramsay, George, manager
47 M'Cuaig, Colin, C.A.
47 Bryson, James, inspector
49 AVood and Co. saloon
51 Lyon & Turnbull, auctioneers
53 Sim, W. A. & J. wool ware-
53 Gowan, Mrs, lodgings
53 Nicoll, Alexander, lodgings
53 M^Ritchie, J.
53 Murray and Hunt, AV.S.
53 Hunt, "J. (M. and H.) W.S.
53 Corner, John, clothier
55 Minto, Mrs, milliner
55 Bryden, W. and Son
55 Bell, Mrs, shoe warehouse
55 Dick, H. and J. milliners
57 and Gl Crnickshank and Sous
57 M'DowaU, R. baker
57 Miller, John, trunkmaker
59 Moncrietl', Wm. accountant
59 Nuehot, Dr H. W.
59 Trotter, Alexander, teacher
61 Fonlis, David, ironmonger
G3 Budge and Webster
G3 Pentzlin, Lndwig, bootmaker
G3 Christie, J. ladies' bootmaker
63 Houlden, T. and J. stationers
G3 Moxon, C. and J. painters
65 Campbell and Co. lace mercts.
65 Cay and Black
67 Crown Life Office— II. W.
Cornillion, S.S.C. secretary
67 Ferguson, George, perfumer
67 Ferguson, James, hairdresser
69 Blanc, Madame V. bootmaker
69 Home, George
69 AVright, Miss, outfitter
Frederick Street intersects.
71 Wilson and Co.
71 Yule, Thomas
73 Lewis, John A. china nianufr.
73 Conquergood, Misses
73 Buchanan, Janics, S.S.C.
73 Peacock, Mrs H. lodgings
73 Scrymgeour, H. uphoktery

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