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Scottish Slate and Slab Co.
Irving, V>'. patent tile agent
Hollis, Mi??, milliner
Cliessar, Miss, milliner
Chessar, Jlrs, lodgincjs
Cameron, Misses, "dressmkrs.
Lopfan, John, watclimuker
Kubcrtson,A.carA-er and gildr.
Cameron, Geo. fruit merchant
and confectioner
Dickson and Walker, glaziers
George Street intersects.
IMackenzie and Frazer, W.S.
Christie, Charles G. C.
Purves, Mrs, lodgings
Hossack, Miss
Reid, AV. fishmonger
Lorimer and Young, C.E.
Young, William, C.E.
Stevenson, Robert P., S.S.C.
Schneider, A.
Copland, R. T. tailor
JIacrae and Ross, W.S.
Britannia Life Assur. —
See Adv.
Stewart, Dun. spirit dealer
Hill, Thomson, and Co.,
Welsh, Henry
JM'Lean, Mrs D.
Blaxwell, W. draper
Pass, E. perfumer
Stewart, David, spirit mer.
lltistle Street intersects.
Veitch, Mrs, lodgings
Murray, George, grocer
Corbett, William, dentist
Romans, John, gas engineer
Walker, James C. architect
Robertson, Robert
M'Whannel, P. grocer
Provident Cleric's Mutual
Paterson, Andrew, C.A.
Experience Invest. Soc.Fund
Neilson, John, W.S.
Forsyth, Henry, AV.S.
Davidson and Reid, upholstrs.
Gibson, Charles
Hardie, Wm. Sons, and Low
Baxter, Miss, dressmaker
Kerr, John F. glazier
Campbell, Miss I. dressmaker
Nimino, Misses, dressmakers
Soehns, Frederick
JIaxwell, JIrs James
Innes, Peter, lodgings
Johnston, iMi.'-s Margaret
Johnston, AVm. agent
(Jardencr, T. tea merchant
Johnston, Mrs Wm.
Smith, U. surveyor
Johnston, William
Dougla8,J. 15. & Smith, W.S.
JailVay, Mrs John
Lawrie, Thomas, accountant
Inglis, David, lodgings
Robertson, J. A. solicitor
54 Eager, Mrs J. teacii. ot'mu.«ic
54 Simson, G. W.
54 Simson, Messrs, institution
52 Lowe, Joseph
IJill Street intersects.
50 D'Eg^•ille, Monsieur James
50-A Lowe, George, teacher of
50-A Lowe, Mrs G.
50-A Black, Edward
50-A Lawrence and Black
50 Rintoul, Alex, house-painter
48 Hogg, AVm. auctioneer
4G Wightman, J. and Son
44 Jlarshall and Stewart, S.S.C.
44 Marshall, John, S.S.C.
44 Stewart,P.(il/.«?i(/^\)S.S.C.
44 Zoblinskey, F. teach, of music
44 Letton, E.
42 Hill,Reid,&Drnmmond,W.S.
42 Reid, William, W.S.
42 Hill, James L., AV.S.
42 Drummond. William (H. R.
and D.) W.S.
40 Robertson, Miss, milliner
40 Thomson, Robert, LL.B.
38 Espinasse, F. Le Chevalier
36 Urquhart, Alex, shoemaker
36 Dalziel, Miss, fishmonger
36 Plashetts Coal Company
36 IMuir, W. S. wine vaults
George Street intersects.
34 Hunter and Co.
34 Crawford, William, baker
34 Donald, William, dyer
34 Scott, Miss E. corset-maker
32 Potts, George, upholsterer
30 Duff", Mrs Alexander
30 Utterston, JIrs, staymaker
28 Hamilton, J. A. architect
28 Wilson, Richard C, C.A.
28 Caledonian Provident In-
vestment Society
26 Monerieft' & Thomson, ac-
26 Jloncriefi; John Scott. C.A.
26 Thomson, Charles W., C.A.
26 Weathcrly, Miss, dressmaker
26 Hepburn, S.
26 Collins, J. cabinetmaker
26 Brown, F. teacher
24 Glen, George, upholsterer
24 Wilson, David, tlesher
22 Stevenson, Thos. bookseller
20 .Marshall and Small
20 AVilliams and Norgate
Pose Street intersects.
18 Paterson, H. bird dealer
!8 Hearder, Tliomas B. druggist
18 Paterson, Adam C. surveyor
18 Graham, Mrs, lodgings
18 Gravet, IMiss E. milliner
18 Wilson, William, bootmaker
18 Duncan, J. W.
16 Brydon,J.&Sons,belHiangers
14 Robertson, Mrs A.
14 Brydon, J. M.
12 White, John, hosier
12 Shetland Warehouse
12 Atlas Fired: Life Co.' s of/ice
12 White, W. woollen draper
10 M'Cuaig, John, tailor
10 Livingston, G. K., S.S.C.
8 Livingston's lodgings
8 Taylor, A.
6 Finlayson, Thomas, lodging:?
4 Cossar, G. {B. of Scotland)
2 Henrv, Mrs Edward
2 Pollock, Peter, farrier
7. Firthfield.
Aitken, Thomas, spirit dea,er
I. Freer Street.
2 Clark, Peter, grocer
Puller, David, joiner
Miller, James, & Co., Edin.
firewood factory
». Fyfe Place.
2 Gray, Mrs, tobacconist
3 Small, David
4 M'Gechan, James
5 & 6 M'Xaughton, J. copper-
7 Robertson, James, grocer
8 Petrie, Philip, and Co.
9 Philip, Mrs J.
10 Elder, John
11 Millar, Eben. (T. M d-Sons)
11 Millar, Geo. (T. J/, rf.- Sons)
11 Miller, Rev. James ^'.
11 Miller, Mrs
12 Fulton, John
13 Proudfoot, Thomas
15 Buchanan, John
16 ILamilton, William B.
16 Henderson, James
16 Watt, James
16 Buchan, George
18 Hay R. {P. 6^ R. Hay)
1. Gardner's Crescent.
1 Usher, Thomas
2 Millar, JI-Neny, and Co.
plasterers and cement wks.
2 JI'Quecn, Duncan
2 Craig, Archibald
3 Ritchie, Mrs
3 Tansh, John
4 Grieve, J.
5 M-Dougali, G.
6 Baikie, James
6 Paterson, Thomas
6 Reith, F. W.
7 Smith, John R. builder
8 Kcay, Misses
9 Moir, George, printer
9 Sini])soii, Jiohert
9 Jluidoch, Thomas
9 Lindsay, William
12 Fox, (icorge
12 Fullarton, Thomas
12 Burn. Mrs Captain
12 Stewart, Daniel
12 Jlackintosh, George
13 Cameron, John

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