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Chisholm, John Knox, dciital-sur},'eon, 15
Duke street
Chisholm, John, stationer, 3j Lothian road —
house, 43 Earl Grey street
Chisholm, M. confectioner, &c. 23 Canongate
Chisholm, Robert (uMuc/uit/ §' C), '25 East
Claremont street
Chisholm, Kt. cowfeeder, 44 N. Richmond
Chisholm, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 2 Northumber-
land place
Chisholm, Mrs, procer and spirit dealer, 13
Citadel street, Leith
Chisholm, Miss, furrier and straw-hat maker,
15 Brunswick street
Chisholm, IMiss, straw-hat manufacturer and
furrier, 37 North bridge
Chisholm, Miss, 59 Lauriston place
Chisholme, William, joiner and undertaker.
East Newington place
Chisholme, Miss Scott, 15 Bruntsfield place
Christian Treasury Office, 2 Melbourne pi.,
— Johnstone, Hunter, & Co. publishers. —
— See Aiiv.
Christianson, Mrs Eliza W. George st. Leith
Christie & Kilpatrick, clothiers, hatters, out-
fitters, and robe makers to the University,
104 and 105 South bridge
Christie & Smith, wine, spirit, & malt liquor
mercht8.23-B George st — ho. 67 Hanover
Christie, Alex, old bookseller, 97 Nicolson st.
Christie, Alex, slater and chimney sweeper,
118 Kirkjjate
Christie, Alex, lodgings, 30 Cumberland st.
Christie, Alex. 51 Minio street
Christie, Alex. 14 Royal circus
Christie, Andrew, lO Monta^un street
Christie, Lt.-Col. Charles, 26 Great King st.
Christie, Charles G. C. {Inland Rtvenue,) 35
Frederick street
Christie, George, erocer and provision mercht.
1 1 Abbey hill
Christie, Henry, tobacco and snuff manufac-
turer, 13 Nicolson square — house, 179
Christie, James, grocer and wine merchant,
30 High street — house, 49 So. Clerk street
Christie, James, dairyman, 4 Barony street
Christie, James, ladies' boot and shoe maker,
63 George street — bo, 132
Christie, James, supervisor of Inland Revenue,
5 Union street
Christie, James, baker, 4 X. Junction street
Christie, John, market officer, Fishmarket
Christie, John, & Son, clothiers, breeches
makers, hosiers, shirt makers, and glovers,
16 George street
Christie, John, 6 St John street
Christie, J. (C. ,C- I\ilpfjtrlck),4 Oxford st.
Christie, J. C., W.S. 4 Duncan ht. Newington
Christie, J. & R. cca' merchants, 4 Barony
Christie, Major-General, 14 Gt. Stuart st.
Christie, Captain R., H.M.I. S., St Bernard's
Christie, Robert, grocer and wine mercliant,
53 Hanover street
Christie, Robert, West Merchiston place
Christie, Rt., jun. C.A. (secretary, I^oHhcru
Assurance Contpany), 12 Lauriston park
Christie, Robert L. working Jeweller and
watchmaker, 17, 18, 19, and 20 Bank street
Christie, Thomas, teacher of English, geo-
graphy, history, &c. 36 George street
Christie, Wm. cabinetmaker, 10 31 line's coun>.
Christie, William, slater, 31 Constitution
street — house, 128
Ctiristie, William, advocate, 24 Duke street
Christie, William, 81 Clerk street
Christie, W. L. I Claremont place
Cliristie, Mrs Alex., 7 Brougham place
Christie, Mrs David, 16 Broughton place
Christie, Mrs James, 7 Brougham place
Christie, Mrs Janet, 2 Grove street
Christie, Mrs, 5 Roxburgh place
Christie, Mrs, 11 Findhorn place
Christie, Mrs, 6 Kew terrace
Christie, Mrs, 23 Duke street
Christie, Mrs, 5 Howe street
Christie, Mrs, 87 Pleasance
Christie, Miss A. dressmaker, 22 S. College st,
Christie, Miss, 30 Howard place
j Christie, Miss, 22 Clarence street
j Christie, Miss, 20 Ann street
j Christison, David, M. D., 40 Moriy place
I Christison, Robert,professorof materia medica,
I and consulting physician, 40 iloray place
I Cbrystal, Cockburn, bootmaker, 28 Hadding-
ton place
Chrystie, Captain Thomas, R.N., 58 Castle
Church, J. grocer, 8 Claremont place — ho. 6
Church of England Life and Fire Assu-
rance Institution, 18 Hill street.
Church of Scotland Schemes Office, 22 Queen
Church of Scotland Normal School Boarding;
House, 12 Picardy place — Mrs Harrower,
Churton, Rev. Matthew, M.A., Gothic house^
Ciceri, Mantica, and Torre, carvers, gilderp,
and looking-glass manufacturers, fei Leith
Circus Place School, 4 N.-E. Circus place, and
2 Royal circus — Wm. M. Begbie, rector
City Accountant's Office, 10 Royal Exch.
City Chamberlain's Office, 10 Royal Exch.
City Chambers, 10 Royal Exchange
City Clerk's Office, 10 Royal Exchange
City Dining Rooms, 14 South St Andrew st.
— Duncan M'Laren, proprietor — See Ado.
City of Edin. Roads and Streets Trust,
David Murray, C.A. treasurer and collec-
tor, 46 Georce street

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