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Mackenzie, Mrs, of Letterew,,45 St Cuthbert st.
— — Mrs, 1 Brandon street
Hon. Misses, of Seaforth, 9 Randolph cresc.
M'Kenzie, Adam, broker, 105 Cowgate
i Alexander, hairdresser, 225 Canongate
Alexr. spirit dealer, lid Cowgate — ho. 175
■ Alex, tailor and clothier, 5 so. St Andrew st.
■ Rev. Andrew, 8 Downie place
■ Charles, grocer, 65 Broughton street
Daniel, builder, 54 Grassmarket
Donald, carver and gilder, 4 Melville place
D. wright and undertake r, 70 Fotterrow
■ Donald, spirit dealer, 167 Plea^ance
George, spirit dealer, 577 Castlehill
Dr H. of Auchtertool, 80 Canongate
Hugh, letter carrier, Reid's close, Canongate
James, tinsmith, 151 West port
— — James, working jeweller and enameller, 21
George street
James, sheriff-officer, 396 Castlehill
James, esq. 5 Milne's court
J. jeweller & hardware merch. 27 Nicolson st.
John Whiteford, esq. W.S. 19 Scotland st.
■ John, plumber, 15 Rose street
John, spirit dealer, 6 Richmond place
John, teacher, 19 south James street
Dr John, 4 Shandwick place
K. painter, 3 Main point
Kenneth, spirit dealer, 471 Lawnmarket
■ Kenneth, painter, Mary King's close
Robert, esq. W.S. 13 south Charlotte street
Samuel, portrait painter, 7 M'Kenzie place
. Thos, esq. W.S. 45 Fred, st — ho. 10 Heriot r.
Thomas, victual dealer, 33 Jamaica street
. William, (of the G. P. O.) 7 Brown street
William, lodgings, 41 Castle street
William, slater, 233 Canongate
William, dyer and scourer, 106 Rose street
■ ■ Wm. grocer, Stonepier, Newhaveii
■ Mrs C. 45 Frederick street
T Mrs Janet, lodgings, Blanilfield cottage
Mrs, of Applecross, 145 Princes street
Mrs, midwife, 475 Lawnmarket
Miss H. dressmaker, 59 Castle street
Miss, 95 Princes street
Miss, 15 George square
• Miss, teacher, 2 Simon square
M'Keracher, Mrs, grocer and spirit dealer, 141
M'Kerlie, Robert, esq. Ordnance store keeper, Cas-
tle — house Dickson's park, Jock's lodge
Mrs, 24 Clerk street
M'Kerrell, Miss, 22 Coates crescent
Mackersy, John, writer, 47 Great King street
Lindsay, ace 1 , 17 Howest. — ho. 26 Dundasst.
William, esq. W.S. 2 Believue crescent
■ Mrs, 47 Great King street
Maekerttr, Robt. esq. 3 Leopold place
M'Keur, James, porter, Holyrood house
M'Killop, John, surgeon, 208 Canongate — ho. 299
Mrs, tobacconist, 32 George street
Mackie, Chas. surgeon, 6 west Circus place
John, messenger, B. of Scotland— ho. ditto
John, grocer, 10 Mansfield place'
John, Yorkshire bread and biscuit baker, 9
Scotland street
Joseph, tailor, 4 west Richmond street
Thos. esq. 19 Home street
Mrs, lodgings, 47 Cumberland street
Mackie, Mrs, lodgings, 30 Lothian street
Miss, dressmaker, 22 Dundas street
M'Kindlay, John, esq. of Condorat, 16 Stafford st.
Chas. wine and spirit merchant, 3 & 4 Old
Fish market close
Finlay, cutler, 5 Hanover street
Mackinlay, Archibald, merchant, 16 Forth street
David, esq. 25 Royal terrace
David, spirit dealer, 108 Canongate
Duncan, draper, 1 Bank street
Mrs John, 25 Royal terrace
Mrs John, lodgings, 5 Duke street
Mrs, 13 India street
Miss, 41 Lothian street
Mackuight, Rev. Dr, 12 London street
M'Knight, Geo. painter and glazier, 2 Market pi.
Mrs, fruiterer, 47 Stockbridge market
Mrs, lodgings, 101 Princes street
M'Konachie, Miss, 10 Warriston crescent
M'Lachlan and Ivory, esq. W.S. 52 Northumb. st.
and Lamont, esq. S.S.C. 47 Castle street
and Stewart, booksellers, 62 South bridge
Andrew, haircutter, & perfr. 11 Nicolson st.
Fergus, cowfeeder 61 n. back of Canongate
George, esq. W.S. 52 Northumberland street
— house 20 Duke street
J. (of M'Lachlan and Stewart), 8 Duncan
street, Newington
John, grocer and wine merchant, 67 South
bridge — house 108 Lauriston place
J. tailor and furnisher, 18 St Mary wynd
L., S.S.C. 47 Castle street
Rev. Paul, Catholic Chapel
Peter, tea, wine, & spirit dealer, and agent
for Union Glen distillery, 34 Castle street
Wm. gunmaker,24 Fred. st. — h.34 Howest.
Mrs John, dressmaker, 6 Castle street
Mrs, of M'Lachlan, 20 Duke street
Maclagan, David, M.D. fellow of the Royal Col-
lege of Surgeons, 129 George street
M'Lagan, Alexr. writer, 35 Scotland street
F. baker, 19 Frederick st. — house 26
Alexr. plumber, 1 Mound place
James, late bookbinder, 24 Gardner's cresc.
Peter, esq. 77 Great King street
Mrs, 2 Claremont street, Saxe Coburg place
Miss, 9 Charles street
M 'Lardie, Andrew, city officer, Writers' court
M'Laren, Archd. tavern, 16 and 17 College street
Alex, spirit dealer, 8 Thistle street
Chas. (of the Scotsman newsp.) 36 George st.
David, tailor and clothier, 21 south St David
D. and G. wine merchants, 1 Cassels place
Donald, cbairmaster, 9 south-east Circus pi.
Duncan, linen-draper and haberdasher, 329
High street — house 2 Ramsay garden
Duncan, spirit merchant, 17 Market street
Gilbert, spirit dealer, 74 Northumberland st.
Jas. wholesale tea warehouse, 7 Roxburgh
place — house 7 Newington place
1 James, esq. surveyor general of Excise, 7
north-west Circus place
James, spirit dealer, 3 Canal street
James, teacher, 7 Baker place
Jas. boot & shoem. 6 Duncan st. Drum. pi.
John, boot and shoemaker, 1 Deanhaugh st.
Neil, wine and spirit merchant, Broughton
place — house 7 Hope crescent

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