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However, it was tliereaiter underftood, that four oi- five
of the Affize did with Reluctancy pronounce this Verdiil,
thinking Death too great a Punifiiment for Co flender a
Gniit, and that the major Part of the Aflize had cleanfed
him, if die Fear of an Affizc of Error had not prevailed
with them.
The Verd'xft being reported, Doom was pronounced,
decerning and adjudging him, and the reft, to be taken, on
Saturday December 2 2d, to the Market Crofs of Edinburgh,
and there to be hanged on a Gibbet till they be dead, and
that their Goods and Lands be elcheated and forfeited for
his Highnefs’s Ule. At the Hearing of which Sentence,
he chearfully faid, “ The Lord giveth Life, and the Lord
“ taketh, blefiedbe the Name of the Lord.” And as he
was carried back through the Guards to the Tolbooth, when
the People made Lamentation, he anfwered, “ Though
“ Men cut us off, God will receive us ; truft in God,
“ truft in God.”
Being come to his Chamber, he immediately addreftld
himfelf to God by Prayer, with great Enlargement of
Heart, for himfelf and his Fellow Prilbners condemned
with him. Being afterwards asked how his Leg was, which
was tortured, he anfwered merrily, “ The Fear of my
“ my Neck now maketh me forget my Leg.” Thereafter
he faid to another Friend, “ O how good News, to be
“ within four Days Journey to enjoy the Sight of Jefus
“ Chrift ! and protefted he was not lb cumbered how to
die, as he had been fometime to preach a Sermon.” To
fome Women, lamenting for him, he faid, “ That his
Condition, though he was young, and in the Budding of
“ his Hopes and Labours in the Miniftry, yet it was not
*■ to be mourned for ; for, faid he, one Drop of my Blood,
through the Grace of God, may make moe Hearts con¬
trite, than many \ ears Sermons might have done.”

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