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bis Spirit. Whereupon the King’s Advocate, interrupting
him, defired him to forbear that Difcourfe, telling him,
that he was not there called in queftion for his Perfuafion,
hut for the Crime of Rebellion, in riling in Arms againft'
. his Majefty’s Authority, to which he dellred him to ah-
fwer. Whereunto he anf.vercd, that the thing which mov¬
ed him to declare himfelf as he had, and would have done,
was that weighty and important Saying of our Lord Jefus,
. Whofoever /ball confefs me before Men, him Jhail the Son of
Man alfo cenfefs before the Angels of God ; but he that de-
nieth me and iny Words before Men, Jhail be denied before
the Angels of God. As for the Rebellion he was charged
with, he faid, his Accellion was only fimple Prelence with
a Sword, and that occalional, as his Confelfion before the
Council did bear. The Advocate anfwers, that not only
Prefence, fuch as he was charged with, w'as treafonable,
but all Inter communing or keeping Company with Rebels,
though for the Space only of half an Hour ; and however,
he faid, he was guilty of a far deeper Acceflion, and of ma¬
ny other things belides thefe contained in his own Confelll-
on : Whereupon the Advocate caufed read his Confelfion,
and alfo the Depofitions of feveral others that were exa-
. mined, in fo far as they concerned him. Mr. Hew an-
fwered, that all the Depolitions read contained no more
than was in his own Confellion, nor could they make out
any more againft him; and fo in EfFeft it was.
The Advocate, after the fuftaining of the Indictment,
having made ule of and caufed read the Confelfion of Mr.
Hew, and the other Perfons accufed before the Aflize, in
Place of Probation, relerred the Matter to their Cognition.
The Adize, being inclofed, gave their Verdiuna voce,
and, by the Mouth of Sir William Murray of hewtoun their
Chancellor, report him to be guilty of being with the Re¬
bels at leveral Times and Places, and at their Rendefvouz
with a Sword, according to his fublcribed Confeflion.
However, j

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