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. _ ( 3® )
ingenuous, and to declare who were tlie’King-leaders of
the late Riling, and what Correfpondence, either at Home
or Abroad, was kept anent it; and this was done efpecially
upon the Monday, December 3d, at which Time allb the
Boots, a terrible Inftrument of Torture, which the Hi>-
manity of our later Times hath lb much abhorred, that
not only the Falhion of them was forgot, but all Torture*
for their Caufe, difuled ; yet new ones, fuch as they are,
were laid before him upon the Town Council Houfe Ta¬
ble, and he certified, that if he would not confefs he Ihould
be tortured by them To-morrow. And accordingly, upon
Tuefday, December 4th, he was again called before the
Council, where, after the Examination and Torture of John
Neilfon of Corfack, he was examined by the Earl of Ro¬
thes the King’s Commiffioner, the Marquis of Montrofe,
and feveral of the Privy Council, in the Town Council-
Houfe. The Bifhop of St. Andrews, for the Honour of
his Profelfion forlboth, and lome others of the Counfellors,
upon more real and Chriltian Motives, having at firft with¬
drawn themlelves; and being urged to confels, he declar¬
ed, with a folemn Atteftation, That he knew no more
than he had already confeffed ; whereupon they ordered the
Executioner to put his Leg into the Boot, and to proceed
to the Tortuie : But as he had before confelled and de¬
clared ingenuoully all he knew, lb this Torture, though
in itfelf ve' y violent and painful, by the extraordinary Com>-
prellion both of Flelh, Sinews and Bones, by the Force
of Timber Wedges, and Hammer, and ufed upon him in
a double Meafure, even to Ten or Eleven Strokes, with
•onfiderable Intervals, as there remained no Truth con¬
cealed which it could not extort, did not in the leall move
him to exprefs any Impatience or Bitteruefs, but having
fuftained it moll: conftantly and Chrillianly ; before he got
the laft three Strokes, he protelted folemnly, in the Sight
«i God, that he could fay no more, though all the Joints ot

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