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C 29 )
had faid, and they caufed write, though at fir ft he appear¬
ed willing, yet, partly being advifed by the Lord Sinclair
to beware that he fubfcribed nothing whereof the contrary
would be found true, left it might therefore fare the worfe
with him, and partly fcrupling at the Terms of Rebels
and Rebellion, wherein the Queftion and his Anfwer were
conceived, and partly bethinking, that a fimple Denial may
.import more than the Pleading of not guilty, he refufed to
fublcribe his 'Name, which being reported to the Council,
gave great Offence, and brought him under the Sulpicion
of a deep Diffembler.
On Thurfday, November 29th, being again called be¬
fore his Examinators, upon the Confideratiofts mentioned,
and for allaying the Council’s Prejudice, and preventing
the Inconvenience he might therethrough fuftain, he gives
in a Declaration, under his own Hand, teftifying, that he
had been with the lVe/l-lanJ Forces, with whom he occa-
fionally met, and that he had refolved to have withdiawn
from them upon the firft Opportunity, which he was alfb
about to do when he was taken, without either offering
to flee or refill, which he defired the Council the rather to
believe, becaufe he had told fo much to William Laurie of
Blackwood, a Perfon employed from the Lieutenant-Gene
ral Dalziel to the Weft-land Forces. But notwithllanding
that W illiam Laurie did tellify this to be a Truth, yet tlie
Council retaining former Impreffions, and apprehending,
that the Prefence and confronting of fome other Prifbrcis
of the Weft-land Forces, who plainly declared their Aca ili¬
on to that Rifing, and their deponing concerning him, did
only move Mr. Hew to this Acknowledgment, although
it be certainly known, that he had formed and fubfcribed the
fame the Night before,they fortify and pciGft ia their Jealou-
fy, and fufpecling him to have been aContriver of the 11-
furredtion.and privy to all Defignsand Intelligence relating
to it, they dealt with him, with great Importunity, to be

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