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be the better Enabled- to undcrgoe with Patience fo Fiery a Tryal, the
Salamanca Doftor was deiigoed to be Pent for, becaufe he had fworn
through many Boards and therefore was the fftt^r to Pray by one,
but Dr. Z>—s voluntary Vilit prevented it, who upon his firft En-
trance faluted the Board with an Holy Kifs, and faid, Be of good Com-
fort my Brother, fuffer Fatiently, your Rervaqd if greatx thou [halt he the
Royal Uat{ it$ Paraaifeyand when thou fhah bgve put off-this Touch-wood Ta-
hernacle} thou jbalt he as one of the Cedars of Lebanon, where there will
he no Merry-Andrews, no Jack-Puddings, no Cook-Maids, no red-hot
Irons. . Ji
The Board return’d the Dr. many Thajiks for his Ghoftly Advice,
and defiredhim to fit down upon him. The Dr. being a profefl Ene¬
my to aU, trim tier of Ceremony vCom ply ed, and fat^im down, and re¬
flecting with himfelf, That thofe who draw near their latter End, have
commonly a forefight of future-Events, propofed feveral Queflions to
hfmt cqiroerning the deplorable condition of tUs Na£ioi\: Fir/?,
Stiatlhe D. of M. he'King? • v "
Board. Ummmmm- No. A G
Dr. Shall Scotch KirkrGovernment ever prevail inr England, to which
he Groarf d I\b, as God (hall judge me :' quoth the Dr. / am exceeding*
ly forry for it.
Dr. Shall we ever have a Parliament ? for I long to he Thanlfd for
tfa\ Regalia. A i f j . G, , » r* t . - - •
( Sboard. Ah, Dr. had the laft Wefiminfier Parliament continued, .you
h*4 not only had their Thanks, out had been Chair-man of an Afiem-
Wyvb yth^dme. • j : .' y' Jr-
. |pr?; iThgt thinly you of Mr. Pa pillion and Mr. Dubois, Q my very good
Byi^ds being Sheriffs P » ..
^yB^arcf. ^ew4CC5 if they are not you will all come, to an Untimely
End* ' e.iGoi IGk; -.
£ D^. Shall the Polish Tapski, dye in his Bed ?
, Board. Let him ftick clofe to Papillion and Dubois.
~ ShaU J ever he ReStor of the Kirl^ called Mary Hill
y Board. Ummmmm- No, «;
. Dr* Toft ftc* a Papifi in your heart9 and fo farewell, for I will not
4bfol(vetyqy* - \ .. /\ .
r Board. Ptay then Dr«' do not {ham the. World vvrtb a Narrative of
nty Life.
L Q'MTy OH: Printed for t. Mwoora* i682<
J; . Alyll j/y ' 4 . .? ^.... i ^ VJ T 1^,. ^ ,Q1 .r < fl ^ ^‘ ' ; G

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