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‘ill It The Laft Words atid Sayings - ; ;
- :■ Mfci? - O F THE
T R U E - P R O T E S T AN T
N Mlliim
: SuffejH Martyrdcim in and now m $mb»ar\ :
:*>ivyki?S TOGETHER WITH ? ’
.. O F A , dj :
Conference between Dr. B-——, and the fdd Board*
Ctjyiftidfi Evader y ‘ *
Board was p6ra4n the Parifli of ■BarnrElms^XdS; a: very
Ahfierit. Stock,1 ai^d growing iip in Y^ats, wks preferred to h
: tlie Seivice of df a - Vteffer-Bonrdy .
■ ™ in wjiofe Kitchen he paft his; days in cafe and cjuietnefey
free ifdrti the Bntthen att'd-t^^rdmdftlof^^any 'TDifhes^' ind ftich like
Popiih and Antichriftian C^pmonies *, but this happinefs was todr gr^at1
to continue, for die Cheapnefs of Viftiials fo6n Invited his Mafter into
the Yorl^fbire Climate, fo that he was forthwith expofed tothe Malice
of a PopilhIy-Affe$ed Coo^Maid? Who boyling foine Holy4Fater for a
Crop-ficl^ Catbolifl^ rftdfl: ihhuhlarie?Y placed the rM-hot1 Sllillet npon
him, which Barbardus Afticijn- couMA tidt<v bttt him mofr
hideous Groans arid Howli^gs, all whfeh ndtWitMiaikling ;J he firiMly
adhered' to his fit A principles, and chdfetatlier tttbe Martyr’d-in
field) than to dwell in a Pppiflj Gluttonous Kitchen > tho* expofcd td
the arldiFiiry of M&iry^hdf&pf^ - Jaci^¥i$lUiWg$y re&h&t Irons^
and Xoreys.
__ The R.everend^’dfftj Dr. 15--^ fo- Remarkable fi^r difturbing the
Sick, no fooner heard of the Torments anH Bitter Agdmes of his Be¬
loved Board m he -hpll fft ^iy4 him {b|ne crums
of Chrijtidn Confolaijoft^ before he departcd tliis" Life, by Which hetnight
A ' * b&

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