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courses of InstrucUon as may be uocessaiy lo qualify
them for the duties of the posts tlioy will ho required
In take up. While undergoing such courses they
will receive in lieu of their retired pay, the rate of
fuUpay (without command money), and allowances
of their corresponding ranl<s on the Active List,
unless the retired pay exceeds the full pay, In which
case they are to receive their retired plly. In the
cases of Officers who have commuted their retired
pay or who received gratuities on discharge, deduc-
tions will be made from their full pay equal to
the amount of retired pay commuted, or to the
annual value of the gratuity. Such periods of
training will not reckon as time for Increase of full or
retired pay.
9. Ill tiio event of the death of im Oftlcer re-
employed under these regulations, Kom causes
attributable to the service, pension and compassion
ate allowances will bo granted to his widow and
children on the special scale applicable to the rank
held by the Officer at the time of his death, irre-
spectively of whether his marriage took place when
on the active or retired list, always subject to the
operation of the Commutation Acts of 1871 and 188a,
under which a proportionate reduction must be
made in the amoimts of the pension or compassion-
ate allowances awarded to a widow married or
children born after the Officer has wholly or partially
commuted his retired pay.— (O.-ln-C, lOth August,
(EstabUslied under Order in Council of the lith March, 1903.)
1. An Officer of the Royal Marines, under the rank
of Lieutenant-Colonel, who is permitted to retire
from the Active List at his own request, with retired
pay or gratuity under the Regulations laid down for
voluntary retirement, will, until he has reached the
age of 60, be liable to recall for service with the Corps
on an emergency, and will be placed on the list of
Reserve of Officers from the date ol retirement.
2. An Officer under the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel
who is compulBorily retired under the Regulations
on account of age, will be eligible, and may at any
time offer himself to be enrolled for service with the
Corps in time of emergency, provided he is not more
than SO years of age and is medically fit for service.
If his services be accepted his name will be placed on
the list of Reserve of Officers.
3. Officers who have been, or may be, removed from
the active list of the Royal Marines on resignation,
or from any other cause, may apply to be placed on
the list of Reserve of Officers. If they be accepted,
the Commissions formerly held by them will be re-
stored and they will hold the rank and be entitled to
wear the uniform of their last service in the Corps.
4. An Officer will be removed from the Reserve List
on attaining the age of 50.
6. A Reserve Officer will report himself at the com
mencement of each year in writing to the Secretary
of the Admiralty. He will not quit the United King-
dom without leave from the Admiralty, and will re-
port any change of permanent address to the
Adjutant-General, Royal Marines.
6. A Reserve Officer who is recalled for service will,
so far as possible, be granted his original seniority in
the substantive rank which he held at the time of
retirement ; he will not be eligible for a routine
promotion to the establishment of any higher rank
In the Corps. The rate of Full Pay will be thai the
Officer was receiving when last on Full Pay.
7. A Reserve Officer who is recalled for service with
the Corps will cease to draw his retired pay (if any)
from the date of recall, and will receive instead : —
A. If no portion of retired pay has been com-
muted :—
The pay and allowances of an Officer of
corresponding rank on Active List to-
gether with a bonus of 25 per cent, for
every pound of full pay earned (exclusive
of allowances).
B. H any portion of his retired pay has been com-
muted: —
The above rates of pay, subject to the
deduction of any commuted retired pay,
with bonus calculated as stated above.
e. If retired with a gratuity :—
The pay and allowances of an Officer of
corresponding rank on the Active List,
subject to a deduction equal to the
annual value of the gratuity, with bonus
as stated above.
D. If accepted for the Reserve under Clause 3 —
The pay and allowances of an Officer of
corresponding rank on the Active List,
with bonus as stated above.
8. If the services of a Reserve Officer have been of
a special character he will be eligible :—
(1) For a step of substantive or honorary rank
on retirement ; or
(2) For a step of Brevet rank for distinguished
(3) At Admiralty discretion. Officers of the
Keaerve of (JHlcers, Royal Murines when
recalled to service may, if recommended,
be promoted to the next higher rank, as
snpeinumerary lo the establisnmenl;. when
the Officer next below them in seniority on
the Active List is promoted to higher rank.
9. An Officer of the Reserve who is recalled for
service with the Corps will be granted an allowance
of £100 in aid of outfit.
10. The widow or children of a Reserve Officer who
dies while on service with the Corps will have the
same right to pension or compassionate allowances
as is accorded to the widows or children of Officers
on the Active List of the Corps.
Admibalty, June 1903.
NoTB.— Under the provisions of Order-in-Council
of 14th October, 1916, the Retired Pay to which
Commissioned Officers, Royal Marines, may bo
entitled at the date of being called out for further
service in war or emergency are secured to them not,-
withstanding any breach of discipline or mlscond uil,
committed during the said further service, provided
that the breach of discipline or misconduct lie
(A) Mutiny, nor
(B) Felony, nor
(C) Conduct unbecoming the character of an
Officer and in respect of which a sentence of
dismissal from His Majesty's Service with
disgrace shall be passed, nor
(D) Conduct of such a nature as would, in the
opinion of tlie Admiralty, merit a reduction
in the rate of Retired Pay, such as would have
been made under the Regulations tor the
lime being in force relating to the retirement
of Royal Marine Officers tor misconduct, bad
the Officer concerned been retired from tlui
Active List on account of the conduct in
NOTB.— In cases falling within Clause (D) the
Admiralty have power, at discretion, to make a
reduction in the Rehired Pay of the Officer concerned
as they would have had if he had been on the Ai live
List at the time of such misconduct, and subject to
the Regulations for the time being in force relating
to the retirement of Royal Marine Officers tor nils
conduct on account of the breach of discipline or
misconduct In question.

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