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(Order-in-Council, 4th July, 1895.)
1. Ketired Naval OTDcers, when voluntarily ro-
omployod will not count their service lor increase of
retired pay, hut will receive in addition to the full
pay and allowances of their rank on the retired list a
bonus of 15 per cent, for every pound of the full pay
of their ranli (exclusive of allowances) earned by
L'. Equipment allowances will he granted at the
following rates provided that no Officer receive any
allowance if he was retired within three years from
the date of his re-employment and that no allowance
oe repeated to the same Officer within a period of
live years :—
£ s, d.
To all Officers below the rank of Lieutenant 9 0+
To Lieutenant-Commanders and Lien-
tenants or Officers of corresponding rank 12 10 Ot
To Commanders or Officers of correspond-
ing rank 14 10
To Captains or Officers of corresponding
rank 16 10
3. These rules apply solely to Officers who may be
voluntarily re-employed in time of peace and do not
affect Officers who may be called Into Active Service
in time of war or emergency
4. In the event of the death of an Officer re-
employed under these regulations, from causes
attributable to the service, pension and compassion-
ate allowance will be granted to his widow and
children on the special scale applicable to the rank
held by the Officer at the time of his death, irrespect-
ively of whether his marriage took place when on the
active or retired list, always subject to the operation
of the Commutation Acts of 1871 and 1882, under
which a proportionate reduction must be made in
the amounts of the pension or compassionate allow-
ances awarded to a widow married or children bom
after the Officer has wholly or partially commuted
his retired pay— (O.-ln-C. 10th August, 1903).
5. Commanders and Lieutenants employed as
Agents for Coaling.— Se? Order in Council 6th August
1892 and subsequent Orders in Council.
6. Retired Officers employed as members of Com-
mittees, or on special duties under the Admiralty—
(see Article USI King's Regulations and Admiralty
In the cases of Offloers who have commuted their retired pay, or who received Gratuities on discharge,
deductions will be made from their full pay equal to the amount of retired pay commuted or to the annual
value of the Gratuity. „ _ . , j .
+ The following equipment allowances may be granted in lieu of these sums to Officers when required to
take up their appointments periodically in time of peace .—
To Commissioned Warrant and Warrant Officers— 3/- per day, subject to a maximum of 20/- in any one year.
To Lieutenants promoted from Commissioned Warrant and Warrant ranks— i/- a day, subject to a maaimum
of 30/- in any on' vear (Order in Oouncil 14 Oct. 191».^
fOrders-in-Council, 8tb March, 1895, 12th November, 1900, 16th May,
1904, 5th March, 1910, 5th July,1911, 3rd Feb.,1915, and 15th Feb., 1916.)
1. Whenever His Majesty may be pleased by His
Order in Council, to call officers from the reserved
or retired lists into active service in case of war or
emergency, such officers shall be, in all respects,
entitled to the pay and emoluments of their corres-
ponding ranks on the active list, their retired pay
being suspended. Officers promoted on, or sub-
sequently to retirement, will receive the rate of Full
Pay of the higher rank, and those not so promoted
She rate they were receiving when last in receipt of
f ul pay, but nneniployed time on the Retired List
does not count for increases of full pay governed by
2. Officers on the Retired, Pension, or Reserve
Lists of the Navy, when called out for service In
time of war or emergency will receive a bonus of
twenty-flve per cent, for every pound of the full pay
of their rank earned by them, exclusive of allowances.
The time served will not count for increase of
retired pay or pension.
{This olavjte does 7iot apply to Coastguard Offleers
(granted hovoraru rank of Lieutenant, who
remain on full pay as Divisional Chief or
Chief Offi.cer.t. )
2a. If, however, an Officer's retired pay exceeds
the full pay of his corresponding rank on the active
list, he will continue in receipt of his retired pay,
and will receive a bonus of twenty-live per cent, for
every pound of retired pay received durintr the period
of re-employment, exclusive of allowances.
3. In the case of Officers who have commuted
their retired pay or who received gratuities on dis-
charge, deductions will be made from their full pay
equal to the amount of retired pay commuted, or to
the anunal value of the gratuity.
4. In the cases of the recall to active service of
Lieutenants, Honorary Lleutiiuants, Carpenter
Lieutenants, or Engineer Lieutenants, who were
given sjch rank on or after being pensioned from
the TjIstofConimlfsioned Warrant <)fflcer8 they will
receive the rates of pay and allowances authorised
for Officers promoted from Commissioned Warrant
■•ank while on the Active List, together with a bonus
of 26 per cent, for every poand of the (all pay earned
by tbem of exdaelTe aUowaucoii,
6. In cases where a step or steps In rank have
been granted automatically to Retired Officers
solely by virtue of, and In strict, seniority the
Officers are to take command according to their
seniority on the Retired List, except that Captains
retired from that rank are In no case to take
command over an Officer on the Active List of Flag
Officers, or over one who has retired from the Active
List of Flag Officers. In other cases where Officers
have received advancement on the Retired List the
right of command will continue to depend upon the
rank last held on the Active List.
6. Officers called from the Reserved, Retired, or
Pension Lists during war or emergency may be pro-
moted Irrespective of the regulations which are In
force at the time for Officers of the same class on the
active list, but such special promotion will not
extend to the granting of Flag rank or of any equal
relative rank. It will carry with it during re-em-
ployment the emoluments of the higher rank.
7. Allowances for Equipment to Officers on the
Reserved or Retired Lists if employed In case of
war or emergency —
When employed on combatant duties.
Flag Officers, Commodores and Officers of the £
same relative rank . . 40
Captains, Commanders, and Officers of the
same relative rank 36
Lieutenant-Commanders, Lieutenants, and
Officers of the same relative rank SO
•Sub-IJeutenants, and Officers of the same re-
lative rank 26
Warrant and Subordinate Officers 20
When employed on non-combatant duties.
Flag Officers, Commodores, Captains, Com- £
manders and Officers of the same relative
rank 18
Officers of lower rank 16
An Officer transferred from non-combatant to com-
batant duties will be eligible to receive a further
paymeut equivalent to the dlBerence between
the two scales.
8. Ketired Officers who may be selected to till
appointments In time of emergency will undergo sncn
* Officers rr^^ noted from Commissioned warrant
rank to Commissioned rank when called oat will
receive an Additional £10,

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