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5. The Candidate will then be interviewed by the
Medical Director-General, and his physical fitness
will be determined by a Board of Naval Medical
Officers. The Medical Director-General will then
decide whether he may be allowed to compete.
6. If accepted, he will be eligible to present him-
self at the entrance examination which will be held
twice a year. (See heading Examinations, section 16.)
7. The appointments announced for competition
win be flUed from the list of qualified Candidates,
arranged in order of merit; but, should it at any time
be considered expedient to grant Commissions be-
yond those periodically competed for, the Admiralty
have power to admit annually not more than six
Candidates according to requirements, specially
recommended by the governing bodies of such
Colonial Universities as may be selected and whose
qualifications are recognised by the General Medical
Candidates so proposed are to be approved by the
Director-General of the Medical Department of the
They will have to pass a physical examination
before a Board of Naval Medical Officers in their
Colony, and will be required to register their qualifi-
cations on arrival in England. They will be allowed.
If they wish it, to compete at the ne.xt examination
for entrance, and talte their position according to the
order of merit. Should they decide not to compete
they will be placed at the bottom of the list. It will ,
however, be in any case necessary for them to pass a
qualifying test at the time of the usual half-yearly
examinations, when they will be required to obtain
a minimum of 50 per cent, of the total marks allowed
In each Subiect. In case of failure In this test ex-
amination the Admiralty will not undertalse to de-
fray the cost of the return journey to the Candidate's
Colony, or other expenses thereby Incurred.
8. A fee of £1 will have to be paid by e ach can didate
to enable him to tal<:e part in tlie competition.
9. Candidates who have served in the Officers'
Training Corps, and who are in possession of the
Certlflcateslaid down Inthe rognlations for that Corps
will be credited at the entrance examination with
additional marks as follows: — Candidates In pos-
session of Certificate A will receive l per cent, and
those who possess Certificates A and B, 2 per cent.
of the maximum number of marlts allotted.
Candidates who have served during the War In the
Royal Navy, Army or Air Force, either as Officers or
Men, but who have not been members of the Officers
Training Corps, will be accorded 3 per cent, credit if
their services are under l year, and 6 per cent, if over
that period.
10. A Candidate will not be allowed to compete at
more than two examinations.
11. A Candidate successful at the entrance exam-
ination will be appointed as Acting Surgeon
Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and will be required
to pass through such courses of instruction as the
Admiralty may decide. (See under the heading
Examinations.) At the end of the courses the
Acting Surgeon Lieutenant will be examined, and,
after he has passed, will be given a commission as
Surgeon Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. The com-
mission will date from the day of passing the
entrance examination. An Acting Surgeon Lieuienanl
who fails toqualify at the above examination, that is
to say, who fails to obtain at least 60 per cent, of tlie
marlts in each subject at the examination at the end
of the Greenwich and Haslar Courses, will. If he so
elects, be allowed a second trial at the next examin-
ation, and, should he qualify, he will be placed at the
bottom of his original list ; but should he again fail,
his appointment will not be confirmed, and he will be
required to withdraw. During the period intervening
between the two examinations he will be allowed no
pay from Naval Funds, and the period will not be
counted as service for either promotion, vrithdrawal
with gratuity, or retirement after 20 years' service.
13. A gold medal, a silver medal and three Navy
Regulatiou pocliet cases will bo awarded as prizes in
connection with these examinations; and the Gold
Me^ftJUst wljl bSYfj a dlatingulBtlng msirk after bin
name in the Navy List, provided he obtains at least
78 per cent, of the aggregate maximum marks in the
London and Haslar examinations combined.
13. A Candidate who at the time of passing the
examination for entry into the Medical Branch of
the Royal Navy holds or is about to hold an appoint-
ment as Resident Medical or Surgical Officer in a
recognised civil hospital, may be allowed to serve in
such civil appointment provided that the period of
such service after the date of entry into the Royal
Navy does not exceed one year. Pay from Naval funds
will be withheld from Officers while thus serving,
but the time concerned will reckon for increase of
full and half pay while on the active list, and retired
pay or gratuity on retirement or withdrawal, except
that no Officer will be allowed to retire on a gratuity
until he has completed four years' service exclusive
of the time spent as Resident Medical or Surgical
Officer. The eligibility of this appointment to count
tor time will be decided by the Medical Director-
14. The seniority of surgeons on entry will be deter-
mined by the sum total of the marks they obtain at
the London examination and the examinations at the
conclusion of their probationary period as Acting
Surgeon Lieutenant. Theirnames will then beplaced
in the Official Navy List Candidates who hold or are
about to hold a post as Resident Medical Officer or
Surgical Officer to a recognised civil hospital
will retain the position in the list which they
obtained on entry, and when their period of service
as Resident Officer is over, they will join the next
"Acting Surgeon Lieutenants' Course," and will be
required to obtain qualifying marks. Surgeon
Lieutenants entered without competition will take
seniority next after the last Surgeon Lieutenant
entered at the same time by competition.*
16. Surgeon Lleutenauts on entry are required to
provide themselves with a regulation pocket case of
16a. Acting Surgeon Lieutenants under training
may. if they wish, provide themselves with those
articles of uniform only whicJi are required for
dresses No. 6 f Undress) and No. 7 (Mess Undress),
omitting white trousers, sword and belt. On receiv-
ing commissions as Surgeon Lieutenants they must
provide themselves with the complete outfit of
uniform prescribed by the regulations.
Examination for Entry.
16. Candidates will be examined by the examining
board in the following subjects :—
(a) Medicine, including medical pathology and
(6) Surgery, Including surgical pathology and
clinical surgery.
Tlie examination will be iiartly written and partly
practical, marks being allotted under the followiug
achomo: —
I'apur - - 400
('linical - 400
Oral - -400
1,200 I 1,200
No candidate aliall be considered eligible who
obtains less than SO per cent, of marks in each sub-
ject. The examination will be held in London and
will occupy four days.
The Regulations as to examination for and pro-
motion to the higher ranks are included In the
King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions,
while particulars as to pay, retirement, etc., are
shewn in the Navy List under the Tables of Full and
Half I'ay, and under the Rules for Retirement.
Clinical -
Oral -
■ See CJaijae 7 pi ttie Begiil^lilonB fpr gntry,

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