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?.$5&W*]6Sth (2nd York. N. Biding). Linked to
’Ser. ** Iwdia ** (with the Roval Tie’erl. “Arabt*” “ "NJ" 1? Ttr ’Ti'D i T A T»T-r»
Iitdia ” (with the Royal Tiger). “Aeabia” “ New Zealand.
Golonel.—Ntr Robert Walpole,1 ZCB. 2nd Lt. May 25; Li. *26 Sept. 26; Capt. P24 Jan. 34; Major,
31 May 44i .Bt.Lt.Colonel, 2 July 47; Colonel, 28 Not. 54; Lt.Colonel, 17 Oct. 56: Major General,
30 May 62; Lieut. General, 25 Oct. 71; Colonel 65th Foot, 28 Oct. 69.
Lieutenant Colonel.—Charles Blewitt,* Entiffn, P8 May 46; Lt. 22 Dec/48; Ca®<. Pi May 55; Maior, 7 Jan. 69:
Lt.Colonel, 12 Feb. 73. j j >/
Majors. WUUam John Chads,* Lnsiya, 1*12 Nov. 47; Lt. *12 Sept. 48; Capt. 30 June 54; Bt.Major, 15
Dec. 54; Bt.Lt.Colonel, 9 Nov. 62 ; Major, 15 May 72.
Frie2dj Stansfleld Henries, Ensign, 4 Aprii 51; Lt. p25 Nov. 53 ; Copt. P7 Dec. 58 ; Bt.Major, 5 July 72; Major,
Lionel Smith Warren4
William By am5
George Benjamin Wolseley,6 t
Brig. Major, Morar, Bengal)
Cha. Grosvenor Byam Martin
John Cookson Fife,7 at Staff'i
College )
Mowbray Lettson Elliot
Ellis Lee
Alex. Herman Adam Gordon8
Hugh FitzRoy Marryat
Reginald William Dalgety
Frederick Luttman Johnson ...
Chas. Augustus FilUngham,")
Inst. of Musketry 25 Apr. 73.)
Henry Augustus Rasch
Salusbury Davenp.Crookenden
William Ethelston
Wm. Maitland PeagumColeman
Charles John Whitaker, Adj.
25 April 73
Rich. Duffin Buckley Rutherford
Henry Spencer Wheatley
Alexander Thomas Weller
Frederick Guy Vivian, Inter-
preter $
William Walter Lean
Robert St. George Harding \
Hamilton )
John Henry Watson
Ashton William Rendle
Sub Lieutenants
Algernon Geo. Arnold Durand
Charles John Dennys
Halford Dumergue Gerrard ...
Herb. Cha. Thornton Littledale
Charles Henry Westmoreland
George Eus^be Even
p23 Nov.
p25 Jan.
18 Sept.
p 9 June
23 Dec.
27 Feb.
p 8 July
21 Sept. 60
pn Dec.
p 8 June
10 Oct.
p2o July
PI2 Oct.
12 Jan.
pi3 Oct.
7 July
8 July
p 9 Oct.
p 3 Aug.
12 Nov.
p 4 Jan.
pi8 Aug. 54
8 Sept. 63
24 Aug.
pi2 Oct.
P20 NOV.
i Jan.
p 9 Mar.
p 5 Aug.
p25 April 68
p 8 Aug. 68
p 7 Nov. 68
pi5 Sept. 69
pio Nov. 69
25 Aug. 67
12 Feb.
p 3 Aug.
p 4 Jan.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
11 Sept. 72
30 Feb. 71
28 Feb. 74
2 Dec. 74
8 Sept. 63
p25 April 68
21 Mar. 68
12 Feb. 73
26 Feb. 73
28 Feb
p3i Oct,
1 April 74
w. 71
10 Dec. 73
27 June 74
12 July 74
2 Lt.Colonel Blewitt served with the 65th Regi¬
ment in the New Zealand war of 1863-65 (men¬
tioned in despatches, Medal).
4 Captain Warren was engaged in the opera¬
tions at Taranaki in 1861 (Medal).
10 Major Baird landed in the Crimea with the
71st Highlanders on the 7th Feb. 1855, and ser¬
ved at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
11 Quarter Master Collins served with the 65th
Regiment in the New Zealand wars of 1860-61
and 1863-65 (Medal).
13 Surgeon Major Sherlock.—For War Services
see “Medical Department.,,
21 Dec. 72
26 Mar. 73
29 April 74
21 Sept. 74
21 Sept. 74
_ 21 Sept. 74
19 ®/12 Paymaster.—Alexander Baird,10 12 May 63; Cornet, 22 Feb. 56; Lt. 21 Aug. 60; Mon.Major, 12 May 73.
Quarter Master.—George Collins,11 26 July 73.
Medical Officer.—Surgeon Major Henry Sherlock,12 Surgeon, 9 Aug. 70.
Facings White.—Agents, Messrs. Cox and Co.—Irish Agents, Sir E. Borough, Bt. and Co.
Fmbarked for India, 10 January 1871.
1 Sir Robert Walpole commanded a detachment of the Rifle Brigade at the Pandoo Nuddee on the 26th Nov. 1857 ;
a Brigade on the 27th and 28th November at Cawnpore under Major General Windham, on which occasion he
defeated the right attack of the Gwalior Contingent, and took two 18-pounder guns; commanded the 6th Brigade of
the Army at the battle of Cawnpore on the 6th December under Lord Clyde; a detached Corps of the Army that
marched through the Doab to Etawah, Futteyghur, and the Ramgunga; commanded the 3rd Division of the Army
at the capture of Lucknow; and a Field Force that entered Rohilcund, including attack on Fort Rohea and battle
of Allygunge; also the whole of the Troops at the battle of Bareilly under Lord Clyde (wounded—sabre-cut on right
hand, and horse wounded in three places); commanded at the fight at Maylah Ghat on the Saarda 15th Jan. 1859,
when with 360 men, 60 only of whom were Europeans, he entirely defeated 2,500 of the enemy (CB., KCB., Medal with
Clasp, and received tne thanks of Parliament).
3 Lt.Colonel Chads served as Aide de Camp to General Godwin throughout the Burmese war of 1852-53, and was
present at the assault and capture of Martaban, the destruction of the river stockades at Rangoon, attack on the
White House Stockade, 12th April (wounded, but did not quit the field), and operations of the two following days,
concluding with the storm of the Great Shoe Dagon Pagoda stockade; also present at the captures of Bassein and
Pegu, the relief of the beleaguered Garrison at Pegu, and the operations of the four following days, during which
the enemy in force were driven out of three entrenched positions (Medal with Clasp for Pegu, and Brevet of Major);
received the thanks of the Governor General in Council on six separate occasions during the war. Served as a
volunteer at the bombardment and capture of Bomarsund in the Baltic expedition of 1854 (Medal). Served as
Staff Captain at Smyrna from April to Sept. 1855, and as Commandant with rank of Assistant Adjutant General at
Smyrna and Abydos (Dardanelles from 1st Sept. 1855 to 27th Oct. 1856).
5 Captain Byam served with the 65th Regiment in the New Zealand war in 1863-65 (Medal).
6 Captain Wolseley served with the 84th Regiment during the latter part of the Indian mutiny, and was engaged
in all the minor affairs in the Shahabad district under Sir John Douglas (Medal).
7 Captain Fife served with the 18th Royal Irish and with the 65th Regiment in the Now Zealandwarin 1865 (Medal).
8 Major Gordon served throughout the Ashanti War of 1873-74. Landed at the Gold Coast, on the 6th July 1873.
Was made Commandant of Houssas and Adjutant of Armed Police. Organized scouting parties, patrols, and
reconnaissances to discover the positions of the enemy. Made the first rough map of the neighbourhood. Selected
the positions and constructed the important redoubts of Napoleon and Abbaye covering Cape Coast and Elmina
respectively. Commenced the Cape Coast-Coomassie road, and had made it practicable for Artillery as far as
Dunquah by Sir Garnet Wolseley's arrival. Was now placed on the list of special service officers and commanded
the guard of the working party at the head of the road till the middle of October, when he was placed in command
of the Houssas. Commanded the Houssas at the repulse of the Ashanti Army at Abrakrampa during the 5th and
6th November, and at the reconnaissance in force of the 8th November. Commanded the Houssa Company of
Russell’s Regiment at the capture and destruction of Adubiassie, battle of Amoaful, capture and destruction of
Becquah, the advanced guard engagement of Jarbinbah (slightly wounded), the skirmishes and ambuscade affairs
between Adwabin and the river Ordah, the battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie. Was promoted Captain in
the 84th on the 10th December 1873 from Lieutenant and Adjutant 98th Regiment “in recognition of his valuable
services with the Houssas and other forces under his orders whilst operating against the Ashantis’* (several times
mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Modal with Clasp).

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