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“Isso^i^rj ™ (or the Leicestershire) Recjt. of Foot. [
The Royal Tiger, superscribed “ HINDOOSTAN.”
Sir Fred. Augustus Wetherall,
G.C.H. _Ens. 23 Aug. 1775; Lieut. 27 Aug. 76;
Cayt. 17 May, 81; Major, 1 Mar. 94; Lieut.-Col. 20 May, 95; Col. 29 Apr.
1802; Major-Gen. 25 Oct. 09 ; Lieut.-Gm. 4 June, 14; Gen. 10 Jan. 37.
C.B.Km. P27 Mar. 03; Lieut. P2 June, 04; Capt.
i'20 Nov. 06; Brevet-Major, 12 Aug. 19; Itegtl.-Major, p 16 June, 25; Lieut.-
Col. 1 April, 36.
Thomas Hall,
Ens. 26 Sept. 06; Lieut. 29 Aug. 07 ; Capt. p 16 Sept. 13;
Brevet-Major, 19 Jan. 26; Regtl.-Major,24,1 uly,27; Lieut.-Col. r23 June,38.
Majors.—John Pennycuick,
K.H. Ens. 31 Aug. 07; Lieut. 15 Jan. 12; Capt.
p 14 June, 21 ; Major, p 25 April, 34; Brevet-Lieut.-Col. 23 July, 39.
Chas. John Deshon, Ens. p 18 Sept. 17 ; Lieut. P6 Oct. 25; Capt. P22 April,
26 ; Major, p 16 June, 37.
George Deedes
{3 Philip M‘Pherson
Archibald Lockhart ....
John Harley
Isaac Blackburne
Croker Miller
John Erskine
Wellington Hackett ....
Legendre Ch. Bourchier
Lawrence Fyfe
John Thomas Nagel ....
1 ffiSil David Cooper
Wm. Fred. Harvey ....
Edw. Barry Owen
Arth. Hyde Lucas
|3 Rob.GudgeonJohnston
Archibald Dickson
Fred. Augustus Wetherall
Eric Mackay Clarke ....
Js. Fitz Herbert de Tessier
Sep. Barty W. Wynyard
Savage Hall Corry
Wm. Dunlop Baird ....
Henry Fane
Jas. Thomas Mauleverer
Oliver Paget Bourke ....
Jas. Willington Kyffin ..
Thos. Ormsby Ruttledge
Harv. Well. Pole Welman
Edw. Hen. Cormick ....
John Fra. Jones
JohnPennefather Perceval
John L. Croker
Edward Croker P 27 Oct. 37
Edwin Colville Moore .. 1 June 38
Wm. Gordon p 20 July 38
T. P. G. Fitz-Mayer 28 Dee. 38
p 2 Sept. 24
2 Nov. 09
p 19 May 25
p 16 June 25
p 25 May 26
p 29 Jan. 29
Pll Feb. 30
p 30 Dec. 31
P 5 Apr. 33
p 16 Oct. 17
28 June 17
11 Aug. 25
Pll Apr. 26
26 Apr. 28
8 Mar. 33
25 Oct. 10
2 Apr. 28
10 Dec. 29
20 Oct. 30
p 13 Sept. 33
13 June 30
p 19 Dec. 34
p 29 Nov. 33
1 Aug. 34
p 18 Apr. 34
Pll Dec. 35
25 Sept. 28
p 29 Apr. 36
2 Apr. 36
p 29 July 36
p 21 Oct. 36
17 Feb. 37
18 Mar. 37
p 17 Sept. 25
13 June 11
p 1 Aug. 26
p 3 Oct. 20
p 19 July 27
p 5 Apr. 33
p 19 Dec. 34
p 20 Nov. 35
p 12 Feb. 36
10 Apr. 25
10 July 20
1 May 28
p 13 Aug. 29
21 Sept. 32
Pll Dec. 35
20 Jan. 14
8 Mar. 31
p 14 Dec. 32
6 June 35
1 Apr. 36
2 Apr. 36
p 29 Apr. 36
p 29 July 36
p 30 July 36
p 19 Aug. 36
p 27 Oct. 37
23 Sept. 36
p 23 Apr. 38
28 Dec. 38
Pll Jan. 39
p 12 Apr. 39
16 May 39
p 18 Oct. 39
5 Capt. M‘Pher-
son served in the
Peninsula, from
Nov. 1809 to July,
1814, including
the following bat¬
tles, sieges, &c.,
viz., Coa, Mor-
tiagoa, skirmish
p 13 Aug. 29
13 Mar. 27
Pll Oct. 33
p 19 Dec. 34
p 12 Feb. 36
p 19 Aug. 36
P10 Feb. 37
p 27 Oct. 37
p 20 July 38
14 Sept. 32
near and battle of Busaco, Coimbra,
Alenguer, Pombal, Redinha, Miran¬
da do Corvo. Sabugal, Puentes d’O-
nor, Soiba, Ciudad Rodrigo, Jan. 1812,
Badajoz, Mar. and Apr. 1812, Carvel-
lejo, Petiegua, Salamanca, Nivelle,
Bayonne, Nive, Tarbes, Tourne-
feuille and Toulouse.
6 Lieut. Cooper served in the
Peninsula from Sept. 1810 to July
1813, including battles of Puentes
d’Onor and Salamanca ; sieges of
Ciudad Rodrigo and Burgos. Pre¬
sent at Waterloo.
7 Lieut Johnston served in the
Peninsula, from Sept. 1811 to June
1814, including the battles of Vitto-
ria, the Pyrenees from 25th July to
1st Aug., Nivelle, Nive, Orthes,
Aire and Toulouse.
8 Captain Moore was at the cap¬
ture of various places in the West
Indies, in 1801. Served in the Pen¬
insula, including the battles of Ni-
velle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse.
Wounded in Ireland, during the
Rebellion in 1798, when a Militia
9 Quart.-Mast. Sarson served the
Mahratta campaign of 1817 and 18.
10 Captain Bourchier was severely
wounded at the assault and capture
of the Fort of Khelat, in Affghauis-
tan, 13th Nov. 1839.
3 0 Edward Croker P 27 Oct. 37 Alex. M'Kinstry p 22 Feb. 39
2 0 Edwin Colville Moore .. 1 June 38 Rich. J. Ross O’Conor .. p 12 Apr. 39
2 0 Wm. Gordon P20 July 38 Edw. Wm. John Knox .. p 18 Oct. 39
0 T. P. G. Fitz-Mayer .... 28 Dec. 38 Robert Portal
17 Jan. 40
27 Paymaster.—^Joseph Moore,
5 April, 33; Ens. J uly, 1813; Lieut. 22 July,13;
Capt. 15 June, 32.
15 0 Adjutant.—{J 3!2l! David Cooper, {Lieut.) 21 May, 26.
17 0 Quarter-Master.—John Sarson,
14 Aug. 23.
20 7
Surg.—W. Milligan,M.D. 1 March,39; A.-N. 10 Feb. 14.;19 July 13.
0 Assist.-Surgeons.—Arthur S. Thomson, M.D. 19 Oct. 38.
John Bathurst Thomson, M.D. 11 Jan. 39.
Facings White.—Agents, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 Sir Frederick Augustus Wetherall commenced his military career in the 17th regiment,—served with it in the American
war, and was present at the siege of Boston, the battles of Brooklyn, Whiteplains, Fort Washington, Prince Town,
Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, &c. &c. Served in H. M.’s ship Alfred, in the battles off Cape Finisterre and St.
Vincent’s, previous to the relief of Gibraltar. He received two wounds at the taking of Martinique in 1794 as Aide-de-camp
to the Duke of Kent; and was again wounded in action with a French frigate, and taken prisoner, on his passage from St.
Domingo to Barbadoes with dispatches from Admiral Sir Wm. Parker and General Forbes, to Sir Ralph Abercrombie in 1795 ;
he remained a close prisoner at Guadaloupe upwards of nine months, closely confined in a dungeon, in irons, without any other
clothing than a shirt and a pair of trowsers, or any description of bedding; and on a daily allowance of three biscuits and a
quart of water. Served in the East Indies, and was second iu command on the expedition to Java, for which he received the
thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and a Medal. His service abroad amounts to forty-one years.
2 Colonel Croker’s services Siege of Gunnowri. East Indies, 1807 ; campaign of 1808 and 9 against the Sicks ; campaign
of 1814 and 15 against the Nepaul States ; Mahratta and Pindarrec campaign of 1817 and 18.
3 Colonel Hall’s services Capture of the Isle of France 1810 ; expedition to Java, 1811, including the actions at Batavia

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