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War Services of the OJicers of the Militia ArtiUcrij and .Engineers. 8Si
* Major Lawrence served with the 14th Regiment in the Xew Zealand war of i36o-6i, and in that of 1863-64,
including the action at Kohewa (Medal). „ o -fi
» Captain MacDonnell served in the Eechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren m 1884-85 witn
Methuen's Horse. [See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry,'-Hart's Annual Army List," p. 786.J
'" Sir Henry Havelnck-Allan sei-ved as D.A.Q.M. General in the Persian Expedition from 15th FelJ. ib57.
including the bombardment and capture of Mohumrah (Medal). Served throughout the Indian campaigns oi 1857-59
as Aide de Camp to General Haveiock from 7th July, in the actions of Futtehpore, Aoung, Pandoo Nuddee, ana
Cav7npore, and as D. A. Adj. General to the force from 20th July 1857, in the actions of Oonao, Busseerutgunge
(horse shot), Nawabgunge,Boorbeeake Chowkee, Bithoor, Mungarwar, and Alumbagh, andrelief of Lucknow 01125.11
Sept.— iangerousiy wounded by musket-ball through left elbow, and horse shot; defence of the Residency until re¬
lieved by Lord Cliveon 17th Nov., on which dav again severely wounded by a rifle-ball through left shoulder. Within
a monthjoined the Joonpore Field Force under General Pranks as D.A. Adj. General and was present st the actions
of Nusrutpore, Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sultanpore. Present with the 4th Division before Lucknow from 4th Marcii
till its fall, including the storming of the Lesser Emaumbarra and the Kaiserbagh. Served as D. A. Adj. General Irom
29th March with Lugard's Column, and present at the relief of Azimghur ; operations to 4th June (sabre cut on "KbC
hand) against the Jugdespore rebels, including the attack on that stronghold and eight minor skirmishes. As D. A.
General in the disturbed districts of Ghazeepore and Behar under Brigadier Douglas from 15th Juna to Nov. 1858, in¬
cluding the operations in the former district in Julv and August, and the campa ign in Shahabad m Oct. and November.
Commanded a detached body of 250 Mounted Riflemen and Cavalry in pursuit of the rebels after they evacuated
Jugdespore on iSth Oct., intorceiitcd and turned them from the Soane river, and three times engaged and defeated
them, once at Ncnadec on 20th Oct., inflicting considerable slaughter. Commanded a Detachment of Hodsou's
Horse with the Army in Oude under Lord Clyde, and present at the skirmish at Biirgudeea, capture of .Musjeedia,
and final action on the Raptee on 31st Dec. 1858. Served till the conclusion of the campaign in command of the ist
Regt. Hodson's Horse. Was repeatedly mentioned in despatches, has received the Victoria Cross, the Brevets of Ma. or
and Lt.Colonel, a year's service for Lucknow, and Medal with two Clasps : was awarded the ITvC under the follow¬
ing circumstances : '"In the combat at Cawnipore Lieutenant Ha.velock was mv Aide de Camp. The 64th Regiment
had been much under artillery fire, from which it had severely suffered. The whole of the infantry were lying
down in line, when, perceiving that the enemy had brought out the last reserved gun, a 24-pounder, and were rally¬
ing round it, I called up the regiment to rise and advance. Without anv other word from me, Lioutena.nt
Haveiock placed himself on his horse, in front of the centre of the 64th, opposite the muzzle of the gun. Major
Sterling, commanding the regiment, was in front, dismounted, but the Lieutenant continued to move steadily on
in front of the regiment at a foot pace, on his horse. The gun discharged shot until the troops were withm a
short distance^ when they fired grape. In went the corps, led by the Lieutenant, who still steered steadily on the
gun's muzzle until it was mastered by a rush of the 64th.'—Extract of a Telegram from the late Major General Sir
Benr;/ Harelock to tie Commander in C'hirf in India, dated Cawnpore, iZih Augtmf 1857." Served in the New Zealand
war of 1863 and to the end of 1864 (Medal), and present at Eangariri, Pateiaigi, and Orakau; commanded atths
skirmish of W'aiare, where the enemy's loss fell wholly on the Ngatimaniai oto tribe, the originators of the war.
''' Captain Stonghton served in the Boer war of i38i.
" Lt.Colonel Edwards served in the expedition to the Soudan in 188.1; with the Commissariat and Transport
StaH (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
'* Major Dalrymp'e served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force.
'5 Colonel Brooksbank served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 38chiRegiment, and was present at the
battle of Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, including the repulse of a sortie on the 21st December, attack
and occupation of the Cemetery (Medal with two Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie. and Turkish Mfdal).
i« Lt.Colonel Legard served in the Zulu war in 1879 as Acting Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General to the
1st Division (Medal with Claspl.
" Colonel Lewes served with the Buffs at the siege of Sebastopol in iB'JS, and commanded the covering party of
the Bufls at the assault of the Redan on the 8th Sept. (Medal with Clasp, B'revet of Major, Knight of the Legion of
Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
" ColcnelLewis served wjth the 5th Dragoon Guards in the Crimean campaign in 1854-55, including the battles
of Balaklava and lukerman, battle of the Tchernaj-a, and siege of Sebastopol (MoJal with three Clasps, Turkish
War Medal, and 5th Class of the Medjidic).
"" Lord Tredegar served in the Eastern campaign in i854-=;5 with the 17th Lancers, and was present at the battle
of Balaklava (Medal with Clasp).
^^ Lord Raglan served in the Afghan war in 1879-80, and took part in the march to Candahar with the force
under Major Gereral Phayre (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
War Services of the Officers of the Militia Infantry.
Royal Soots.—> Lord Lothian served on the Staff of Sir J. Outram in the Persian war; wrs present at 1I1.8
taking of Mohumrah, and accompanied the troops in their advance upon Ah-.vaz (Medal with Clasp).
■i Lt.Colonel Gordon served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma,
Balaklava, and Inkcrman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and sortie of 26th Oct.; was Aide de Camp to General Simp¬
son from 22nd Aug. to i2th Nov. 1855 (Medal with four Clasps, 5th Clats of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
Lt.Colonel Scobie served throughout the second phase of t'ne Ashanti war in 1874 with the 42nd Highlanders),
and was present at the battles of Amoaful and Ordahsu and at the capture of Coomassie (Medal with Chun).
♦ Major Grant served m the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal witli
Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
West Surrey Regiment —i Captain Turner served in the Boer war of 1881.
ine Buns —1 Colonel Howell was present as Aide ue Camp to Colonel Herman,the Consul General of Tripoli, with
the Expedition which was sent by the Turkish Government in the winter of 1855-56 to suppress a rebellion of the
Arabs in the Gbarien and Jebbe Mountains (Turkish itilitary Order of Merit).
Captain (_olIcy served with the Buffs throughout the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76, includin;;
the actions of the 4th 14th and 20th January (Medal with Clasp).
Lancaster Regiment.—1 Captain North served in the Soudan campaign in 1SS5 with the Commissariat and
Transport Staff (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
Warwickshire Regiment.—' Major Spooner served with the q4th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879,
and was present at the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp).
Captain Gretton.—See Civil Decorations for Gallantry, " Hart's Annual Army List," p. 786.
Koyal Fusiliers.—1 Colonel Dui.das served with the ■62nd Regiment in the Crimea from the T6th August
^^i'm""^, • i^fr"^*^ ^"^Se and fall of Sebastopol, and attack of the Redan on the 8th September (iledal with Clasp,
and Turkish Medal).
2 Lt.Colonel Bircham served with the 3rd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Zulu war of 1879, and was prcsentat tho
" 3x.°° ^"K™dhlovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasj)).
Major Wynter served with the 33id Regiment throughout the Abyssinian campaign of 1S67-68, and
was present at the stormmgarid capture of Magdala (.Medal). Serv.d in the Ashanii Wi,r, and was present at
the captuie of Artut)iassie (Medal iviih Cliisp). .Served in the Afghan war in 1879-80. ai;d was present in tho
engagement at Charasiab on the Cth October 1879 "'xl in the operations round Cabul in Drcember 1870, including
the investment of Sherpore (mentioned in desi)atches); accompanied Sir Froderick liobeits in the march to
Caucahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Maior, Medal with
three (.-lasps, and Bronze Decoration).
* Major La Terriere served with tho 19th Hussars in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle
Of lel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served during the Nile E.NPcditicn in 1884-85 with the

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