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Majors wlio have Retired hy Sale, by Commutation, ^c.
liovett, Thomas Heaton.iw gSFoot 4 Apr. 49
Lucas, Jasper,!*'47 Foot i July 81
Lucas, Richard, 29 Foot 3 July 39
liUtman, John Henry.isK 24 Foot 17 Apr. 58
Lyle, John Mackenzie,•'■"' 29 Foot 12 June 60
Lyon, William, 67 Foot 23 Nov. 41
M'Crea, Frederick Bradford,"' S Foot 20 May
M'Creagh-Thornhill, Michael,"^ 4 Dr. Gds..
: Feb. 63
M'Donuel, Christopher,!'^ 4 Dragoon Guards. 9 Dec. 71
M'lni'oy, William, 69 Foot 9 Nov. 46
M'Mahon, William,"* 14 Hussars 20 July 58
MacAndi-ew, James Duncan,!'-'^ 78 Foot 6 July 60
Mackay, Angus Wm., 4 West India Regiment 23 Mar. 66
Mackay, Edward,'^'' 49 Foot i Oct. 70
Mair, Arthur, 62 Foot 13 Nov. 35
Manly, John Samuel,!'^ 27 IToot i Apr. 66
Margary, Alfred Robert, 54 Foot 20 June 54
Marriott, Charles Frederick,!'■" 6 Dr. Gds 5 Oct. 78
Marriott, Henry Christopher,2*'60 Rifles 26 Apr. 59
51 Marsh, Robert,^m 24 Foot 3 Apr. 46
Martin, Samuel Yorke, 52 Foot 9 Nov. 46
Matson, Henrv,^™ 58 Foot 7 July 46
Maule, John, 62 Foot 11 Nov. 51
Maunsell, George, i West India Regiment 20 June 54
Mayne, John, I Foot 9 Nov. 64
Menzies, James Stewart,*™ 74 Foot 9 Mar. 65
Mercer, Arthur Hill Hasted,2»* 89 Foot 6 June 56
Mildmay, Sir Henry St. John, Barf. 2 Dr. Gds. 11 Nov. 51
Miller, Thomas Edmund,-'"s 12 Foot 28 Jan. 62
Minnitt, Charles Goring,*'^ 18 Foot 12 June 78
Mitford, John Philip Osbaldeston,^''' 18 Foot . 20 June 34
Molony, John Sharman,^'"* Unattached 5 July 64
Molony, William Mills, 22 Foot 13 Dec. 6j
Montgomery, Hugh C. Gaston, 6 Dr. Gds. ... 6 June 83
Morant, Geo. Francis,*™ Cape Mounted Rifles. 8 June 67
Morrison, Geo. P. Edvr., Militai-y Train i Apr. 70
Mundy, Sir Robert Miller,"" KCMG. R. Art. 20 Oct. 46
Munro, George Granvillo Gower,*'* 20 Foot ... i Apr. 70
Murphy, Edward, 5 Dragoon Guards 1 July 81
Murphy, Francis Eastwood,-'^ 27 Foot 13 Feb. 67
Musgrave, Benjamin D'Urban,-'^ 13 Foot 10 Apr. 78
Musgrave, ijhristopher Edw.-'? Rifle Brigade 5 July 72
p.s.c. Nangle, Henry, 15 Foot i Apr. 7c
Nash, Charles Widenham,*i* Canadian Rifles. 23 Nov. 41
Neville, Robert, 41 Foot 17 Sept. 61
Newton, George Glascott, 12 Foot i Apr. 70
NichoUs, Henry Lionel, 22 Foot 19 Oct. 78
Noott, Francis Harry,*'' Royal Marines 13 Sept.64
Nunn, William David,**'20 Foot 5 July 72
O'Conor, Richard John Ross,**^ 17 Foot 26 Dec. 56
O'Malley, Austin Peter,*** 22 Foot i Apr. 70
Osborne, Lord D'Arcy Godolphin, 87 Foot 12 July 64
Owen, Edward Barry, 17 Foot 5 Nov. 47
Pakenham, 7/ore. Fred. 13eauchamp, XJnatt. ... 14 June 59
Paton, James,**' 4 Foot 30 June 65
Paul, James,**'65 Foot 28 Jan. 62
Paynter, George,**'I Dragoon Guards 30 Apr. 58
Peacocke, Stephen Ponsouby, 59 Foot 11 Nov. 51
Peel, Robert,*™ 13 Foot 4 Jan. 63
Pelly, Raymond Richard,*" 37 Foot 11 Apr. 62
Percy, John William,*^* 9 Foot 22 June 64
Perrin, Charles, 66 Foot 10 Oct. 65
Pers36, WilUani Norton, R. Artillery 11 Nov. 74
Peto, William Lawos,*^'13 Foot 21 May 58
Phillipps, Charles Burch,*5'*6 Foot 27 Nov. 67
Phillips, Bdward,*^= 8 Hussars 11 May 60
Phippa, Charles Edmund, 18 Foot i Oct. 77
Pole, Mundy, 46 Foot 9 Nov. 46
Poore, Robert,*^' 8 Hussars 20 July 38
Pott, William, 27 Foot 14 Sept.78
Powys, Jlon. Charles,*^'9 Lancers 18 Sept.57
Preston, John William, 28 Foot i Apr. 66
Priokett, William Robert, Royal Artillery 8 July 89
Priestley, Horatio,**" 32 Foot 12 June 6g
Proctor^ Henry, 22 Foot 5 July 72
Queade, William Henry,*" 12 Foot 24 Jan. 63
Quin, Peter Edward,*** 33 Foot 15 Aug. 68
Roed, Francis James Buchanan,**'51 Foot 24 July 69
Reuny, George,**^ 73 Foot 15 Dec. 61
Renshaw, Richard William, 16 Lancers 5 July 72
Richmond, Matthew, CB. 96 Foot 23 Nov. 41
Roberts, Charles Fyshe,**'CWff. Royal Art.... 23 Jan. 53
Roberts, Thomas Law,*™ 93 Foot i Apr. 70
Robertson, George Coke, 17 Lancers 28 Oct. 7:
Robinson, Sir George Abercrombie,B<.*i>i22 F. 23 Sept.57
Robinson, Wm. Beverley, 3 West India Regt... 26 Mar. 58
Ross, Patrick Wm. Sydenham, 16 Foot 17 Oct. 56
Rosa, William James, i West India Regiment i Apr. 70
Rowland, George,*^'* i Foot 3 Aug. 66
St. John, John Hem-y.*°'92 Foot 7 Dec. 58
Schomberg, Frederick Spencer,*"t 57 Foot ... 3 July 72
Scott, Henry,*" 18 Hussars 20 July 58
Semple, John, 19 Foot 30 Aug. 42
Seton, George, R. Canadian Rifles 14 Dec. 55
Seton, William Garden, 41 Foot 15 Oct. 47
Shell, Richard, 16 Foot ...„ 21 Aug. 69
Shiffner, Bertie,*" 61 Foot 2 July 74
Shuttleworth, Frank, 7 Hussars 29 Oct. 81
Simpson, Thomas,**" 32 Foot; Lt.Colonel 3
Bn. Irish Fit^ilierx{Armagh Militia) 19 Feb. 70
Sknrray, Francis Charles,'24 Foot 9 Mar. 60
Smith, Astley Campbell, 25 Foot 26 July 64
Smith, Michael Edward, Unattached 27 Dec. 64
Smith, Richard Playne,*'" 10 Hussars 30 Mar. 60
Somers, Richard John, 11 Hussars 20 May 73
Spal!,William,*58CoastBrigadeof Artillery ... 28 Oct. So
Squirl, William,*-' 91 Foot 5 July 72
Stack, Frederick Rice,*™ 37 Foot 26 Dec. 65
Stapylton, Henry Miles,*^' 2 Dragoon Guards. 17 Sept. 53
Stehelin, William Francis,*"* 67 Foot 6 Feb. 62
Stevenson, George Newcombe,*''' Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders (gr Foot) ..' i July 8t
Stewart, Ale.xander Frederick, 6 Dragoons ... 1 Oct. 77
Stirling, Gilbert, Royal Horse Guards i July 81
Stocks, Michael,*<•= i Dragoons 23 Oct. 57
Straubenzee, Bowen Van,**'100 Foot 13 Feb. 61
Stuart, Donald,*''" 46 Foot g Nov. 46
Studdert, Charles FitzGerald,*« 80 Foot 26 Aug. 59
Button, .tohn, 47 Foot 15 Oct. 50
Sutton-Nelthorpe, Robert Nassau, 8 Hussars., i July 8i
Sykes, Cam,*"'48 Foot 2 Nov. 55
Taylor, James, Royal Marines 18 Deo. 69
Taylor, William, 70 Foot 23 Feb. 44
Teevan, George James,*"" 94 Foot, Chief Con¬
stable of Iloce, Sussex I Oct. 77
Tempest, Arthur Cecil, 11 Hussara s July 72
Tennant, C!harles Richard,*"' 2 Life Guards 21 Jan. 83
Tennant, John Trenchard,*" 87 Foot 22 Mar. 86
Terry, William Parker,*"' 9 Foot i Apr. 70
Thollusson, Arthur John Bethell,*"* Cold-
stream Guards 2 Nov. 55
Thompson, Charles,*" 64 Foot 24 Mar. 38
Thompson, Leslie Jenkins, 58 Foot 10 May 61
Tibbs, William Joseph, 70 Foot i Jan. 80
Tillbrook, Philip Limborch,*"'' Unatt. Standard
Bearer, Corps of Gentlemen at Arms 29 Mar. 61
Tranchell, Edward Frederick, Cej'lon Rifles... 19 Jan. 65
Tranchell, George Adolphus, Ceylon Rifles ... 12 June 66
Trench, J/oM. Frederick Le Poer,*"'40 Foot ... i Mar. 64
Trevor, Fred. Anthony,*"' 4 Foot 4 Feb. 62
Trimmer, Augustus R. 70 Foot 8 Mar. 86
Turner, Henry Ferdinand,*''63 Foot 28 Jan. 62
Vereker, Thomas George, *" 12 Foot 3 Aug. 66
Verney, Sir Harry, Bart, Unattached 13 Nov. 27
Vesey, Charles Cj'm-ic Wellesley,*'* 72 Foot ... 30 Nov. 60
Vialls, Henry Thomas, 45 Foot 28 May 53
Walker, Samuel, 65 Foot 19 Sept. 34
p.S.C.Walsh, Chas. Hussey, Essex Regt. (44 F.) 11 Nov. 81
vValter, Frederick Arthur,*'3 97 Foot 26 Oct. 60
VVarburton, Henry William Egerton, 47 Foot. 17 Mar. 43
Waring, Heirry, 59 Foot 16 Apr. 29
VVarr'en, Sir Augustus Riversdale, £«)■?.*" 20F.
Lt.Col. 3 B», Mtinster Fits. (South Cork Mil.) 13 Dec. 59
Warren, Henry Edward,**'60 Foot i Mar. 64
Watson, Stephen,*" Worcester Regt. (36 Foot) 30 Mar. 81
Waj', Gregory Lewis,*" 29 Foot 8 Dec. 46
Webb, Edward Townsend.**'27 Foot 7 Oct. 76
p.s.e. Weir, John Charles,*'" 2 Foot ig Jan. 64
Wemyss, John Otway,*" 3 Foot 19 July 64
Wentworth, D'Arcy, Unattached 3 Nov. 34
Westby, Bernard Heyer, Rifle Brigade i Oct. 77
Weyland, John, Royal Canadian Rifles 17 Nov. 69
White, Hans Robert,*'* 89 Foot 2 Nov. 55
White-Thomson, Robert T. i Dragoon Gds. ;
Lt.Col. 4 Bn. Devonshire Begt. (i Devon Mil.) 14 Aug. 57
p.s.c. Whitmore, Sir George Stoddart,*"
KCMG. 62 Foot 6 June 55
Wilkin, Henry John,*'* 48 Foot 20 May 64
Wilkinson, Alfred Eastfield,*'^ 7 Hussars 28 Nov.62
Willan, Wm. Moflat Douglas, Ro.yal Artillery 13 Apr. 58
Williams, Arthur Wellesley,*"' 77 Foot 28 Nov. 65
Williams, Henry Augustus, 14 Foot 15 Mar. 79
Williams, Richard Llewellyn,*" 1 Foot 13 Feb. 6«
Williams, Reginald Stewart,*" 93 Foot 29 Nov. 64
Williams, Robert, 22 Foot 23 Nov. 41
Williamson, AVilliam Roberts,'"" 48 Foot 29 Oct. 61
UOE Wilmot, Sir Henry, Bt.^^ CB. Rifle Brig. ;
Hon. Colonel i Vol. Bn. Derbyshire Hegt 20 July 58
Wilson, Edward Benjamin, R. Canadian Rifles 19 Fob. 70
Wilson, Henry, 14 Foot 19 July 21
Wilson, John,*'* 42 Foot 5 July 72
Windham, George,™'Rifle Bric[ade i Apr. 70
Wood, John Joseph,*"* Military Train 26 Dec. 36
Wood, William,™" Depot Battalion i Apr. 70
Woollard, Gilbert, St. Helena Regiment 11 Sept. 49
Worswick, William Worsley,™'37 Foot 15 Feb. 68
Wright, Charles Edward, 96 Foot 30 Mar. 76
33 Wrixon, Nicholas,'"^ 21 Foot ii Nov. 51
Wyatt, Chas. Edwyn,*'''5 Lane. Qent. at Arms 5 July 72
Yard, Frederick,"" 32 Foot 26 Nov. 57
Young, Thomas, 37 Foot 25 June 61

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