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Majors who have Retired by Sale, l.j (Jonimntaliun ^^
Browne, Richard Thos. Bookey, j West India
Regiment 14 Nov. 74
Bruce, Stewart Hervey,*^ 102 Foot 16 May 76
Bruce, William Tyrrell," 18 Foot 9 Dec. 53
Bulkeley, Francis Beaummg,^* 65 Foot 6 July 67
Burke, William, Uuattache 1 21 July 30
Burningham, Henry George Charles," 58 F,... 27 May 62
Burridge, John Osborne, Unattached 20 Apr. 66
Burslem, Rollo Gillespie,™J3 F.Military Knight
of Windsor 8 Nov. 50
Butler, Walter, Unattached 9 Nov. 56
Galley, Henry, 19 Foot 7 Aug. 46
Campbell, Charles Fred. 87 Foot 26 Oct. 58
Campbell, E. S. Norman, 90 Foot 9 Nov. 46
Campbell, Fred."* Cape Mounted Rifles 26 Oct. 58
Camjibell, Henry Wotton,*^ 79 F. Governor of
Militart/ Prison at Cork 26 Dec. 56
Campbeli-Renton, Arch. Colin, 42 Foot 12 Dec. 54
Camp.sie, George Richard,''' Ceylon Rifles 26 Oct. 58
Cannon, Osborne Barwell,''" 97 Foot 28 Oct. 68
Carey, Charles Le Mesurier,^ 63 Foot 6 June 56
Carleton, AVilliam Henry,"" 21 Foot 24 Oct. 70
Carlisle, Anthony,"! 60 Rifles 5 Ji'l.y 72
Cassidy, Francis P."^ 34 Foot 20 July 58
Cassidy, Frederick Young,"'31 Foot 19 June 72
Cay, Eustace,"* 70 Foot 21 Mar. 65
Chadwiok, Robert, 14 Hussars 15 May 67
ChaS'ey, John, 5 Lancers 29 Jan. 70
Chapman, Frederick Barclay, 14 Hussars 29 Nov. 64
Chapman, William Edw."'t i Dragoon Guards 19 JUI3' 82
Charter, ElUs James, II F 8 Mar. 59
Clapcott, Charles," 32 Foot 26 Sept. 58
Clarke, James George,"" 46 Foot 12 May 66
Clarke, William James, Royal Artillery 7 July 86
CIifl"ord, Richard Cormick,"" 7 Foot i Apr. 70
Clowes, George Gooch,"'8 Hussars 7 Dec. 58
Oockbum, Thomas Hugh,"' 43 Foot 20 July 58
Cocks, Octavius Yorke,*" 4 Foot 25 May 60
Cooioer, Godfrey, Military Train iS June 58
Cooper, Loftus Lewis Astley, 98 Foot 28 Apr. 80
Coote, Thomas Gethin,*^ 26 Foot t May 78
Corbett, William, 52 Foot 15 Oct. 58
Coupe, Robert,*'15 Foot i Apr. 70
Creagh, James Henry, 27 Foot 10 July 6^
Croker, Edward,*'96 Foot 8 July 56
Grosse, Joshua Grant,** 88 Foot 26 Dec. 56
Ciifle, Sir Chas. Fred. Wheeler,*' Bart. 66 F. ... 26 Apr. 59
I'd Cuninghame,Sir Wm. James Montgomery,
JBa>-<.8» Rifle Brigade 14 Aug. 67
Currie, Charles, Cape Mounted Rifles 2 Jan. 69
Ciirzon, JToM. William Henry,'' 17 Laucers 19 July 64
Cusack, John,'-8 Foot i Apr. 70
Dalbiac, Henry Shelley,™ Roj-al Artillery 2 Sept.87
Dalrymple, Francis Bertram,'* Royal Art.;
Carmarthen Art. (W. Div. R. Artillery) 21 Sept.87
Dartnell, John George,'^ CMG. 27 Foot 19 Jan. 64
Daubeny, Walter Augustus,'" 3 Foot 28 Oct. 71
Davies, Augustus," 74 Foot 31 Mar. 66
Deane, George, I Foot 24 Nov. 77
Dennis, John FitzThomas,'* 95 Foot 29 Dec. 54
Dent, Henry Francis, 7 Dragoon Guards 4 Nov. 74
Do Robeck, Charles Louis C." 60 Foot 21 July 80
Dickens, Robert Vaughan,!"" 11 Foot, Military
Knight of Windior i Apr. 70
Drage, Frederick,'"^ Depot Battalion i Apr. 70
Drew, Browning,!" 75 Foot 24 Mar. 58
Drummond, William Charles, 95 Foot 29 July 85
Diickett, Sir George Floyd, Bart. 3 West India
Regiment 11 Nov. 51
Dunbar, I'enrose John,!"* 3 Foot 20 May 64
Dundas, Thomas,"'12 Foot 31 Jan. 64
Dyne, Musgrave James Bradley, 9 Lancers ... 10 May 61
Edlmann, Joseph Ernst, i Dragoon Guards ... 22 July 68
y..«.c. Ellis, Cha.David Cuninghame,'""60 Rifles 23 Oct. 60
Ellison, Richard George,'"' 47 F. E.xon Yeomen
of t?te Guard; Lt.Colonel zVoluntcer Battalion
Lincoln lierfiment 21 Nov. 62
Elrahirst, Harry, 53 Foot i Oct. 77
Erroll, Wm. Harry, Earl 0/,"* Rifle Bi-igade... 12 Dec. 55
Erskinc, Jlon. David, 21 Foot 2 Apr. 54
Evans, Richard John,"" 16 Foot 23 Oct. 60
Fairtlough, Samuel,"" 22 Foot 30 Mar. 6g
Fanning, Matthew,"^ 27 Foot i Apr. 66
Fawkes.Franois,"'71 yoot 16 Feb. 78
Fawkes, Richard, 27 Foot 16 Nov. 41
Ft'renoh, Edward, 74 Foot 10 Jan. 37
Fiulay, John,ii* 78 Foot 5 July 72
Fisher, Louis Walter,"' ^o Foot i Mar. 64
FitzGorald, WiUiam Hervey,"" 63 Foot 9 Oct. 63
Flowers, Frederick, 15 Foot 27 May 80
Floyd, Henry Ridout, 25 Foot 5 July 72
Forbes, George, 3 Hussars 20 June 54
Forbes, Laclilan,117 31 Foot 19 Feb. 61
Ford, George, 36 Foot 13 May 26
Forde, Thomas Douglas,"'+ 46 Foot 10 Feb. 69
Foster, Charles Marshall,"* 14 Foot 24 Mar. 58
Foster, William John,"'19 Fo jt 5 July 72
Fowke, John S. Ferguson, 54 Foot
Francis, Thomas John,'^" 100 Foot
Freoth. Sampson Plomor Frederick,'^' Royal
Artillery "....
Frend, George, 26 Foot
Gambler-Parry, Ernest,'*' 23 Foot
Gamble, George Francis, Roj-al Jilarines
Gardiner, John Theodore Austin,'^^ 31 Foot...
Gaskell, William Plumer, 24 Foot
ir£Gia"ord, Ederio Frederick iorrf,'" Middle¬
sex Regt. (s7 F.), Colonial Sec. at Gibraltar
Gilbert, Edward Foot, 106 Foot
Gillman, Bennett AVatkins,'^' 12 Foot
Gillum, Prideaux William,'-" 54 Foot
Godlej", Henry Robert Crewe,'" 28 Foot
Goodwyn, Henry AViUiam, Unattached
Gordon, Duncan,'^* 59 Foot
Gordon, Webster Thomas, 66 Foot
Gore, Annesley Paul,'-' 53 Foot
Gore, James Arthur Charles, 71 Foot
Gore, William Richard Ormsby, 13 Hussars...
Graham, Charles Campbell,'™ 42 Foot
Graham, Edw. Girdlestono.'^' The Buffs (3 F.).
Graham, Oliver, Seaforth Highlanders (78 P.)
Grant, Thomas John, 6 Foot
Grantham, Edward,'^3 gg Foot
Grantham, James, Royal Engineers
Granville, Bevil,"'23'Foot
Gray, William Robert,'^' Military Train
Green, Andrew, 48 Foot ;
Greene, Wm. Sheppej'.'^'' 19 Hussars
Gregory, Francis Hood, 15 Hussars
Greig, John James, CB. 24 Foot
Gresson, William Henry,''^63 Foot
p.s.c. Grifiiths, Arthur Geo. Frederick,'" 63 Foot,
Inspector of Prisons in Great Britain
Grimston, Walter John, Royal Ai-tillery
Groves, John, 18 Hussars
H.amilton, Fred. Harding Anson, 60 Foot
Hamilton, Jfoji. Robert Baillie,'*" 44 Foot
Hammond, Lawi-ence Nicholas Dyre, 90 Foot.
Harman, Ramsay,'" 14 Foot
Harrison, Edward, 4 Foot
Harvey, William Crosbie,'** 9 Foot
Heigham, Clement Henry John,'*' 17 Foot ...
UC Heneage, Clement Walker,'*" 8 Hussars...
Herbert, Arthur,'*' 39 Foot
Hill, Edward, 96 Foot
Hill, ioni George Augusta, Unattached
Hilliker, Henry,'** Laud Transport Corps
HinchliflT, Chamberlain Henry,'*' Unattached.
Hinds, Thomas Clowes,"" 58 Foot
Holmes, James Nicol, Canadian Rifles
Hook, Charles Campbell, 20 Hussars
Hopkins, Francis Powell, 15 Foot
p.s.c. Home, Edmund Garland,'" 25 Foot
Houghton-Hughan, Henry, 96 Foot
Howard de Walden, Fred. Geo. Lord, ^ Hussars
Hume, Alexander,"2 loi Foot
Hume, Charles W.'ss Rifle Brigade, 4 Bn.ivest
Kent Tiegiment^ Gentleman at Arms
Hunt, Arthur,"* Militiiry Train
Hunt, John, Unattached
Hunter, Charles Fleming,'" 72 Foot
Hunter, Edward,"" 62 Foot
Hunter, Patrick, 63 Foot
Hutton, Thomas,"7 4 Hussars
Ind, Fred. John Nash,"* 37 Foot
Ingles, Walter Lawrence,"' 16 Foot '.
Inglis, William,'"" 5 Dragoon Guards
Irwin, John,'"2 88 Foot
Jackson, George Wm. Collins,'"' 7 Hussars ...
Jary, Robert Herbert Heath,'"* 12 Lancers
Jervis, Edward Lennox,'"' 6 Dragoon Guards.
.Tones, Felix Thomas,'"" 3 Foot
Jordan, Lutley,'"* 34 Foot
Kennett, Brackley H. Harrington,'"' South
Yorkshire Regiment
Keogh, Anthony Robert,'"' 14 Foot
Kneebone, Frederick,'"' 29 Foot
Kiiox, James, 33 Foot
lIiC Knox, John Simpson,'"" Rifle Brigade
Knox,irort.Wm. Stuart, 51 F. Hon. ColonelMid-
Ulster Art. Southern Diiiision Iloyal Artillery
Laohlan, Robert, 17 Foot
Lamb, Sij-Archibald, Bf. 2 Life Guards ]
Lawrie, .Tohn,'"* Depot Battalion
Lcake, Henry,'"' 70 Foot
Lnggctt, George Edward,'*" 77 Foot
'S€. Lenon, Edmund Henry,'*' 67 Foot
Leslie, Lewis Xavier,'*^ 99 Foot
Levett, Edward,'*' to Hussars
Lewis, Ralph FJtzGibbon,'**86 Foot
Lej'ne, James,'^' 59 Foot
Lloyd, Charles Fre<l., 24 Foot
Lloyd, Mathew Pennefather, 59 Foot
Look, Frederick Edward, 15 Foot
17 Feb. 65
5 Aug. 64
24 Nov. 84
20 June 54
7 May 86
18 June 72
20 Mar. So
13 Feb. 67
24 July 80-
24 June 85
20 June 54
11 Nov. 57
6 June 56
24 Dee. 60
4 J>»iy 3*
1 Jan. 5(>
19 Nov. 57
4 Mar. 5^
12 Oct. 52
2 Nov. 55
I July 81
I July 81
I Apr. 70
12 Mar. 64
5 July 72
26 Apr. 55
15 Feb. 6i
13 Dec. 53
20 May 82
24 June 76
20 June 54
1 Mar. 64
13 May 75
10 Dec. 6S
1 Oct. 77
12 Aug. 76
15 Feb. 61
9 Jan. 63
5 July 72
24 Aug. 7&
5 July 7^
17 May 61
20 July 58
20 June 54
11 Nov. 51
6 July 30
30 July 71
25 Sept. 60
8 June 67
29 Deo. 54
2 July 62
16 Oct. 66
5 July 72
18 May 81
5 Oct. 67
20 July 58
12 Aug. 86
5 July 72
15 Jan. 58
9 Nov. 66
ID Nov. 65
12 Oct. 70
6 June 56
29 May 65
I Apr. 70
12 Dec. 54
13 Mar. 78.
20 Feb. 56
II Feb. 62
21 Feb. 60
26 Feb. 76
18 Oct. 79
13 June 83
10 Feb. 77
1 Apr. 70
16 Mar. 80
8 June 7*
16 Nov. 55
13 Aug. 29
10 Apr. 83
2 Nov. 55
I Oct. 77
27 Nov. 70
19 Sept. 65
11 Nov. 51
16 Oct. 60
23 Mar. 60
I Apr. 66
I Oct. 77
23 Mar. 61
25 Dec. 67

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